#!/usr/bin/php 0) { break; } if ($is_header == 1) { $lines ++; $response = str_replace("\t", " ", $response); if (stripos($response, ": ") !== false) { $ng = false; } else { if($ng) { $newsgroups[1] .= $response; } } // Find article date if (stripos($response, "Date: ") === 0) { $date = explode(': ', $response); } // Get overview data if (stripos($response, "Message-ID: ") === 0) { $id = explode(': ', $response); } if (stripos($response, "From: ") === 0) { $sender = explode(': ', $response, 2); } if (stripos($response, "Subject: ") === 0) { $subject = explode('Subject: ', $response, 2); } if (stripos($response, "Newsgroups: ") === 0) { $newsgroups = explode('Newsgroups: ', $response); $ng = true; } } } $newsgroups = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $newsgroups[1]); $newsgroups = preg_replace("/\,/", " ", $newsgroups); $newsgroups = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $newsgroups); $nocem_list[] = "# Sender: ".trim($sender[1])."\n# Date: ".trim($date[1])."\n# Subject: ".trim($subject[1])."\n".trim($id[1])." ".trim($newsgroups)."\n";; $count++; } $nocem_file = fopen($nocem, "w+"); $header_file = fopen($headerdat, "w+"); $hashtail = hash('crc32', $domain.$organization.$from); $thishash = hash('crc32', serialize($nocem_list)).$hashtail; if($count < 2) { $article = "article"; } else { $article = "articles"; } fwrite($header_file, "Message-ID: <$thishash@$domain>\n"); if(isset($followup_to)) { fwrite($header_file, "Followup-To: $followup_to\n"); } fwrite($header_file, "From: $from\n"); fwrite($header_file, "Newsgroups: $spamgroup\n"); fwrite($header_file, "Subject: @@NCM NoCeM notice $thishash $type ($count $article)\n"); fwrite($header_file, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed\n"); fwrite($header_file, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"); fwrite($header_file, "Organization: $organization\n"); fclose($header_file); fwrite($nocem_file, "You may use this for hiding articles using NoCeM.\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "$scope.\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "This list is generated by $from_email.\n\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "This message was signed using the following key:\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "$signing_key\n\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "The GPG key needed to verify the signature of NoCeM\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "issued by $from_email is available at:\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "$key_location\n\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, $statement."\n\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "For information contact $contact.\n\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "@@BEGIN NCM HEADERS\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "Version: 0.93\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "Issuer: $from_email\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "Type: $type\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "Action: hide\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "Count: ".$count."\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "Notice-ID: ".$thishash."\n"); fwrite($nocem_file, "@@BEGIN NCM BODY\n"); foreach($nocem_list as $list) { fwrite($nocem_file, $list); } fwrite($nocem_file, "@@END NCM BODY"); fclose($nocem_file); // Create nocempost.sh if it is older than config if($create_post) { file_put_contents($nocempost_filename, $nocempost); chmod($nocempost_filename, 0700); } ?>