@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ void bind_session_settings()
.def_readwrite("cache_buffer_chunk_size", &session_settings::cache_buffer_chunk_size)
.def_readwrite("cache_expiry", &session_settings::cache_expiry)
.def_readwrite("use_read_cache", &session_settings::use_read_cache)
.def_readwrite("explicit_read_cache", &session_settings::explicit_read_cache)
.def_readwrite("explicit_cache_interval", &session_settings::explicit_cache_interval)
.def_readwrite("disk_io_write_mode", &session_settings::disk_io_write_mode)
.def_readwrite("disk_io_read_mode", &session_settings::disk_io_read_mode)
.def_readwrite("coalesce_reads", &session_settings::coalesce_reads)
@ -956,17 +956,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// torrents.
int m_auto_scrape_time_scaler;
// the index of the torrent that we'll
// refresh the next time
int m_next_explicit_cache_torrent;
// this is a counter of the number of seconds until
// the next time the read cache is rotated, if we're
// using an explicit read read cache.
int m_cache_rotation_timer;
// the index of the torrent that we'll
// refresh the next time
int m_next_suggest_torrent;
@ -451,26 +451,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// once we want to calculate the piece hash
bool dont_flush_write_cache;
// defaults to 0. If set to something greater than 0, the disk read cache
// will not be evicted by cache misses and will explicitly be controlled
// based on the rarity of pieces. Rare pieces are more likely to be
// cached. This would typically be used together with ``suggest_mode``
// set to ``suggest_read_cache``. The value is the number of pieces to
// keep in the read cache. If the actual read cache can't fit as many, it
// will essentially be clamped.
bool explicit_read_cache;
// the number of seconds in between each refresh of a part of the
// explicit read cache. Torrents take turns in refreshing and this is the
// time in between each torrent refresh. Refreshing a torrent's explicit
// read cache means scanning all pieces and picking a random set of the
// rarest ones. There is an affinity to pick pieces that are already in
// the cache, so that subsequent refreshes only swaps in pieces that are
// rarer than whatever is in the cache at the time.
int explicit_cache_interval;
// the buffer modes to use for reading and writing. Set
// session_settings::disk_io_read_mode and disk_io_write_mode to one of
// these.
@ -284,20 +284,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// hash
// ``explicit_read_cache`` defaults to 0. If set to something greater
// than 0, the disk read cache will not be evicted by cache misses and
// will explicitly be controlled based on the rarity of pieces. Rare
// pieces are more likely to be cached. This would typically be used
// together with ``suggest_mode`` set to ``suggest_read_cache``. The
// value is the number of pieces to keep in the read cache. If the
// actual read cache can't fit as many, it will essentially be
// clamped.
// allocate separate, contiguous, buffers for read and write calls.
// Only used where writev/readv cannot be used will use more RAM but
// may improve performance
@ -942,20 +928,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// ``explicit_cache_interval`` is the number of seconds in between
// each refresh of a part of the explicit read cache. Torrents take
// turns in refreshing and this is the time in between each torrent
// refresh. Refreshing a torrent's explicit read cache means scanning
// all pieces and picking a random set of the rarest ones. There is an
// affinity to pick pieces that are already in the cache, so that
// subsequent refreshes only swaps in pieces that are rarer than
// whatever is in the cache at the time.
// determines how files are opened when they're in read only mode
// versus read and write mode. The options are:
@ -655,10 +655,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
void get_peer_info(std::vector<peer_info>* v);
void get_download_queue(std::vector<partial_piece_info>* queue) const;
void refresh_explicit_cache(int cache_size);
void add_suggest_piece(int piece);
void update_suggest_piece(int index, int change);
void update_auto_sequential();
@ -1135,8 +1131,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
void set_limit_impl(int limit, int channel, bool state_update = true);
int limit_impl(int channel) const;
void refresh_explicit_cache_impl(disk_io_job const* j, int cache_size);
int prioritize_tracker(int tracker_index);
int deprioritize_tracker(int tracker_index);
@ -308,32 +308,6 @@ TORRENT_TEST(stop_start_seed_graceful)
test_stop_start_download(swarm_test::upload, true);
setup_swarm(2, swarm_test::download
// add session
, [](lt::settings_pack& pack) {
pack.set_int(settings_pack::suggest_mode, settings_pack::suggest_read_cache);
pack.set_bool(settings_pack::explicit_read_cache, true);
pack.set_int(settings_pack::explicit_cache_interval, 5);
// add torrent
, [](lt::add_torrent_params& params) {}
// on alert
, [](lt::alert const* a, lt::session& ses) {}
// terminate
, [](int ticks, lt::session& ses) -> bool
if (ticks > 80)
return true;
if (!is_seed(ses)) return false;
return true;
setup_swarm(2, swarm_test::download
@ -397,10 +397,6 @@ namespace aux {
, m_optimistic_unchoke_time_scaler(0)
, m_disconnect_time_scaler(90)
, m_auto_scrape_time_scaler(180)
, m_next_explicit_cache_torrent(0)
, m_cache_rotation_timer(0)
, m_next_suggest_torrent(0)
, m_suggest_timer(0)
, m_peak_up_rate(0)
@ -3439,44 +3435,6 @@ namespace aux {
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// refresh explicit disk read cache
// --------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_settings.get_bool(settings_pack::explicit_read_cache)
&& m_cache_rotation_timer <= 0)
m_cache_rotation_timer = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::explicit_cache_interval);
torrent_map::iterator least_recently_refreshed = m_torrents.begin();
if (m_next_explicit_cache_torrent >= int(m_torrents.size()))
m_next_explicit_cache_torrent = 0;
std::advance(least_recently_refreshed, m_next_explicit_cache_torrent);
// how many blocks does this torrent get?
