From 3a9d7fc66d86535caf75ff4132c6b153a3af51cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arvid Norberg Contents libtorrent has a plugin interface for implementing extensions to the protocol.
@@ -250,8 +251,8 @@ checked. If there are no files to check, this function is called immediately.
enum flags_t { first_time = 1, @@ -341,6 +342,42 @@ buffer and transferres ownership and responsibility to free it to the caller.A disk buffer is freed by passing it to session_impl::free_disk_buffer().buffer() returns the pointer without transferring responsibility. If this buffer has been released, buffer() will return 0.
Since plugins are running within internal libtorrent threads, one convenient +way to communicate with the client is to post custom alerts.
+The expected interface of any alert, apart from deriving from the alert +base class, looks like this:
++const static int alert_type = <unique alert ID>; +virtual int type() const { return alert_type; } + +virtual std::string message() const; + +virtual std::auto_ptr<alert> clone() const +{ return std::auto_ptr<alert>(new name(*this)); } + +const static int static_category = <bitmask of alert::category_t flags>; +virtual int category() const { return static_category; } + +virtual char const* what() const { return <string literal of the name of this alert>; } ++
The alert_type is used for the type-checking in alert_cast. It must not collide with +any other alert. The built-in alerts in libtorrent will not use alert type IDs greater than +user_alert_id. When defining your own alert, make sure it's greater than this constant.
+type() is the run-time equivalence of the alert_type.
+The message() virtual function is expected to construct a useful string representation +of the alert and the event or data it represents. Something convenient to put in a log file +for instance.
+clone() is used internally to copy alerts. The suggested implementation of simply +allocating a new instance as a copy of *this is all that's expected.
+The static category is required for checking wether or not the category for a specific alert +is enabled or not, without instantiating the alert. The category virtual function is +the run-time equivalence.
+The what() virtual function may simply be a string literal of the class name of +your alert.
+For more information, see the alert section in the main manual.