updated docs

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Arvid Norberg 2004-04-17 15:17:43 +00:00
parent 3b5364ab05
commit 1b0c908d38
3 changed files with 990 additions and 405 deletions

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@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ If you're building in developer studio, you may have to set the compiler options
"Enable Run-Time Type Info" to Yes.
If you're building in developer studio 6, you will probably have to use the previous
version of boost, `boost 1.30.2`__. And you'll definately have to use the latest service
pack (sp5).
version of boost, `boost 1.30.2`__. And you'll definately have to use at least service
pack 5 (sp5).
__ http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586&package_id=8041&release_id=178835
@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ the ``session``, it contains the main loop that serves all torrents.
The basic usage is as follows:
* conststruct a session
* parse .torrent-files and add them to the session
* main loop
* query the torrent_handles for progress
* parse .torrent-files and add them to the session (see `bdecode() bencode()`_)
* main loop (see session_)
* query the torrent_handles for progress (see torrent_handle_)
* query the session for information
* add and remove torrents from the session at run-time
* destruct all torrent_handles
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ The ``session`` class has the following synopsis::
class session: public boost::noncopyable
session(const fingerprint& print = libtorrent::fingerprint("LT, 0, 1, 0, 0));
session(const fingerprint& print = libtorrent::fingerprint("LT", 0, 1, 0, 0));
const fingerprint& print
@ -219,13 +219,14 @@ The ``session`` class has the following synopsis::
, const char* listen_interface = 0);
torrent_handle add_torrent(
const torrent_info& t
, const boost::filesystem::path& save_path
, const entry& resume_data = entry());
torrent_info const& t
, boost::filesystem::path const& save_path
, entry const& resume_data = entry());
void remove_torrent(const torrent_handle& h);
void remove_torrent(torrent_handle const& h);
void set_http_settings(const http_settings& settings);
void set_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
void set_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ The ``session`` class has the following synopsis::
unsigned short listen_port() const;
bool listen_on(
std::pair<int, int> const& port_range
, const char* interface = 0);
, char const* interface = 0);
std::auto_ptr<alert> pop_alert();
@ -241,34 +242,84 @@ The ``session`` class has the following synopsis::
Once it's created, it will spawn the main thread that will do all the work.
Once it's created, the session object will spawn the main thread that will do all the work.
The main thread will be idle as long it doesn't have any torrents to participate in.
You add torrents through the ``add_torrent()``-function where you give an
session(const fingerprint& print = libtorrent::fingerprint("LT", 0, 1, 0, 0));
const fingerprint& print
, std::pair<int, int> listen_port_range
, const char* listen_interface = 0);
If the fingerprint in the first overload is ommited, the client will get a default
fingerprint stating the version of libtorrent. The fingerprint is a short string that will be
used in the peer-id to identify the client and the client's version. For more details see the
fingerprint_ class. The constructor that only takes a fingerprint will not open a
listen port for the session, to get it running you'll have to call ``session::listen_on()``.
The other constructor, that takes a port range and an interface as well as the fingerprint
will automatically try to listen on a port on the given interface. For more information about
the parameters, see ``listen_on()`` function.
The destructor of session will notify all trackers that our torrents has been shut down.
If some trackers are down, they will timout. All this before the destructor of session
returns. So, it's adviced that any kind of interface (such as windows) are closed before
destructing the sessoin object. Because it can take a few second for it to finish. The
timeout can be set with ``set_http_settings()``.
torrent_handle add_torrent(
torrent_info const& t
, boost::filesystem::path const& save_path
, entry const& resume_data = entry());
You add torrents through the ``add_torrent()`` function where you give an
object representing the information found in the torrent file and the path where you
want to save the files. The ``save_path`` will be prepended to the directory
structure in the torrent-file. ``add_torrent`` will throw duplicate_torrent_ exception
if the torrent already exists in the session.
The optional last parameter, ``resume_data`` can be given if up to date fast-resume data
is available. The fast-resume data can be acquired from a running torrent by calling
``torrent_handle::write_resume_data()``. See `fast resume`_.
``remove_torrent()`` will close all peer connections associated with the torrent and tell
the tracker that we've stopped participating in the swarm.
structure in the torrent-file.
