/groups.txt manually\n"; break; } exit(); } else { exit(); } function import($group) { global $logfile, $workpath, $spooldir; $workpath=$spooldir."/"; $path=$workpath."articles/"; $group = trim($group); if($group == '') { echo "No group selected\n"; return; } else { $grouppath = preg_replace("/\./", "/", $group); $grouparticles = scandir($spooldir.'/articles/'.$grouppath); echo "Importing: ".$group."\n"; import_articles($group, $grouppath, $grouparticles); } echo "\nImport Done\r\n"; return; } function import_articles($group, $grouppath, $grouparticles) { global $spooldir, $CONFIG, $workpath, $path, $config_name, $logfile; $group_overviewfile = $spooldir."/".$group."-overview"; $gover = file($group_overviewfile); foreach($gover as $group_overview) { $overview_msgid = explode("\t", $group_overview); $msgids[trim($overview_msgid[4])] = true; } $database = $spooldir.'/articles-overview.db3'; $table = 'overview'; $dbh = rslight_db_open($database, $table); $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.'(newsgroup, number, msgid, date, name, subject) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)'; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); foreach($grouparticles as $article) { if($article == '.' || $article == '..') { continue; } $this_article = $spooldir.'articles/'.$grouppath.'/'.$article; $article_content = file($this_article); $lines=0; $bytes=0; $ref=0; $is_header=1; $body=""; $skip=0; unset($mid); foreach($article_content as $response) { $bytes = $bytes + mb_strlen($response, '8bit'); if(trim($response) == "") { $is_header=0; $lines++; } if($is_header == 1) { $response = str_replace("\t", " ", $response); if(stripos($response, "Message-ID: ") === 0) { $mid=explode(': ', $response, 2); $ref=0; } if($msgids[trim($mid[1])] == true) { echo "Duplicate Message-ID for ".$group.":".$article."\n"; $skip=1; break; } if(stripos($response, "From: ") === 0) { $from=explode(': ', $response, 2); } if(stripos($response, "Date: ") === 0) { $finddate=explode(': ', $response, 2); $article_date = strtotime($finddate[1]); } if(stripos($response, "Subject: ") === 0) { $subject=explode('Subject: ', $response, 2); $ref=0; } if(stripos($response, "Xref: ") === 0) { if(isset($CONFIG['enable_nntp']) && $CONFIG['enable_nntp'] == true) { $response="Xref: ".$CONFIG['pathhost']." ".$group.":".$article; } $xref=$response; $ref=0; } if(stripos($response, "References: ") === 0) { $this_references=explode('References: ', $response); $references = $this_references[1]; $ref=1; } if((stripos($response, ':') === false) && (strpos($response, '>'))) { if($ref == 1) { $references=$references.$response; } } } else { $lines++; } } if($skip == 0) { // Write to overview. Fix $article to proper article number. Check for duplicate. echo "Adding ".$group.":".$article." to overview\n"; $stmt->execute([$group, $article, trim($mid[1]), $article_date, trim($from[1]), trim($subject[1])]); file_put_contents($group_overviewfile, $article."\t".trim($subject[1])."\t".trim($from[1])."\t".trim($finddate[1])."\t".trim($mid[1])."\t".trim($references)."\t".$bytes."\t".$lines."\t".$xref."\n", FILE_APPEND); continue; } } $dbh = null; } ?>