and alike. User input is veryfied with captcha::check(). You should leave the sample COLLEGE.ttf next to this script, else you have to define the _FONT_DIR constant correctly. Use only 1 font type. Creates temporary files, which however get purged automatically after four hours. Public Domain, available via */ #-- config define("EWIKI_FONT_DIR", dirname(__FILE__)); // which fonts to use define("CAPTCHA_INVERSE", 0); // white or black(=1) define("CAPTCHA_TIMEOUT", 5000); // in seconds (=max 4 hours) define("CAPTCHA_MAXSIZE", 4500); // preferred image size define("CAPTCHA_COOKIE", "captcha_solved"); // to unlock captcha protection define("CAPTCHA_DATA_URLS", 0); // RFC2397-URLs exclude MSIE users define("CAPTCHA_TEMP_DIR", "/tmp/captcha"); define("CAPTCHA_BASE_URL", "http://$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]:$_SERVER[SERVER_PORT]/" . substr(realpath(__FILE__), strlen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]))); /* static - (you could instantiate it, but...) */ class captcha { /* gets parameter from $_REQUEST[] array (POST vars) and so can verify input, @returns boolean */ function check() { $to = (int)(time()/1000000); if ($_COOKIE[CAPTCHA_COOKIE] == $to) { return(true); } if (($hash = $_REQUEST["captcha_hash"]) and ($pw = trim($_REQUEST["captcha_input"]))) { $r = (captcha::hash($pw)==$hash) || (captcha::hash($pw,-1)==$hash); if ($r) { setcookie(CAPTCHA_COOKIE, $to, time()+1000000); } return($r); } } /* yields fields html string (no complete form), with captcha image already embedded as data:-URI */ function form($title="→ retype that here", $more="Enter the correct letters and numbers from the image into the text box. This small test serves as access restriction against malicious bots. Simply reload the page if this graphic is too hard to read.") { #-- stop if user already verified if ($_COOKIE[CAPTCHA_COOKIE] == (int)(time()/1000000)) { return ""; } #-- prepare image text $pw = captcha::mkpass(); $hash = captcha::hash($pw); $alt = htmlentities(captcha::textual_riddle($pw)); #-- image $img = captcha::image($pw, 200, 60, CAPTCHA_INVERSE, CAPTCHA_MAXSIZE); if (CAPTCHA_DATA_URLS && !strpos("MSIE", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { $img_fn = "data:image/jpeg;base64," . base64_encode($img); } else { $img_fn = CAPTCHA_BASE_URL . "?_tcf=" . captcha::store_image($img); } #-- emit html form $html = '' . '' . '' . '
'.$alt. ''.$title. '
' . '' . '
'; $html = "
"; return($html); } /* generates alternative (non-graphic), human-understandable representation of the passphrase */ function textual_riddle($phrase) { $symbols0 = '"\'-/_:'; $symbols1 = array("\n,", "\n;", ";", "\n&", "\n-", ",", ",", "\nand then", "\nfollowed by", "\nand", "\nand not a\n\"".chr(65+rand(0,26))."\",\nbut"); $s = "Guess the letters and numbers\n(passphrase riddle)\n--\n"; for ($p=0; $p= 'A') { $type = ($c >= 'a' ? "small " : ""); do { $n = rand(-3,3); $c2 = chr((ord($c) & 0x5F) + $n); } while (($c2 < 'A') || ($c2 > 'Z')); if ($n < 0) { $n = -$n; $add .= "$type'$c2' +$n letters"; } else { $add .= "$n chars before $type$c2"; } } #-- number else { $add = "???"; $n = (int) $c; do { do { $x = rand(1, 10); } while (!$x); $op = rand(0,11); if ($op <= 2) { $add = "($add * $x)"; $n *= $x; } elseif ($op == 3) { $x = 2 * rand(1,2); $add = "($add / $x)"; $n /= $x; } elseif ($sel % 2) { $add = "($add + $x)"; $n += $x; } else { $add = "($add - $x)"; $n -= $x; } } while (rand(0,1)); $add .= " = $n"; } $s .= "$add"; $s .= $symbols1[rand(0,count($symbols1)-1)] . "\n"; } return($s); } /* returns jpeg file stream with unscannable letters encoded in front of colorful disturbing background */ function image($phrase, $width=200, $height=60, $inverse=0, $maxsize=0xFFFFF) { #-- initialize in-memory image with gd library srand(microtime()*21017); $img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $R = $inverse ? 0xFF : 0x00; imagefilledrectangle($img, 0,0, $width,$height, captcha::random_color($img, 222^$R, 255^$R)); $c1 = rand(150^$R, 185^$R); $c2 = rand(195^$R, 230^$R); #-- configuration $fonts = array( // "COLLEGE.ttf", ); $fonts += glob(EWIKI_FONT_DIR."