If the torrent you are trying to add already exists in the session (is either queued
for checking, being checked or downloading) ``add_torrent()`` will throw
duplicate_torrent_ which derives from ``std::exception``.
The difference between the two constructors is that one of them takes a fingerprint
as argument. If this is ommited, the client will get a default fingerprint stating
the version of libtorrent. The fingerprint is a short string that will be used in
the peer-id to identify the client and the client's version. For more details see the
fingerprint class. The constructor that only takes a finger print will not open a
listen port for the session, to get it running you'll have to call ``session::listen_on()``.
The other constructor, that takes a port range and an interface as well as the fingerprint
will automatically try to listen on a port on the given interface. For more information about
the parameters, see ``listen_on()`` function.
The optional last parameter, ``resume_data`` can be given if up to date fast-resume data
is available. The fast-resume data can be acquired from a running torrent by calling
``torrent_handle::write_resume_data()``. See `fast resume`_.
The torrent_handle_ returned by ``add_torrent()`` can be used to retrieve information
about the torrent's progress, its peers etc. It is also used to abort a torrent.
void remove_torrent(torrent_handle const& h);
``remove_torrent()`` will close all peer connections associated with the torrent and tell
the tracker that we've stopped participating in the swarm.
set_upload_rate_limit() set_downlad_rate_limit()
void set_upload_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
void set_download_rate_limit(int bytes_per_second);
``set_upload_rate_limit()`` set the maximum number of bytes allowed to be
sent to peers per second. This bandwidth is distributed among all the peers. If
@ -276,6 +327,18 @@ you don't want to limit upload rate, you can set this to -1 (the default).
``set_download_rate_limit()`` works the same way but for download rate instead
of upload rate.
is_listening() listen_port() listen_on()
bool is_listening() const;
unsigned short listen_port() const;
bool listen_on(
std::pair<int, int> const& port_range
, char const* interface = 0);
``is_listening()`` will tell you wether or not the session has successfully
opened a listening port. If it hasn't, this function will return false, and
then you can use ``listen_on()`` to make another try.
@ -297,81 +360,18 @@ generate an appropriate alert (listen_failed_alert_).
The interface parameter can also be a hostname that will resolve to the device you
want to listen on.
The destructor of session will notify all trackers that our torrents has been shut down.
If some trackers are down, they will timout. All this before the destructor of session
returns. So, it's adviced that any kind of interface (such as windows) are closed before
destructing the sessoin object. Because it can take a few second for it to finish. The
timeout can be set with ``set_http_settings()``.
The torrent_handle_ returned by ``add_torrent`` can be used to retrieve information
about the torrent's progress, its peers etc. It is also used to abort a torrent.
pop_alert() set_severity_level()
The constructor takes a range of listen ports as argument, if the first port is busy it will
increase the port number by one and try again. If it still fails it will continue
increasing the port number until it succeeds or has reached the end of the range. If it
fails with all ports, a listen_failed_alert_ will be posted and the session thread will
exit. The only thing you can do with your session if this alert is posted is to destruct
it and possibly try again or change the port range. The listen interaface string is
the name (ip address) of the interface you want to listen on. If this is left as
0, the os will decide which interface to listen on (works in most cases). All torrents
will use this interface to open outgoing connections on by default. You can change
which interface to use for outgoing connections on a per torrent basis. See torrent_handle_.
For information about the ``pop_alert()`` function, see alerts_.
