The pop_alert() function on session is the interface for retrieving
-alerts, warnings, messages and errors from libtorrent. If no alerts have
-been posted by libtorrent pop_alert() will return a default initialized
-std::auto_ptr object. If there is an alert in libtorrent's queue, the alert
-from the front of the queue is popped and returned.
-You can then use the alert object and query
By default, only errors are reported. set_alert_mask() can be
-used to specify which kinds of events should be reported. The alert mask
-is comprised by bits from the category_t enum.
Every alert belongs to one or more category. There is a small cost involved in posting alerts. Only
-alerts that belong to an enabled category are posted. Setting the alert bitmask to 0 will disable
-all alerts (except those that are non-discardable).
The pop_alerts() function on session is the main interface for retrieving
+alerts (warnings, messages and errors from libtorrent). If no alerts have
+been posted by libtorrent pop_alert() will return an empty list.
By default, only errors are reported. set_alert_mask() can be used to
+specify which kinds of events should be reported. The alert mask is
+comprised by bits from the category_t enum.
Every alert belongs to one or more category. There is a small cost involved
+in posting alerts. Only alerts that belong to an enabled category are
+posted. Setting the alert bitmask to 0 will disable all alerts (except those
+that are non-discardable).
There are other alert base classes that some alerts derive from, all the
-alerts that are generated for a specific torrent are derived from torrent_alert,
-and tracker events derive from tracker_alert.
+alerts that are generated for a specific torrent are derived from
+torrent_alert, and tracker events derive from tracker_alert.
constructs a new bitfield. The default constructor creates an empty
bitfield. bits is the size of the bitfield (specified in bits).
-`` val`` is the value to initialize the bits to. If not specified
+val is the value to initialize the bits to. If not specified
all bits are initialized to 0.
The constructor taking a pointer b and bits copies a bitfield
from the specified buffer, and bits number of bits (rounded up to
@@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ It's still a binary string with 20 binary characters.
std::string identify_client (const peer_id& p);
This function is declared in the header <libtorrent/identify_client.hpp>. It can can be used
-to extract a string describing a client version from its peer-id. It will recognize most clients
-that have this kind of identification in the peer-id.
This function can can be used to extract a string describing a client
+version from its peer-id. It will recognize most clients that have this
+kind of identification in the peer-id.
@@ -394,10 +394,10 @@ that have this kind of identification in the peer-id.
Returns an optional fingerprint if any can be identified from the peer id. This can be used
-to automate the identification of clients. It will not be able to identify peers with non-
-standard encodings. Only Azureus style, Shadow's style and Mainline style. This function is
-declared in the header <libtorrent/identify_client.hpp>.
Returns an optional fingerprint if any can be identified from the peer
+id. This can be used to automate the identification of clients. It will
+not be able to identify peers with non- standard encodings. Only Azureus
+style, Shadow's style and Mainline style.