int cache_size = (std::max)(0, m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::cache_size) * 9 / 10);
if (m_connections.empty())
// if we don't have any connections at all, split the
// cache evenly across all torrents
cache_size = cache_size / (std::max)(int(m_torrents.size()), 1);
cache_size = cache_size * least_recently_refreshed->second->num_peers()
/ int(m_connections.size());
if (least_recently_refreshed != m_torrents.end())
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// connect new peers
// --------------------------------------------------------------
@ -156,7 +156,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
SET(use_read_cache, true, 0),
DEPRECATED_SET(use_write_cache, true, 0),
SET(dont_flush_write_cache, false, 0),
DEPRECATED_SET(explicit_read_cache, false, 0),
SET(coalesce_reads, false, 0),
SET(coalesce_writes, false, 0),
SET(auto_manage_prefer_seeds, false, 0),
@ -255,7 +254,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
SET(cache_size, 1024, 0),
SET(cache_buffer_chunk_size, 0, &session_impl::update_cache_buffer_chunk_size),
SET(cache_expiry, 300, 0),
DEPRECATED_SET(explicit_cache_interval, 30, 0),
SET(disk_io_write_mode, settings_pack::enable_os_cache, 0),
SET(disk_io_read_mode, settings_pack::enable_os_cache, 0),
SET(outgoing_port, 0, 0),
@ -9864,107 +9864,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// TODO: 2 this should probably be removed
void torrent::refresh_explicit_cache(int cache_size)
if (!ready_for_connections()) return;
if (m_abort) return;
if (!is_loaded()) return;
// rotate the cached pieces
cache_status status;
m_ses.disk_thread().get_cache_info(&status, false, m_storage.get());
// add blocks_per_piece / 2 in order to round to closest whole piece
int blocks_per_piece = m_torrent_file->piece_length() / block_size();
int num_cache_pieces = (cache_size + blocks_per_piece / 2) / blocks_per_piece;
if (num_cache_pieces > m_torrent_file->num_pieces())
num_cache_pieces = m_torrent_file->num_pieces();
std::vector<int> avail_vec;
if (has_picker())
// we don't keep track of availability, do it the expensive way
// do a linear search from the first piece
for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_pieces(); ++i)
int availability = 0;
if (!have_piece(i))
for (const_peer_iterator j = this->begin(); j != this->end(); ++j)
if ((*j)->has_piece(i)) ++availability;
// now pick the num_cache_pieces rarest pieces from avail_vec
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > pieces(m_torrent_file->num_pieces());
for (int i = 0; i < m_torrent_file->num_pieces(); ++i)
pieces[i].second = i;
if (!have_piece(i)) pieces[i].first = INT_MAX;
else pieces[i].first = avail_vec[i];
// remove write cache entries
status.pieces.erase(std::remove_if(status.pieces.begin(), status.pieces.end()
, boost::bind(&cached_piece_info::kind, _1) == cached_piece_info::write_cache)
, status.pieces.end());
// decrease the availability of the pieces that are
// already in the read cache, to move them closer to
// the beginning of the pieces list, and more likely
// to be included in this round of cache pieces
for (std::vector<cached_piece_info>::iterator i = status.pieces.begin()
, end(status.pieces.end()); i != end; ++i)
std::random_shuffle(pieces.begin(), pieces.end(), randint);
std::stable_sort(pieces.begin(), pieces.end()
, boost::bind(&std::pair<int, int>::first, _1) <
boost::bind(&std::pair<int, int>::first, _2));
for (int i = 0; i < num_cache_pieces; ++i)
if (pieces[i].first == INT_MAX) break;
if (!avail_vec.empty())
// the number of pieces to cache for this torrent is proportional
// the number of peers it has, divided by the total number of peers.
// Each peer gets an equal share of the cache
avail_vec.resize((std::min)(num_cache_pieces, int(avail_vec.size())));
for (std::vector<int>::iterator i = avail_vec.begin()
, end(avail_vec.end()); i != end; ++i)
m_ses.disk_thread().async_cache_piece(m_storage.get(), *i
, boost::bind(&torrent::on_disk_cache_complete
, shared_from_this(), _1));
void torrent::sent_bytes(int bytes_payload, int bytes_protocol)
m_stat.sent_bytes(bytes_payload, bytes_protocol);
Reference in New Issue