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<h1 class="title">RSS</h1>
<table class="docinfo" frame="void" rules="none">
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<tr><th class="docinfo-name">Author:</th>
<td>Arvid Norberg, <a class="last reference external" href="mailto:arvid&#64;">arvid&#64;</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class="docinfo-name">Version:</th>
<div class="contents topic" id="table-of-contents">
<p class="topic-title first">Table of contents</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#feed-item" id="id25">feed_item</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#feed-settings" id="id26">feed_settings</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#feed-status" id="id27">feed_status</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#feed-handle" id="id28">feed_handle</a></li>
<a name="feed_item"></a><div class="section" id="feed-item">
<p>Declared in &quot;<a class="reference external" href="../include/libtorrent/rss.hpp">libtorrent/rss.hpp</a>&quot;</p>
<p>represents one item from an RSS feed. Specifically
a feed of torrents.</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
struct feed_item
2014-04-28 06:46:33 +02:00
<strong>feed_item</strong> ();
<strong>~feed_item</strong> ();
std::string url;
std::string uuid;
std::string title;
std::string description;
std::string comment;
std::string category;
size_type size;
torrent_handle handle;
sha1_hash info_hash;
<a name="url"></a>
<a name="uuid"></a>
<a name="title"></a>
<a name="description"></a>
<a name="comment"></a>
<a name="category"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dt>url uuid title description comment category</dt>
<dd>these are self explanatory and may be empty if the feed does not specify
those fields.</dd>
<a name="size"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the total size of the content the torrent refers to, or -1
if no size was specified by the feed.</dd>
<a name="handle"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the handle to the torrent, if the <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#session">session</a> is already downloading
this torrent.</dd>
<a name="info_hash"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the info-hash of the torrent, or cleared (i.e. all zeroes) if
the feed does not specify the info-hash.</dd>
<a name="feed_settings"></a></div>
<div class="section" id="feed-settings">
<p>Declared in &quot;<a class="reference external" href="../include/libtorrent/rss.hpp">libtorrent/rss.hpp</a>&quot;</p>
<p>the <a class="reference external" href="reference-RSS.html#feed_settings">feed_settings</a> object is all the information
and configuration for a specific feed. All of
these settings can be changed by the user
after adding the feed</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
struct feed_settings
2014-04-28 06:46:33 +02:00
<strong>feed_settings</strong> ();
std::string url;
bool auto_download;
bool auto_map_handles;
int default_ttl;
add_torrent_params add_args;
<a name="auto_download"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>By default <tt class="docutils literal">auto_download</tt> is true, which means all torrents in
the feed will be downloaded. Set this to false in order to manually
add torrents to the <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#session">session</a>. You may react to the <a class="reference external" href="reference-Alerts.html#rss_alert">rss_alert</a> when
a feed has been updated to poll it for the new items in the feed
when adding torrents manually. When torrents are added automatically,
an <a class="reference external" href="reference-Alerts.html#add_torrent_alert">add_torrent_alert</a> is posted which includes the torrent handle
as well as the error code if it failed to be added. You may also call
<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">session::get_torrents()</span></tt> to get the handles to the new torrents.</dd>
<a name="auto_map_handles"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd><tt class="docutils literal">auto_map_handles</tt> defaults to true and determines whether or
not to set the <tt class="docutils literal">handle</tt> field in the <a class="reference external" href="reference-RSS.html#feed_item">feed_item</a>, returned
as the feed status. If auto-download is enabled, this setting
is ignored. If auto-download is not set, setting this to false
will save one pass through all the feed items trying to find
corresponding torrents in the <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#session">session</a>.</dd>
<a name="default_ttl"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>The <tt class="docutils literal">default_ttl</tt> is the default interval for refreshing a feed.
This may be overridden by the feed itself (by specifying the <tt class="docutils literal">&lt;ttl&gt;</tt>
tag) and defaults to 30 minutes. The field specifies the number of
minutes between refreshes.</dd>
<a name="add_args"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>If torrents are added automatically, you may want to set the
<tt class="docutils literal">add_args</tt> to appropriate values for download directory etc.
