0) { $maxarticles_per_run = $OVERRIDES['maxarticles_per_run']; } if ($OVERRIDES['maxfirstrequest'] > 0) { $maxfirstrequest = $OVERRIDES['maxfirstrequest']; } if (! isset($CONFIG['enable_nntp']) || $CONFIG['enable_nntp'] != true) { $maxfirstrequest = $maxarticles; $maxarticles_per_run = $maxfetch; } $workpath = $spooldir . "/"; $path = $workpath . "articles/"; if ($low_spool_disk_space) { print "Low Disk Space (less than " . $min_spool_disk_space . " available)\n"; file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Low Disk Space (less than " . $min_spool_disk_space . "Gb available for spool). Pausing spoolnews", FILE_APPEND); $subject = "LOW DISK SPACE ON " . $CONFIG['server_path']; $body = "LOW DISK SPACE ON " . $CONFIG['server_path'] . "\n"; $body .= "Space has fallen below " . $min_spool_disk_space . "GB\n"; $body .= "Space remaining: " . round($free_spool_disk_space) . "GB\n"; exit(); } $lockfile = $lockdir . '/' . $config_name . '-spoolnews.lock'; $pid = file_get_contents($lockfile); if (posix_getsid($pid) === false || ! is_file($lockfile)) { print "Starting Spoolnews...\n"; file_put_contents($lockfile, getmypid()); // create lockfile } else { print "Spoolnews currently running\n"; file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Spoolnews currently running...", FILE_APPEND); exit(); } $sem = $spooldir . "/" . $config_name . ".reload"; if (is_file($sem)) { unlink($remote_groups_array_file); unlink($sem); $maxfirstrequest = 200; } # Iterate through groups $enable_rslight = 0; # Refresh group list $menulist = file($config_dir . "menu.conf", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); foreach ($menulist as $menu) { if (($menu[0] == '#') || (trim($menu) == "")) { continue; } $menuitem = explode(':', $menu); if (($menuitem[0] == $config_name) && ($menuitem[1] == '1')) { groups_read($server, $port, 1, true); // 'true' forces a refresh of the group list $enable_rslight = 1; echo "\nLoaded groups"; } } # Clean outgoing directory for LOCAL sections if ($CONFIG['remote_server'] == '') { $outgoing_dir = $spooldir . "/" . $config_name . "/outgoing/"; $files = scandir($outgoing_dir); foreach ($files as $file) { $file_name = $outgoing_dir . $file; if (is_file($file_name) && (filemtime($file_name) < (time() - 3600))) { unlink($file_name); } } } if ($CONFIG['remote_server'] != '') { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Connecting: " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . ":" . $CONFIG['remote_port'], FILE_APPEND); $ns = nntp2_open($CONFIG['remote_server'], $CONFIG['remote_port']); if (! $ns) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Failed to connect to " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . ":" . $CONFIG['remote_port'], FILE_APPEND); exit(); } $grouplist = file($config_dir . '/' . $config_name . '/groups.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); foreach ($grouplist as $findgroup) { if ($findgroup[0] == ":") { continue; } $name = preg_split("/( |\t)/", $findgroup, 2); file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Retrieving articles for: " . $name[0] . "...", FILE_APPEND); echo "\nRetrieving articles for: " . $name[0] . "..."; get_articles($ns, $name[0]); if ($enable_rslight == 1) { $timer_file = $spooldir . '/tmp/' . $name[0] . '-thread-timer'; if (filemtime($timer_file) + 600 < time()) { touch($timer_file); if (! $ns_local) { $ns_local = nntp_open(); echo "\nOPENING Local server: " . $ns_local . "\n"; } if (! $ns_local) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Failed to connect to " . $CONFIG['local_server'] . ":" . $CONFIG['local_port'], FILE_APPEND); // exit(); } else { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Updating threads for: " . $name[0] . "...", FILE_APPEND); try { thread_load_newsserver($ns_local, $name[0], 0); } catch (Exception $exc) { echo "\nFatal exception caught: " . $exc->getMessage(); } catch (Error $err) { echo "\nFatal error caught: " . $err->getMessage(); } file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Threads updated for: " . $name[0], FILE_APPEND); } } } } if ($ns_local) { nntp_close($ns_local); } nntp_close($ns); } unlink($lockfile); echo "\nSpoolnews Done\n"; function get_articles($ns, $group) { global $enable_rslight, $rslight_gpg, $config_name, $spooldir, $nocem_dir, $save_nocem_messages, $CONFIG; global $remote_groups_array_file, $OVERRIDES, $user_ban_file, $maxarticles_per_run, $maxfirstrequest, $workpath, $path; global $file_groups, $logdir, $config_name, $spamlog, $logfile, $debug_log; if ($ns == false) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Lost connection to " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . ":" . $CONFIG['remote_port'], FILE_APPEND); exit(); } $grouppath = $path . preg_replace('/\./', '/', $group); // $banned_names = file($user_ban_file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); $msgid_filter = get_config_value('header_filters.conf', 'Message-ID'); $subject_filter = get_config_value('header_filters.conf', 'Subject'); $from_filter = get_config_value('header_filters.conf', 'From'); $path_filter = get_config_value('header_filters.conf', 'Path'); $nocem_check = "@@NCM"; $bbsmail_check = "@@RSL"; # Check if group exists. Open it if it does fputs($ns, "group " . $group . "\r\n"); $response = line_read($ns); if (strcmp(substr($response, 0, 3), "211") != 0) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Response to group command for " . $group . ": " . $response, FILE_APPEND); echo "\n" . $response; return (1); } # Get config if (file_exists($remote_groups_array_file)) { $remote_groups_array = unserialize(file_get_contents($remote_groups_array_file)); } else { $remote_groups_array = array(); } if(isset($remote_groups_array[$group])) { $article = $remote_groups_array[$group]; } else { $article = 1; } if (isset($CONFIG['enable_nntp']) && $CONFIG['enable_nntp'] == true) { // Get next available article number for group $local = get_next_article_number($group); } # Split group response line to get last article number # $article is the next number we want, not the last we retrieved $detail = explode(" ", $response); $latest_remote_article = $detail[3]; if (! isset($article)) { $article = $detail[2]; } if ($article < $detail[3] - $maxfirstrequest) { $article = $detail[3] - $maxfirstrequest; } if ($article < $detail[2]) { $article = $detail[2]; } if ($article > $detail[3]) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . " for " . $group . " We are up to date", FILE_APPEND); // Just in case we have an error and $article is too large: $article = $detail[3] + 1; } else { // Get overview from server $server_overview = array(); $re = false; if (($detail[3] - $article) > $maxarticles_per_run) { $getlast = $article + $maxarticles_per_run; } else { $getlast = $detail[3]; } if ($article > $getlast || $article == $getlast) { // This is probably not necessary fputs($ns, "xover " . $getlast . "\r\n"); } else { fputs($ns, "xover " . $article . "-" . $getlast . "\r\n"); } $response = line_read($ns); // and once more if ((substr($response, 0, 3) != "224")) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Cannot get overview from " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . " for " . $group . " (requested: xover " . $article . "-" . $getlast . " received " . $response . ")", FILE_APPEND); return false; } while (rtrim($response = line_read($ns)) !== '.') { $ov = preg_split("/\t/", $response); $overview_msgid[$ov[0]] = $ov[4]; } # Pull articles and save them in our spool if (! is_dir($grouppath)) { mkdir($grouppath, 0755, 'recursive'); } $i = 0; $dates_used = array(); // GET INDIVIDUAL ARTICLE while ($article <= $detail[3]) { if (! is_numeric($article)) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " DEBUG This should show server group:article number: " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . " " . $group . ":" . $article, FILE_APPEND); break; } // Create array for article, then send to insert_article_from_array() if (isset($current_article)) { unset($current_article); $current_article = array(); } if ($CONFIG['enable_nntp'] != true) { $local = $article; } if (check_duplicate_msgid($overview_msgid[$article], $group)) { echo "\n(spoolnews)Duplicate Message-ID for: " . $group . ":" . $article . " " . $overview_msgid[$article]; file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Duplicate Message-ID for: " . $group . ":" . $article . " " . $overview_msgid[$article], FILE_APPEND); $article++; continue; } fputs($ns, "article " . $article . "\r\n"); $response = line_read($ns); if (strcmp(substr($response, 0, 3), "220") != 0) { echo "\n" . $response; file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " " . $group . " " . $response, FILE_APPEND); $article++; continue; } $articleHandle = $grouppath . "/" . $local; unlink($articleHandle); unset($references); $response = line_read($ns); $lines = 0; $bytes = 0; $ref = 0; $sub = 0; $ng = 0; $banned = false; $integrity = false; $is_header = 1; $body = ""; $content_transfer_encoding = null; $response = str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\r", "", $response)); while (strcmp($response, ".") != 0) { $is_xref = false; $bytes = $bytes + mb_strlen($response, '8bit'); if (trim($response) == "" && $lines > 0) { if ($is_header == 1) { file_put_contents($articleHandle, $current_article['xref'] . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } $is_header = 0; } if ($is_header == 1) { $response = str_replace("\t", " ", $response); if (strpos($response, ': ') !== false) { $ref = 0; $sub = 0; $ng = 0; } // Find article date if (stripos($response, "Date: ") === 0) { $finddate = explode(': ', $response, 2); $artdate = strtotime($finddate[1]); } if (stripos($response, "Injection-Date: ") === 0) { $finddate = explode(': ', $response, 2); $injectiondate = strtotime($finddate[1]); } // Get overview data if (stripos($response, "Message-ID: ") === 0) { $mid = explode(': ', $response, 2); if (preg_match($msgid_filter, $mid[1])) { $banned = "msgid_filter"; } } if (stripos($response, "From: ") === 0) { $from = explode(': ', $response, 2); if (preg_match($from_filter, $from[1])) { $banned = "from_filter"; } } if (stripos($response, "Path: ") === 0) { $msgpath = explode(': ', $response, 2); if (preg_match($path_filter, $msgpath[1])) { $banned = "path_filter"; } } if (stripos($response, "Subject: ") === 0) { $this_subject = explode('Subject: ', $response, 2); $subject = $this_subject[1]; $sub = 1; if (preg_match($subject_filter, $subject)) { $banned = "subject_filter"; } } // Transfer encoding if (stripos($response, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ") === 0) { $enco = explode(': ', $response, 2); $content_transfer_encoding = $enco[1]; } if (stripos($response, "Newsgroups: ") === 0) { $response = str_ireplace($group, $group, $response); // Identify each group name for xref $groupnames = explode("Newsgroups: ", $response); $allgroups = preg_split("/\ |\,/", $groupnames[1]); // Create Xref: header $current_article['xref'] = "Xref: " . $CONFIG['pathhost']; foreach ($allgroups as $agroup) { $agroup = trim($agroup); if ((! testGroup($agroup)) || $agroup == '') { continue; } if ($group == $agroup) { $artnum = $local; } else { $artnum = get_next_article_number($agroup); } if ($artnum > 0) { $current_article['xref'] .= ' ' . $agroup . ':' . $artnum; } } $ng = 1; } if (stripos($response, "Xref: ") === 0) { if (isset($CONFIG['enable_nntp']) && $CONFIG['enable_nntp'] == true) { $is_xref = true; } $xref = $response; } if (stripos($response, "Content-Type: ") === 0) { preg_match('/.*charset=.*/', $response, $te); $content_type = explode("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=", $te[0]); } if (stripos($response, "References: ") === 0) { $this_references = explode('References: ', $response); $references = $this_references[1]; $ref = 1; } if (preg_match('/^\s/', $response) && $ng == 1) { $addgroups = preg_split("/\ |\,/", trim($response)); $allgroups = array_merge($allgroups, $addgroups); } if (preg_match('/^\s/', $response) && $ref == 1) { $references = $references . $response; } if (preg_match('/^\s/', $response) && $sub == 1) { $subject = $subject . $response; } } else { $body .= $response . "\n"; } if (! $is_xref) { file_put_contents($articleHandle, $response . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } // Check here for broken $ns connection before continuing $response = fgets($ns, 1200); if ($response == false) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Lost connection to " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . ":" . $CONFIG['remote_port'] . " retrieving article " . $article, FILE_APPEND); unlink($articleHandle); break; // continue; } $response = str_replace("\n", "", str_replace("\r", "", $response)); $lines++; } file_put_contents($articleHandle, $response . "\n", FILE_APPEND); $lines = $lines - 1; $bytes = $bytes + ($lines * 2); // Prefer Injection-Date to Date header // Some newsreaders (PiaoHong) produce a Date header that php does not like if (isset($injectiondate)) { $artdate = $injectiondate; file_put_contents($debug_log, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Used Injection-Date " . $artdate . " for: " . $mid[1], FILE_APPEND); } else { file_put_contents($debug_log, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Used Date " . $artdate . " for: " . $mid[1], FILE_APPEND); } // Check if date matches exactly another article and handle else sorting doesn't like it while (isset($dates_used[$artdate])) { $artdate = $artdate + 1; $finddate[1] = date("D, j M Y G:i:s (T)", $artdate); file_put_contents($debug_log, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Rewrote date to: " . $artdate . " " . $finddate[1] . " for " . $group . ":" . $local, FILE_APPEND); } $article_date = $artdate; $dates_used[$article_date] = true; // Don't spool article if $banned or fails integrity test $integrity = check_article_integrity(file($articleHandle), $artdate); if (($banned !