std::auto_ptr<alert> pop_alert();
void set_severity_level(alert::severity_t s);
parsing torrent files
The torrent files are bencoded__. There are two functions in libtorrent that can encode and decode
bencoded data. They are::
template<class InIt> entry bdecode(InIt start, InIt end);
template<class OutIt> void bencode(OutIt out, const entry& e);
__ http://wiki.theory.org/index.php/BitTorrentSpecification
The entry_ class is the internal representation of the bencoded data
and it can be used to retreive information, an entry_ can also be build by
the program and given to ``bencode()`` to encode it into the ``OutIt``
The ``OutIt`` and ``InIt`` are iterators
(``InputIterator_`` and ``OutputIterator_`` respectively). They
are templates and are usually instantiated as ``ostream_iterator_``,
``back_insert_iterator_`` or ``istream_iterator_``. These
functions will assume that the iterator refers to a character
(``char``). So, if you want to encode entry ``e`` into a buffer
in memory, you can do it like this::
std::vector<char> buffer;
bencode(std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<char> >(buf), e);
.. _InputIterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html
.. _OutputIterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/OutputIterator.html
.. _ostream_iterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ostream_iterator.html
.. _back_insert_iterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/back_insert_iterator.html
.. _istream_iterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/istream_iterator.html
If you want to decode a torrent file from a buffer in memory, you can do it like this::
std::vector<char> buffer;
// ...
entry e = bdecode(buf.begin(), buf.end());
Or, if you have a raw char buffer::
const char* buf;
// ...
entry e = bdecode(buf, buf + data_size);
Now we just need to know how to retrieve information from the entry_.
If ``bdecode()`` encounters invalid encoded data in the range given to it
it will throw invalid_encoding_.
``pop_alert()`` is used to ask the session if any errors or events has occured. With
``set_severity_level()`` you can filter how serious the event has to be for you to
receive it through ``pop_alert()``. For information, see alerts_.
@ -419,13 +419,13 @@ or a string. This is its synopsis::
void operator=(const integer_type&);
integer_type& integer();
const integer_type& integer() const;
integer_type const& integer() const;
string_type& string();
const string_type& string() const;
string_type const& string() const;
list_type& list();
const list_type& list() const;
list_type const& list() const;
dictionary_type& dict();
const dictionary_type& dict() const;
dictionary_type const& dict() const;
// these functions requires that the entry
// is a dictionary, otherwise they will throw
@ -439,6 +439,22 @@ or a string. This is its synopsis::
void print(std::ostream& os, int indent = 0) const;
*TODO: finish documentation of entry.*
integer() string() list() dict() type()
integer_type& integer();
integer_type const& integer() const;
string_type& string();
string_type const& string() const;
list_type& list();
list_type const& list() const;
dictionary_type& dict();
dictionary_type const& dict() const;
The ``integer()``, ``string()``, ``list()`` and ``dict()`` functions
are accessorts that return the respecive type. If the ``entry`` object isn't of the
type you request, the accessor will throw type_error_ (which derives from
@ -521,6 +537,17 @@ The ``torrent_info`` has the following synopsis::
const sha1_hash& hash_for_piece(unsigned int index) const;
begin_files() end_files() rbegin_files() rend_files()
file_iterator begin_files() const;
file_iterator end_files() const;
reverse_file_iterator rbegin_files() const;
reverse_file_iterator rend_files() const;
This class will need some explanation. First of all, to get a list of all files
in the torrent, you can use ``begin_files()``, ``end_files()``,
``rbegin_files()`` and ``rend_files()``. These will give you standard vector
@ -534,13 +561,37 @@ iterators with the type ``file_entry``.
size_type size;
num_files() file_at()
int num_files() const;
const file_entry& file_at(int index) const;
If you need index-access to files you can use the ``num_files()`` and ``file_at()``
to access files using indices.
void print(std::ostream& os) const;
The ``print()`` function is there for debug purposes only. It will print the info from
the torrent file to the given outstream.
``name()`` returns the name of the torrent.
trackers() prioritize_tracker()
const std::vector<announce_entry>& trackers() const;
int prioritize_tracker(int index);
The ``trackers()`` function will return a sorted vector of ``announce_entry``.
Each announce entry contains a string, which is the tracker url, and a tier index. The
@ -563,6 +614,17 @@ specification_.