/*.ttf"); #-- encolour bg $wd = 20; $x = 0; while ($x < $width) { imagefilledrectangle($img, $x, 0, $x+=$wd, $height, captcha::random_color($img, 222^$R, 255^$R)); $wd += max(10, rand(0, 20) - 10); } #-- make interesting background I, lines $wd = 4; $w1 = 0; $w2 = 0; for ($x=0; $x<$width; $x+=(int)$wd) { if ($x < $width) { // verical imageline($img, $x+$w1, 0, $x+$w2, $height-1, captcha::random_color($img,$c1,$c2)); } if ($x < $height) { // horizontally ("y") imageline($img, 0, $x-$w2, $width-1, $x-$w1, captcha::random_color($img,$c1,$c2)); } $wd += rand(0,8) - 4; if ($wd < 1) { $wd = 2; } $w1 += rand(0,8) - 4; $w2 += rand(0,8) - 4; if (($x > $height) && ($y > $height)) { break; } } #-- more disturbing II, random letters $limit = rand(30,90); for ($n=0; $n<$limit; $n++) { $letter = ""; do { $letter .= chr(rand(31,125)); // random symbol } while (rand(0,1)); $size = rand(5, $height/2); $half = (int) ($size / 2); $x = rand(-$half, $width+$half); $y = rand(+$half, $height); $rotation = rand(60, 300); $c1 = captcha::random_color($img, 130^$R, 240^$R); $font = $fonts[rand(0, count($fonts)-1)]; imagettftext($img, $size, $rotation, $x, $y, $c1, $font, $letter); } #-- add the real text to it $len = strlen($phrase); $w1 = 10; $w2 = $width / ($len+1); for ($p=0; $p<$len; $p++) { $letter = $phrase[$p]; $size = rand(18, $height/2.2); $half = (int) $size / 2; $rotation = rand(-33, 33); $y = rand($size+3, $height-3); $x = $w1 + $w2*$p; $w1 += rand(-$width/90, $width/40); // @BUG: last char could be +30 pixel outside of image $font = $fonts[rand(0, count($fonts)-1)]; $r=rand(30,99); $g=rand(30,99); $b=rand(30,99); // two colors for shadow $c1 = imagecolorallocate($img, $r*1^$R, $g*1^$R, $b*1^$R); $c2 = imagecolorallocate($img, $r*2^$R, $g*2^$R, $b*2^$R); imagettftext($img, $size, $rotation, $x+1, $y, $c2, $font, $letter); imagettftext($img, $size, $rotation, $x, $y-1, $c1, $font, $letter); } #-- let JFIF stream be generated $quality = 67; $s = array(); do { ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(0); imagejpeg($img, "", (int)$quality); $jpeg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $size = strlen($jpeg); $s_debug[] = ((int)($quality*10)/10) . "%=$size"; $quality = $quality * ($maxsize/$size) * 0.93 - 1.7; // -($quality/7.222)* } while (($size > $maxsize) && ($quality >= 16)); imagedestroy($img); #print_r($s_debug); return($jpeg); } /* helper code */ function random_color($img, $a,$b) { return imagecolorallocate($img, rand($a,$b), rand($a,$b), rand($a,$b)); } /* creates temporary file, returns basename */ function store_image($data) { $dir = CAPTCHA_TEMP_DIR; $id = md5($data); #-- create temp dir if (!file_exists($dir)) { mkdir($dir) && chmod($dir, 0777); } #-- remove stale files if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { $t_kill = time() - CAPTCHA_TIMEOUT; while($fn = readdir($dh)) if ($fn[0] != ".") { if (filemtime("$dir/$fn") < $t_kill) { unlink("$dir/$fn"); } } } #-- store file fwrite($f = fopen("$dir/$id", "wb"), $data) && fclose($f); return($id); } /* sends it */ function get_image($id) { $dir = CAPTCHA_TEMP_DIR; $fn = "$dir/$id"; #-- find it if (preg_match('/^\w+$/', $id) && file_exists($fn)) { header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($fn)); header("Last-Modified: " . gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %G %T %Z", filemtime($fn))); if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])) { header("Status: 304 Unmodified"); } else { readfile($fn); } exit; } } /* unreversable hash from passphrase, with time() slice encoded */ function hash($text, $dtime=0) { $text = strtolower($text); $pfix = (int) (time() / CAPTCHA_TIMEOUT) + $dtime; return md5("captcha::$pfix:$text::".__FILE__.":$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]:80"); } /* makes string of random letters for embedding into image and for encoding as hash, later verification */ function mkpass() { $s = ""; for ($n=0; $n<10; $n++) { $s .= chr(rand(0, 255)); } $s = base64_encode($s); // base64-set, but filter out unwanted chars $s = preg_replace("/[+\/=IG0ODQR]/i", "", $s); // (depends on YOUR font) $s = substr($s, 0, rand(5,7)); return($s); } } #-- IE workaround if (isset($_REQUEST["_tcf"])) { captcha::get_image($_REQUEST["_tcf"]); } ?>