
79 lines
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2010-03-05 19:12:23 +01:00
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
up_time_quanta = 2000
f = open(sys.argv[1])
announce_histogram = {}
node_uptime_histogram = {}
2008-05-09 18:21:09 +02:00
counter = 0;
for line in f:
counter += 1
# if counter % 1000 == 0:
# print '\r%d' % counter,
if 'distance:' in line:
l = line.split(' ')
idx = l.index('distance:')
d = int(l[idx+1].strip())
if not d in announce_histogram: announce_histogram[d] = 0
announce_histogram[d] += 1
if 'NODE FAILED' in line:
l = line.split(' ')
idx = l.index('fails:')
if int(l[idx+1].strip()) != 1: continue;
idx = l.index('up-time:')
d = int(l[idx+1].strip())
# quantize
d = d - (d % up_time_quanta)
if not d in node_uptime_histogram: node_uptime_histogram[d] = 0
node_uptime_histogram[d] += 1
except Exception, e:
print line.split(' ')
out = open('dht_announce_distribution.dat', 'w+')
print 'announce distribution items: %d' % len(announce_histogram)
for k,v in announce_histogram.items():
print >>out, '%d %d' % (k, v)
print '%d %d' % (k, v)
out = open('dht_node_uptime_distribution.dat', 'w+')
print 'node uptimes: %d' % len(node_uptime_histogram)
for k,v in node_uptime_histogram.items():
print >>out, '%d %d' % (k + up_time_quanta/2, v)
out = open('dht.gnuplot', 'w+')
2008-05-09 02:53:59 +02:00
set term png size 1200,700 small
set output "dht_announce_distribution.png"
set title "bucket # announces are made against relative to target node-id"
set ylabel "# of announces"
set style fill solid border -1 pattern 2
plot "dht_announce_distribution.dat" using 1:2 title "announces" with boxes
2008-05-09 02:53:59 +02:00
set terminal postscript
set output ""
set term png size 1200,700 small
set output "dht_node_uptime_distribution.png"
set title "node up time"
set ylabel "# of nodes"
set xlabel "uptime (seconds)"
set boxwidth %f
set style fill solid border -1 pattern 2
plot "dht_node_uptime_distribution.dat" using 1:2 title "nodes" with boxes
''' % up_time_quanta)
os.system('gnuplot dht.gnuplot');