.. _specification: http://home.elp.rr.com/tur/multitracker-spec.txt
total_size() piece_length() piece_size() num_pieces()
size_type total_size() const;
size_type piece_length() const;
size_type piece_size(unsigned int index) const;
int num_pieces() const;
``total_size()``, ``piece_length()`` and ``num_pieces()`` returns the total
number of bytes the torrent-file represents (all the files in it), the number of byte for
each piece and the total number of pieces, respectively. The difference between
@ -571,10 +633,31 @@ the piece index as argument and gives you the exact size of that piece. It will
be the same as ``piece_length()`` except in the case of the last piece, which may
be smaller.
hash_for_piece() info_hash()
size_type piece_size(unsigned int index) const;
const sha1_hash& hash_for_piece(unsigned int index) const;
``hash_for_piece()`` takes a piece-index and returns the 20-bytes sha1-hash for that
piece and ``info_hash()`` returns the 20-bytes sha1-hash for the info-section of the
torrent file. For more information on the ``sha1_hash``, see the big_number_ class.
name() comment() creation_date()
const std::stirng& name() const;
const std::string& comment() const;
boost::optional<boost::posix_time::ptime> creation_date() const;
``name()`` returns the name of the torrent.
``comment()`` returns the comment associated with the torrent. If there's no comment,
it will return an empty string. ``creation_date()`` returns a `boost::posix_time::ptime`__
object, representing the time when this torrent file was created. If there's no timestamp
@ -599,12 +682,12 @@ Its declaration looks like this::
torrent_status status();
void get_download_queue(std::vector<partial_piece_info>& queue);
void get_peer_info(std::vector<peer_info>& v);
const torrent_info& get_torrent_info();
torrent_info const& get_torrent_info();
bool is_valid();
entry write_resume_data();
void force_reannounce();
void connect_peer(const address& adr) const;
void connect_peer(address const& adr) const;
void set_tracker_login(std::string const& username, std::string const& password);
@ -613,7 +696,7 @@ Its declaration looks like this::
void set_max_connections(int max_connections);
void set_upload_limit(int limit);
void set_download_limit(int limit);
void use_interface(const char* net_interface);
void use_interface(char const* net_interface);
void pause();
void resume();
@ -632,19 +715,51 @@ The default constructor will initialize the handle to an invalid state. Which me
perform any operation on it, unless you first assign it a valid handle. If you try to perform
any operation on an uninitialized handle, it will throw ``invalid_handle``.
``save_path()`` returns the path that was given to ``add_torrent()`` when this torrent
boost::filsystem::path save_path() const;
``save_path()`` returns the path that was given to `add_torrent()`_ when this torrent
was started.
void force_reannounce();
``force_reannounce()`` will force this torrent to do another tracker request, to receive new
peers. If the torrent is invalid, queued or in checking mode, this functions will throw
void connect_peer(address const& adr) const;
``connect_peer()`` is a way to manually connect to peers that one believe is a part of the
torrent. If the peer does not respond, or is not a member of this torrent, it will simply
be disconnected. No harm can be done by using this other than an unnecessary connection
attempt is made. If the torrent is uninitialized or in queued or checking mode, this
will throw invalid_handle_.
void set_ratio(float ratio);
``set_ratio()`` sets the desired download / upload ratio. If set to 0, it is considered being
infinite. i.e. the client will always upload as much as it can, no matter how much it gets back
in return. With this setting it will work much like the standard clients.
@ -654,6 +769,15 @@ attempt to upload in return for each download. e.g. if set to 2, the client will
2 bytes for every byte received. The default setting for this is 0, which will make it work
as a standard client.
set_upload_limit() set_download_limit()
void set_upload_limit(int limit);
void set_download_limit(int limit);
``set_upload_limit`` will limit the upload bandwidth used by this particular torrent to the
limit you set. It is given as the number of bytes per second the torrent is allowed to upload.
``set_download_limit`` works the same way but for download bandwidth instead of upload bandwidth.
@ -661,19 +785,63 @@ Note that setting i higher limit on a torrent then the global limit (``session::
will not override the global rate limit. The torrent can never upload more than the global rate
pause() resume() is_paused()
void pause();
void resume();
bool is_paused() const;
``pause()``, and ``resume()`` will disconnect all peers and reconnect all peers respectively.
When a torrent is paused, it will however remember all share ratios to all peers and remember
all potential (not connected) peers. You can use ``is_paused()`` to determine if a torrent
is currently paused. Torrents may be paused automatically if there is a file error (eg. disk full)
or something similar. See file_error_alert_.
void set_tracker_login(std::string const& username, std::string const& password);
``set_tracker_login()`` sets a username and password that will be sent along in the HTTP-request
of the tracker announce. Set this if the tracker requires authorization.
