diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index e2961b375..3bb2641d4 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -41,19 +41,15 @@ addons: before_install: - git submodule update --init --recursive - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]; then brew update > /dev/null && brew install ccache boost-build; fi + - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then travis_retry brew install boost-python python2; fi' # we have to use python from brew rather than the system provided python # because of OSX System Integrity Protection, which prevents injecting # user-libraries (i.e. python modules) into system binaries (i.e. /usr/bin/python) - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" && $docs = "1" ]]; then - easy_install --user docutils; - mkdir -p /Users/travis/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages; - echo ''import site; site.addsitedir("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages")'' >> /Users/travis/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth; - easy_install --user Pygments; - easy_install --user aafigure; + pip install docutils; + pip install Pygments; brew install graphviz hunspell; - easy_install --user Pillow; fi' - - 'if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then travis_retry brew install boost-python python2; fi' # disable simulations on OSX for now. It hangs on travis - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]; then export toolset="darwin-${lang}"; fi @@ -106,7 +102,7 @@ install: ;" >>~/user-config.jam' - 'echo "using python : 2.7 ;" >> ~/user-config.jam' - ccache -V && ccache --show-stats && ccache --zero-stats - - if [[ $docs == "1" && $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then /Users/travis/Library/Python/2.7/bin/rst2html.py --version; fi + - if [[ $docs == "1" && $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then rst2html.py --version; fi - cat ~/user-config.jam - which python2 @@ -114,7 +110,7 @@ install: script: # disable invoking docutils for now, until we can have a modern version of it - cd docs - - if [[ $docs == "1" && $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then make spell-check RST2HTML=/Users/travis/Library/Python/2.7/bin/rst2html.py AAFIGURE=echo; fi + - if [[ $docs == "1" && $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "osx" ]]; then make spell-check RST2HTML=rst2html.py AAFIGURE=echo; fi - cd .. - cd test