HTTP Gateway * Download: * * Based on Newsportal by Florian Amrhein * * E-Mail: * Web: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ session_start(); if (! isset($_SESSION['last_access']) || (time() - $_SESSION['last_access']) > 60) { $_SESSION['last_access'] = time(); } include ""; $CONFIG = include ($config_file); $logfile = $logdir . '/post.log'; $ip_pass = false; if (! isset($_SESSION['remote_address'])) { $_SESSION['remote_address'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $_SESSION['start_address'] = $_SESSION['remote_address']; $ip_pass = true; } else { if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $_SESSION['start_address']) { $ip_pass = false; } else { $ip_pass = true; } } if ($ip_pass && $_SESSION['pass']) { $logged_in = true; } else { $logged_in = false; } if ($CONFIG['anonuser'] == '1') { $logged_in = false; } // This will log user post info (group and username) $enable_post_log = false; if ($OVERRIDES['enable_post_log'] > 0) { $enable_post_log = $OVERRIDES['enable_post_log']; } @$fieldnamedecrypt = $_REQUEST['fielddecrypt']; // @$newsgroups=$_REQUEST["newsgroups"]; // @$group=$_REQUEST["group"]; @$type = $_REQUEST["type"]; @$subject = stripslashes($_POST[md5($fieldnamedecrypt . "subject")]); @$name = $_POST[md5($fieldnamedecrypt . "name")]; @$email = $_POST[md5($fieldnamedecrypt . "email")]; @$body = $_POST[md5($fieldnamedecrypt . "body")]; @$abspeichern = $_REQUEST["abspeichern"]; @$references = $_REQUEST["references"]; @$id = $_REQUEST["id"]; if (! isset($group) && isset($newsgroups)) { $group = $newsgroups; } // Save name in cookies if (strcmp(stripslashes($name), $CONFIG['anonusername']) !== 0) { if (($setcookies == true) && (isset($abspeichern)) && ($abspeichern == "ja")) { setcookie("mail_name", stripslashes($name), time() + (3600 * 24 * 90), "/"); } } if ((isset($post_server)) && ($post_server != "")) $server = $post_server; if ((isset($post_port)) && ($post_port != "")) $port = $post_port; include $file_newsportal; include ""; if (disable_page_by_user_agent($client_device, "bot", "Post")) { echo "
' . $text_post["button_back"] . ' ' . $text_post["button_back2"] . ' ' . group_display_name($returngroup[0]) . '
'; return; } } if (isset($_FILES["photo"]) && $_FILES["photo"]["error"] == 0) { $_FILES['photo']['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/', '_', $_FILES['photo']['name']); // There is an attachment to handle $message = message_post(quoted_printable_encode($subject), $nemail . " (" . quoted_printable_encode($name) . ")", $newsgroups, $references_array, addslashes($body), $_POST['encryptthis'], $_POST['encryptto'], strtolower($name), null, true); } else { $message = message_post(quoted_printable_encode($subject), $nemail . " (" . quoted_printable_encode($name) . ")", $newsgroups, $references_array, addslashes($body), $_POST['encryptthis'], $_POST['encryptto'], strtolower($name)); } // Article sent without errors, or duplicate? if ((substr($message, 0, 3) == "240") || (substr($message, 0, 7) == "441 435")) { echo '' . $text_post["message_posted2"] . '
'; if (isset($CONFIG['auto_return']) && ($CONFIG['auto_return'] == true)) { echo ''; if ($postsremaining < 1) { $wait = check_rate_limit($name, 0, 1); echo 'Please wait ' . round($wait) . ' minutes before posting again.'.$text_post["button_back"].' '.$text_post["button_back2"].' '.group_display_name($returngroup[0]).'
'; if (isset($_REQUEST['returngroup']) && $_REQUEST['returngroup'] !== '') { echo 'Your post will appear in ' . group_display_name($_REQUEST['returngroup']) . '
'; } if (isset($_SESSION['return_page'])) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } } else { // article not accepted by the newsserver $type = "retry"; $error = $text_post["error_newsserver"] . "$message"; } } else { echo $text_post["error_readonly"]; } } } // A reply of an other article. if ($type == "reply") { $message = message_read($id, 0, $newsgroups); $head = $message->header; $body = explode("\n", $message->body[0]); nntp_close($ns); if ($head->name != "") { $bodyzeile = $head->name; } else { $bodyzeile = $head->from; } // For Synchronet use $fromname = $bodyzeile; $bodyzeile = $text_post["wrote_prefix"] . $bodyzeile . $text_post["wrote_suffix"] . "\n\n"; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($body) - 1; $i ++) { if ((isset($cutsignature)) && ($cutsignature == true) && ($body[$i] == '-- ')) break; if (trim($body[$i]) != "") { if ($body[$i][0] == '>') $bodyzeile .= ">" . $body[$i] . "\n"; else $bodyzeile .= "> " . $body[$i] . "\n"; } else { $bodyzeile .= "\n"; } } $subject = $head->subject; if (isset($head->followup) && ($head->followup != "")) { $newsgroups = $head->followup; } else { if ($testgroup) { $newsgroups = testgroups($head->newsgroups); } else { $newsgroups = $head->newsgroups; } } splitSubject($subject); $subject = "Re: " . $subject; // Cut off old parts of a subject // for example: 'foo (was: bar)' becomes 'foo'. $subject = preg_replace('/(\(wa[sr]: .*\))$/i', '', $subject); $show = 1; $references = false; if (isset($head->references[0])) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($head->references) - 1; $i ++) { $references .= $head->references[$i] . " "; } } $references .= $head->id; } if ($type == "retry") { $show = 1; $bodyzeile = $body; } if ($show == 1) { if ($newsgroups == "") { echo $text_post["followup_not_allowed"]; echo " " . $newsgroups; } else { // show post form $fieldencrypt = md5(rand(1, 10000000)); echo '
"; echo '