``use_interface()`` sets the network interface this torrent will use when it opens outgoing
connections. By default, it uses the same interface as the session_ uses to listen on.
``info_hash()`` returns the info hash for the torrent.
void use_interface(char const* net_interface);
``use_interface()`` sets the network interface this torrent will use when it opens outgoing
connections. By default, it uses the same interface as the session_ uses to listen on. The
parameter can be a string containing an ip-address or a hostname.
sha1_hash info_hash() const;
``info_hash()`` returns the info-hash for the torrent.
set_max_uploads() set_max_connections()
void set_max_uploads(int max_uploads);
void set_max_connections(int max_connections);
``set_max_uploads()`` sets the maximum number of peers that's unchoked at the same time on this
torrent. If you set this to -1, there will be no limit.
@ -683,15 +851,115 @@ connections are used up, incoming connections may be refused or poor connections
This must be at least 2. The default is unlimited number of connections. If -1 is given to the
function, it means unlimited.
``write_resume_data()`` generates fast-resume data and returns it as an entry. This entry
entry write_resume_data();
``write_resume_data()`` generates fast-resume data and returns it as an entry_. This entry_
is suitable for being bencoded. For more information about how fast-resume works, see `fast resume`_.
It may throw invalid_handle_ if the torrent handle is invalid.
torrent_status status();
``status()`` will return a structure with information about the status of this
torrent. If the torrent_handle_ is invalid, it will throw invalid_handle_ exception.
See torrent_status_.
void get_download_queue(std::vector<partial_piece_info>& queue);
``get_download_queue()`` takes a non-const reference to a vector which it will fill with
information about pieces that are partially downloaded or not downloaded at all but partially
requested. The entry in the vector (``partial_piece_info``) looks like this::
struct partial_piece_info
enum { max_blocks_per_piece };
int piece_index;
int blocks_in_piece;
std::bitset<max_blocks_per_piece> requested_blocks;
std::bitset<max_blocks_per_piece> finished_blocks;
peer_id peer[max_blocks_per_piece];
int num_downloads[max_blocks_per_piece];
``piece_index`` is the index of the piece in question. ``blocks_in_piece`` is the
number of blocks in this particular piece. This number will be the same for most pieces, but
the last piece may have fewer blocks than the standard pieces.
``requested_blocks`` is a bitset with one bit per block in the piece. If a bit is set, it
means that that block has been requested, but not necessarily fully downloaded yet. To know
from whom the block has been requested, have a look in the ``peer`` array. The bit-index
in the ``requested_blocks`` and ``finished_blocks`` correspons to the array-index into
``peers`` and ``num_downloads``. The array of peers is contains the id of the
peer the piece was requested from. If a piece hasn't been requested (the bit in
``requested_blocks`` is not set) the peer array entry will be undefined.
The ``finished_blocks`` is a bitset where each bit says if the block is fully downloaded
or not. And the ``num_downloads`` array says how many times that block has been downloaded.
When a piece fails a hash verification, single blocks may be redownloaded to see if the hash teast
may pass then.
void get_peer_info(std::vector<peer_info>&);
``get_peer_info()`` takes a reference to a vector that will be cleared and filled
with one entry for each peer connected to this torrent, given the handle is valid. If the
torrent_handle_ is invalid, it will throw invalid_handle_ exception. Each entry in
the vector contains information about that particular peer. See peer_info_.
torrent_info const& get_torrent_info();
Returns a const reference to the torrent_info_ object associated with this torrent.
This reference is valid as long as the torrent_handle_ is valid, no longer. If the
torrent_handle_ is invalid, invalid_handle_ exception will be thrown.
bool is_valid() const;
Returns true if this handle refers to a valid torrent and false if it hasn't been initialized
or if the torrent it refers to has been aborted. Note that a handle may become invalid after
it has been added to the session. Usually this is because the storage for the torrent is
somehow invalid or if the filenames are not allowed (and hence cannot be opened/created) on
your filesystem. If such an error occurs, a file_error_alert_ is generated and all handles
that refers to that torrent will become invalid.
