add script to run some unit tests with code coverage

This commit is contained in:
Arvid Norberg 2015-02-12 03:17:20 +00:00
parent 72d015c86a
commit 48b6eb1798
1 changed files with 37 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,41 @@
function run_test {
rm $OBJECT_PATH/*.gcda
cd test
rm -rf bin
bjam asserts=off invariant-checks=off link=static boost=source test-coverage=on picker-debugging=off -j4 $1
cd ..
lcov -d $OBJECT_PATH/ -c -o coverage_$1_full
lcov --extract coverage_$1_full "$2" -o coverage_$1
rm -rf $1_coverage
genhtml -o $1_coverage -t $1 --num-spaces 4 coverage_$1
# force rebuilding and rerunning the unit tests
cd test
bjam asserts=off invariant-checks=off link=static boost=source test-coverage=on picker-debugging=off -j4
rm -rf bin
cd ..
lcov --zerocounters -q
lcov -d bin/gcc-4.8/debug/asserts-off/boost-source/debug-iterators-on/export-extra-on/invariant-checks-off/link-static/logging-on/picker-debugging-off/test-coverage-on/threading-multi/src/ -c -o coverage
lcov --remove coverage "/usr*" -o coverage
lcov --remove coverage "*/boost/*" -o coverage
genhtml -o test_coverage -t "libtorrent test coverage" --num-spaces 4 coverage
run_test test_piece_picker "*/piece_picker.*"
run_test test_torrent_info "*/torrent_info.*"
run_test test_part_file "*/part_file.*"
run_test test_http_parser "*/http_parser.*"
run_test test_ip_filter "*/ip_filter.*"
run_test test_utp "*/utp_stream.*"
run_test test_peer_list "*/peer_list.*"
run_test test_gzip "*/gzip.cpp"
run_test test_file_storage "*/file_storage.*"
run_test test_storage "*/storage.*"
run_test test_xml "*/xml_parse.*"
run_test test_sliding_average "*/sliding_average.*"
run_test test_string "*/escape_string.*"
run_test test_utf8 "*/ConvertUTF.*"