improve TCP/uTP mixed mode algorithm by only taking peers into account that have outstanding requests (and want to send or expect to receive). Also throttle upload and download independently

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Arvid Norberg 2011-10-11 05:00:35 +00:00
parent 2741563711
commit 8aed4eaa7f
1 changed files with 26 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -2694,34 +2694,40 @@ namespace aux {
case session_settings::peer_proportional:
int num_tcp_peers = 0;
int num_peers = 0;
int num_peers[2][2] = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};
for (connection_map::iterator i = m_connections.begin()
, end(m_connections.end());i != end; ++i)
peer_connection& p = *(*i);
if (p.in_handshake()) continue;
if (!p.get_socket()->get<utp_stream>()) ++num_tcp_peers;
int protocol = 0;
if (p.get_socket()->get<utp_stream>()) protocol = 1;
if (p.download_queue().size() + p.request_queue().size() > 0)
if (p.upload_queue().size() > 0)
if (num_peers == 0)
if (num_tcp_peers == 0) num_tcp_peers = 1;
// these are 64 bits since they are multiplied by the number
// of peers, which otherwise might overflow an int
boost::uint64_t upload_rate = (std::max)(m_stat.upload_rate(), 20000);
boost::uint64_t download_rate = (std::max)(m_stat.download_rate(), 20000);
if (m_upload_channel.throttle()) upload_rate = m_upload_channel.throttle();
if (m_download_channel.throttle()) download_rate = m_download_channel.throttle();
bandwidth_channel* tcp_channel[] = { &m_tcp_upload_channel, &m_tcp_download_channel };
int stat_rate[] = {m_stat.upload_rate(), m_stat.download_rate() };
m_tcp_upload_channel.throttle(int(upload_rate * num_tcp_peers / num_peers));
m_tcp_download_channel.throttle(int(download_rate * num_tcp_peers / num_peers));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
// if there are no uploading uTP peers, don't throttle TCP up
if (num_peers[1][i] == 0)
if (num_peers[0][i] == 0) num_peers[0][i] = 1;
int total_peers = num_peers[0][i] + num_peers[1][i];
// this are 64 bits since it's multiplied by the number
// of peers, which otherwise might overflow an int
boost::uint64_t rate = (std::max)(stat_rate[i], 20000);
tcp_channel[i]->throttle(int(rate * num_peers[0][i] / total_peers));