It contains the following fields::
struct torrent_status
@ -785,50 +1053,12 @@ all peers. The rates are given as the number of bytes per second.
``total_done`` is the total number of bytes of the file(s) that we have.
``get_download_queue()`` takes a non-const reference to a vector which it will fill with
information about pieces that are partially downloaded or not downloaded at all but partially
requested. The entry in the vector (``partial_piece_info``) looks like this::
struct partial_piece_info
enum { max_blocks_per_piece };
int piece_index;
int blocks_in_piece;
std::bitset<max_blocks_per_piece> requested_blocks;
std::bitset<max_blocks_per_piece> finished_blocks;
peer_id peer[max_blocks_per_piece];
int num_downloads[max_blocks_per_piece];
``piece_index`` is the index of the piece in question. ``blocks_in_piece`` is the
number of blocks in this particular piece. This number will be the same for most pieces, but
the last piece may have fewer blocks than the standard pieces.
``requested_blocks`` is a bitset with one bit per block in the piece. If a bit is set, it
means that that block has been requested, but not necessarily fully downloaded yet. To know
from whom the block has been requested, have a look in the ``peer`` array. The bit-index
in the ``requested_blocks`` and ``finished_blocks`` correspons to the array-index into
``peers`` and ``num_downloads``. The array of peers is contains the id of the
peer the piece was requested from. If a piece hasn't been requested (the bit in
``requested_blocks`` is not set) the peer array entry will be undefined.
The ``finished_blocks`` is a bitset where each bit says if the block is fully downloaded
or not. And the ``num_downloads`` array says how many times that block has been downloaded.
When a piece fails a hash verification, single blocks may be redownloaded to see if the hash teast
may pass then.
``get_peer_info()`` takes a reference to a vector that will be cleared and filled
with one entry for each peer connected to this torrent, given the handle is valid. If the
torrent_handle_ is invalid, it will throw invalid_handle_ exception. Each entry in
the vector contains information about that particular peer. It contains the following
It contains the following fields::
struct peer_info
@ -898,7 +1128,7 @@ the payload data.
``id`` is the peer's id as used in the bit torrent protocol. This id can be used to
extract 'fingerprints' from the peer. Sometimes it can tell you which client the peer
is using. See identify_client_
is using. See identify_client()_
``pieces`` is a vector of booleans that has as many entries as there are pieces
in the torrent. Each boolean tells you if the peer has that piece (if it's set to true)
@ -934,25 +1164,6 @@ of bytes of this block we have received from the peer, and ``downloading_total``
the total number of bytes in this block.
Returns a const reference to the torrent_info_ object associated with this torrent.
This reference is valid as long as the torrent_handle_ is valid, no longer. If the
torrent_handle_ is invalid, invalid_handle_ exception will be thrown.
Returns true if this handle refers to a valid torrent and false if it hasn't been initialized
or if the torrent it refers to has been aborted. Note that a handle may become invalid after
it has been added to the session. Usually this is because the storage for the torrent is
somehow invalid or if the filenames are not allowed (and hence cannot be opened/created) on
your filesystem. If such an error occurs, a file_error_alert_ is generated and all handles
that refers to that torrent will become invalid.
@ -991,7 +1202,6 @@ while it does the DNS lookup, it returns a string that points to the address rep
@ -1118,7 +1328,7 @@ This is the class declaration::
The constructor takes a ``const char*`` that should point to a string constant containing
The constructor takes a ``char const*`` that should point to a string constant containing
exactly two characters. These are the characters that should be unique for your client. Make
sure not to clash with anybody else. Here are some taken id's:
@ -1140,16 +1350,73 @@ version of your client. All these numbers must be within the range [0, 9].
``to_string()`` will generate the actual string put in the peer-id, and return it.
There's a function, in the header ``libtorrent/identify_client.hpp``, that can be used
to extract a string describing a client version from its peer-id. It has the following
free functions
std::string identify_client(const peer_id& id);
std::string identify_client(peer_id const& id);
This function is declared in the header ``<libtorrent/identify_client.hpp>``. It can can be used
to extract a string describing a client version from its peer-id. It will recognize most clients
that have this kind of identification in the peer-id.
bdecode() bencode()
template<class InIt> entry bdecode(InIt start, InIt end);
template<class OutIt> void bencode(OutIt out, const entry& e);
These functions will encode data to bencoded_ or decode bencoded_ data.