== false) || ($integrity !== false)) { unlink($articleHandle); if ($integrity) { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $integrity, FILE_APPEND); } elseif ($banned) { file_put_contents($spamlog, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $banned . " :\tSPAM\t" . $mid[1] . "\t" . $groupnames[1] . "\t" . $from[1], FILE_APPEND); } $article++; } else { if ((strpos($CONFIG['nocem_groups'], $group) !== false) && ($CONFIG['enable_nocem'] == true)) { if (strpos($subject, $nocem_check) !== false) { $is_from = address_decode($from[1], 'nowhere'); $nocem_file = tempnam($spooldir . "/nocem", $is_from[0]['mailbox'] . "@" . $is_from[0]['host'] . "[" . date("Y.m.d.H.i.s") . "]"); copy($articleHandle, $nocem_file); chmod($nocem_file, 0644); if ($save_nocem_messages == true) { $saved_nocem_file = tempnam($nocem_dir, $is_from[0]['mailbox'] . "@" . $is_from[0]['host'] . "[" . date("Y.m.d.H.i.s") . "]-"); copy($articleHandle, $saved_nocem_file); } } } if ((strpos($rslight_gpg['nntp_group'], $group) !== false) && ($rslight_gpg['enable'] == '1')) { if (strpos($subject, $bbsmail_check) !== false) { $bbsmail_file = preg_replace('/@@RSL /', '', $subject); $bbsmail_filename = $spooldir . "/bbsmail/in/bbsmail-" . $bbsmail_file; copy($articleHandle, $bbsmail_filename); } } $this_article = file_get_contents($articleHandle); if ($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') { unlink($articleHandle); // CREATE SEARCH SNIPPET $this_snippet = get_search_snippet($body, $content_type[1], $content_transfer_encoding); } else { touch($articleHandle, $article_date); } $current_article['mid'] = $mid[1]; $current_article['epochdate'] = $article_date; $current_article['stringdate'] = $finddate[1]; $current_article['from'] = $from[1]; $current_article['subject'] = $subject; $current_article['references'] = $references; $current_article['bytes'] = $bytes; $current_article['lines'] = $lines; $current_article['article'] = $this_article; $current_article['snippet'] = $this_snippet; // Check Spam $res = 0; if (isset($CONFIG['spamassassin']) && ($CONFIG['spamassassin'] == true) && ($OVERRIDES['disable_spamassassin_spooling'] !== true)) { $spam_result_array = check_spam($subject, $from[1], $groupnames[1], $references, $this_article, $mid[1]); $res = $spam_result_array['res']; $spamresult = $spam_result_array['spamresult']; $spamcheckerversion = $spam_result_array['spamcheckerversion']; $spamlevel = $spam_result_array['spamlevel']; } if ($res === 1) { unlink($articleHandle); file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Skipping: " . $CONFIG['remote_server'] . " " . $group . ":" . $article . " Exceeds Spam Score", FILE_APPEND); // $orig_newsgroups = $newsgroups; // $newsgroups = $CONFIG['spamgroup']; // $group = $newsgroups; $i--; $local--; } else { $pass = false; foreach ($allgroups as $agroup) { $agroup = trim($agroup); if ((! testGroup($agroup)) || $agroup == '') { continue; } $current_article['group'] = $agroup; if ($group == $agroup) { $current_article['local'] = $local; } else { $current_article['local'] = get_next_article_number($agroup); } file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Preparing to spool " . $group . ":" . $article, FILE_APPEND); $tmp = insert_article_from_array($current_article, false); if ($tmp[0] != "4") { $pass = true; } else { file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " " . $tmp, FILE_APPEND); } } if (! $pass) { $i--; } } $i++; $article++; $local++; if ($i > $maxarticles_per_run) { break; } } } } // END GET INDIVIDUAL ARTICLE //$article--; // $local--; // Update title if (! is_file($workpath . $group . "-title")) { fputs($ns, "XGTITLE " . $group . "\r\n"); $response = line_read($ns); if (strcmp(substr($response, 0, 3), "282") == 0) { $titlefile = $workpath . $group . "-title"; $response = line_read($ns); while (strcmp($response, ".") != 0) { file_put_contents($titlefile, $response); $response = line_read($ns); } } } # Save config if (file_exists($remote_groups_array_file)) { $remote_groups_array = unserialize(file_get_contents($remote_groups_array_file)); } else { $remote_groups_array = array(); } $remote_groups_array[$group] = $article; file_put_contents($remote_groups_array_file, serialize($remote_groups_array)); }