This object is used as a template for adding torrents from feeds,
but some torrent specific fields will be overridden by the
individual torrent being added. For more information on the
<a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#add_torrent_params">add_torrent_params</a>, see <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#async_add_torrent()">async_add_torrent()</a> and <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#add_torrent()">add_torrent()</a>.</dd>
<a name="feed_status"></a></div>
<div class="section" id="feed-status">
<p>Declared in &quot;<a class="reference external" href="../include/libtorrent/rss.hpp">libtorrent/rss.hpp</a>&quot;</p>
<p>holds information about the status of an RSS feed. Retrieved by
calling <a class="reference external" href="reference-RSS.html#get_feed_status()">get_feed_status()</a> on <a class="reference external" href="reference-RSS.html#feed_handle">feed_handle</a>.</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
struct feed_status
2014-04-28 06:46:33 +02:00
<strong>feed_status</strong> ();
std::string url;
std::string title;
std::string description;
time_t last_update;
int next_update;
bool updating;
std::vector&lt;feed_item&gt; items;
error_code error;
int ttl;
<a name="url"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the URL of the feed.</dd>
<a name="title"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the name of the feed (as specified by the feed itself). This
may be empty if we have not recevied a response from the RSS server yet,
or if the feed does not specify a title.</dd>
<a name="description"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the feed description (as specified by the feed itself).
This may be empty if we have not received a response from the RSS server
yet, or if the feed does not specify a description.</dd>
<a name="last_update"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the posix time of the last successful response from the feed.</dd>
<a name="next_update"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the number of seconds, from now, when the feed will be
updated again.</dd>
<a name="updating"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>true if the feed is currently being updated (i.e. waiting for
DNS resolution, connecting to the server or waiting for the response to the
HTTP request, or receiving the response).</dd>
<a name="items"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>a vector of all items that we have received from the feed. See
<a class="reference external" href="reference-RSS.html#feed_item">feed_item</a> for more information.</dd>
<a name="error"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>set to the appropriate error code if the feed encountered an
error. See error_code for more info.</dd>
<a name="ttl"></a><dl class="docutils">
<dd>the current refresh time (in minutes). It's either the configured
default ttl, or the ttl specified by the feed.</dd>
<a name="feed_handle"></a></div>
<div class="section" id="feed-handle">
<p>Declared in &quot;<a class="reference external" href="../include/libtorrent/rss.hpp">libtorrent/rss.hpp</a>&quot;</p>
<p>The <tt class="docutils literal">feed_handle</tt> refers to a specific RSS feed that is watched by the <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#session">session</a>.</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
struct feed_handle
2014-04-28 06:46:33 +02:00
<strong>feed_handle</strong> ();
void <strong>update_feed</strong> ();
feed_status <strong>get_feed_status</strong> () const;
void <strong>set_settings</strong> (feed_settings const&amp; s);
feed_settings <strong>settings</strong> () const;
<a name="update_feed()"></a><div class="section" id="update-feed">
<pre class="literal-block">
void <strong>update_feed</strong> ();
<p>Forces an update/refresh of the feed. Regular updates of the feed is managed
by libtorrent, be careful to not call this too frequently since it may
overload the RSS server.</p>
<a name="get_feed_status()"></a></div>
<div class="section" id="get-feed-status">
<pre class="literal-block">
feed_status <strong>get_feed_status</strong> () const;
<p>Queries the RSS feed for information, including all the items in the feed.
see <a class="reference external" href="reference-RSS.html#feed_status">feed_status</a>.</p>
<a name="settings()"></a>
<a name="set_settings()"></a></div>
<div class="section" id="settings-set-settings">
<h2>settings() set_settings()</h2>
<pre class="literal-block">
void <strong>set_settings</strong> (feed_settings const&amp; s);
feed_settings <strong>settings</strong> () const;
<p>Sets and gets settings for this feed. For more information on the
available settings, see <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#add_feed()">add_feed()</a>.</p>
<a name="add_feed_item()"></a></div>
<div class="section" id="add-feed-item">
<p>Declared in &quot;<a class="reference external" href="../include/libtorrent/rss.hpp">libtorrent/rss.hpp</a>&quot;</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
torrent_handle <strong>add_feed_item</strong> (session&amp; s, feed_item const&amp; fi
, add_torrent_params const&amp; p);
torrent_handle <strong>add_feed_item</strong> (session&amp; s, feed_item const&amp; fi
, add_torrent_params const&amp; p, error_code&amp; ec);
<p>given a <a class="reference external" href="reference-RSS.html#feed_item">feed_item</a> <tt class="docutils literal">f</tt>, add the torrent it refers to to <a class="reference external" href="reference-Session.html#session">session</a> <tt class="docutils literal">s</tt>.</p>
<a name="new_feed()"></a></div>
<div class="section" id="new-feed">
<p>Declared in &quot;<a class="reference external" href="../include/libtorrent/rss.hpp">libtorrent/rss.hpp</a>&quot;</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
boost::shared_ptr&lt;feed&gt; <strong>new_feed</strong> (aux::session_impl&amp; ses, feed_settings const&amp; sett);