.. _bencoded: http://wiki.theory.org/index.php/BitTorrentSpecification
The entry_ class is the internal representation of the bencoded data
and it can be used to retreive information, an entry_ can also be build by
the program and given to ``bencode()`` to encode it into the ``OutIt``
The ``OutIt`` and ``InIt`` are iterators
(``InputIterator_`` and ``OutputIterator_`` respectively). They
are templates and are usually instantiated as ``ostream_iterator_``,
``back_insert_iterator_`` or ``istream_iterator_``. These
functions will assume that the iterator refers to a character
(``char``). So, if you want to encode entry ``e`` into a buffer
in memory, you can do it like this::
std::vector<char> buffer;
bencode(std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<char> >(buf), e);
.. _InputIterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html
.. _OutputIterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/OutputIterator.html
.. _ostream_iterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ostream_iterator.html
.. _back_insert_iterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/back_insert_iterator.html
.. _istream_iterator: http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/istream_iterator.html
If you want to decode a torrent file from a buffer in memory, you can do it like this::
std::vector<char> buffer;
// ...
entry e = bdecode(buf.begin(), buf.end());
Or, if you have a raw char buffer::
const char* buf;
// ...
entry e = bdecode(buf, buf + data_size);
Now we just need to know how to retrieve information from the entry_.
If ``bdecode()`` encounters invalid encoded data in the range given to it
it will throw invalid_encoding_.
It will recognize most clients that have this kind of identification in the peer-id.
@ -1451,7 +1718,7 @@ torrent in question. This alert is generated as severity level ``info``.
TODO: describe the dispatcher mechanism
*TODO: describe the dispatcher mechanism*
@ -1479,7 +1746,7 @@ been initialized or that has become invalid.
This is thrown by ``session::add_torrent()`` if the torrent already has been added to
This is thrown by `add_torrent()`_ if the torrent already has been added to
the session.
@ -1630,7 +1897,8 @@ This is a simple client. It doesn't have much output to keep it simple::
session s(std::make_pair(6881, 6889));
session s;
s.listen_on(std::make_pair(6881, 6889));
std::ifstream in(argv[1], std::ios_base::binary);
@ -1662,7 +1930,7 @@ then, and rely on the information given in the fast-resume data. The fast-resume
also contains information about which blocks, in the unfinished pieces, were downloaded,
so it will not have to start from scratch on the partially downloaded pieces.
To use the fast-resume data you simply give it to ``session::add_torrent()``, and it
To use the fast-resume data you simply give it to `add_torrent()`_, and it
will skip the time consuming checks. It may have to do the checking anyway, if the
fast-resume data is corrupt or doesn't fit the storage for that torrent, then it will
not trust the fast-resume data and just do the checking.
@ -1723,6 +1991,10 @@ The file format is a bencoded dictionary containing the following fields:
| | | | blocks that have been downloaded in this | |
| | | | piece. | |
| | +-------------+--------------------------------------------+ |
| | | ``adler32`` | The adler32 checksum of the data in the | |
| | | | blocks specified by ``bitmsk``. | |
| | | | | |
| | +-------------+--------------------------------------------+ |
| | |
@ -1769,7 +2041,10 @@ filenames checks
Boost.Filesystem will by default check all its paths to make sure they conform
to filename requirements on many platforms. If you don't want this check, you can
set it to either only check for native filesystem requirements or turn it off
alltogether. You can use: ``boost::filesystem::path::default_name_check(boost::filesystem::native)``
alltogether. You can use::
for example. For more information, see the `Boost.Filesystem docs`__.
__ http://www.boost.org/libs/filesystem/doc/index.htm

View File

@ -56,9 +56,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
session s(
libtorrent::fingerprint("LT", 0, 1, 0, 0)
, std::make_pair(6881, 6889));
session s;
s.listen_on(std::make_pair(6881, 6889));
std::ifstream in(argv[1], std::ios_base::binary);