HTTP Gateway * Version: 0.6.x * Download: * * Based on Newsportal by Florian Amrhein * * E-Mail: * Web: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ @session_start(); /* * Encode lines with 8bit-characters to quote-printable * * $line: the to be encoded line * * the function returns a sting containing the quoted-printable encoded * $line */ function encode_subject($line) { $newstring=mb_encode_mimeheader(quoted_printable_decode($line)); return $newstring; } if(!function_exists('quoted_printable_encode')) { function quoted_printable_encode($line) { global $www_charset; $qp_table=array( '=00', '=01', '=02', '=03', '=04', '=05', '=06', '=07', '=08', '=09', '=0A', '=0B', '=0C', '=0D', '=0E', '=0F', '=10', '=11', '=12', '=13', '=14', '=15', '=16', '=17', '=18', '=19', '=1A', '=1B', '=1C', '=1D', '=1E', '=1F', '_', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', "'", '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=3D', '>', '=3F', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '=5F', '', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '=7F', '=80', '=81', '=82', '=83', '=84', '=85', '=86', '=87', '=88', '=89', '=8A', '=8B', '=8C', '=8D', '=8E', '=8F', '=90', '=91', '=92', '=93', '=94', '=95', '=96', '=97', '=98', '=99', '=9A', '=9B', '=9C', '=9D', '=9E', '=9F', '=A0', '=A1', '=A2', '=A3', '=A4', '=A5', '=A6', '=A7', '=A8', '=A9', '=AA', '=AB', '=AC', '=AD', '=AE', '=AF', '=B0', '=B1', '=B2', '=B3', '=B4', '=B5', '=B6', '=B7', '=B8', '=B9', '=BA', '=BB', '=BC', '=BD', '=BE', '=BF', '=C0', '=C1', '=C2', '=C3', '=C4', '=C5', '=C6', '=C7', '=C8', '=C9', '=CA', '=CB', '=CC', '=CD', '=CE', '=CF', '=D0', '=D1', '=D2', '=D3', '=D4', '=D5', '=D6', '=D7', '=D8', '=D9', '=DA', '=DB', '=DC', '=DD', '=DE', '=DF', '=E0', '=E1', '=E2', '=E3', '=E4', '=E5', '=E6', '=E7', '=E8', '=E9', '=EA', '=EB', '=EC', '=ED', '=EE', '=EF', '=F0', '=F1', '=F2', '=F3', '=F4', '=F5', '=F6', '=F7', '=F8', '=F9', '=FA', '=FB', '=FC', '=FD', '=FE', '=FF'); // are there "forbidden" characters in the string? for($i=0; $i0 && $line[$from] != ' '; $from--); if($from>0) $from++; for(;$to'; break; default: return false; break; } } function check_rate_limit($name,$set=0,$gettime=0) { global $CONFIG,$spooldir; $ratefile=$spooldir.'/'.strtolower($name).'-rate.dat'; $postqty=0; $first=0; $newrate=array(); if(is_file($ratefile)) { $ratedata=''; $ratefp=fopen($ratefile,'r'); while(!feof($ratefp)) { $ratedata.=fgets($ratefp,1000); } fclose($ratefp); $rate=unserialize($ratedata); sort($rate); foreach($rate as $ratepost) { if($ratepost > (time() - 3600)) { $postqty=$postqty+1; $newrate[]=$ratepost; if($first == 0) { $oldest = $ratepost; $first=1; } } } } $newrate[]=time(); if($set) { $ratefp=fopen($ratefile,'w'); fputs($ratefp,serialize($newrate)); fclose($ratefp); $postqty=$postqty+1; } $postsremaining = $CONFIG['rate_limit']-$postqty; if($gettime) { $wait=(3600-(time()-$oldest))/60; return($wait); } else { return($postsremaining); } } /* * Post an article to a newsgroup * * $subject: The Subject of the article * $from: The authors name and email of the article * $newsgroups: The groups to post to * $ref: The references of the article * $body: The article itself */ function message_post($subject,$from,$newsgroups,$ref,$body,$encryptthis,$encryptto) { global $server,$port,$send_poster_host,$text_error,$CONFIG; global $www_charset,$spooldir; global $msgid_generate,$msgid_fqdn; flush(); $msgid=generate_msgid($subject.",".$from.",".$newsgroups.",".$ref.",".$body); /* * SPAM CHECK */ if ((isset($CONFIG['spamassassin']) && ($CONFIG['spamassassin'] == true))) { $spam_result_array = check_spam($subject,$from,$newsgroups,$ref,$body,$msgid); $res = $spam_result_array['res']; $spamresult = $spam_result_array['spamresult']; $spamcheckerversion = $spam_result_array['spamcheckerversion']; $spamlevel = $spam_result_array['spamlevel']; $spam_fail = $spam_result_array['spam_fail']; } $ns=nntp_open($server,$port); if ($ns != false) { fputs($ns,"POST\r\n"); $weg=line_read($ns); $t = explode(' ', $weg); if($t[0] != "340") { nntp_close($ns); return $weg; } fputs($ns,'Subject: '.encode_subject($subject)."\r\n"); // For Synchronet use if (isset($fromname) && (isset($CONFIG['synchronet']) && ($CONFIG['synchronet'] == true))) { // if ( isset($fromname) && isset($CONFIG['synchronet']) ) { fputs($ns,'To: '.$fromname."\r\n"); $fromname=""; } // X-Rslight headers if ((isset($CONFIG['spamassassin']) && ($CONFIG['spamassassin'] == true))) { if(isset($res) && $spam_fail == 0) { fputs($ns,$spamcheckerversion."\r\n"); if(strpos($spamlevel, '*') !== false) fputs($ns,$spamlevel."\r\n"); if($res === 1) { fputs($ns,"X-Rslight-Original-Group: ".$newsgroups."\r\n"); $newsgroups=$CONFIG['spamgroup']; } } } fputs($ns,'From: '.$from."\r\n"); fputs($ns,'Newsgroups: '.$newsgroups."\r\n"); $sitekey=password_hash($CONFIG['thissitekey'].$msgid, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); fputs($ns,'X-Rslight-Site: '.$sitekey."\r\n"); if(isset($encryptthis)) { fputs($ns,'X-Rslight-To: '.$encryptto."\r\n"); $CONFIG['postfooter']=""; } fputs($ns,"Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"); fputs($ns,"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=".$www_charset."; format=flowed\r\n"); fputs($ns,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"); fputs($ns,"User-Agent: Rocksolid Light (\r\n"); if ($send_poster_host) @fputs($ns,'X-HTTP-Posting-Host: '.gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))."\r\n"); if (($ref!=false) && (count($ref)>0)) { // strip references if(strlen(implode(" ",$ref))>900) { $ref_first=array_shift($ref); do { $ref=array_slice($ref,1); } while(strlen(implode(" ",$ref))>800); array_unshift($ref,$ref_first); } fputs($ns,'References: '.implode(" ",$ref)."\r\n"); } if (isset($CONFIG['organization'])) fputs($ns,'Organization: '.quoted_printable_encode($CONFIG['organization'])."\r\n"); if ((isset($CONFIG['postfooter'])) && ($CONFIG['postfooter']!="")) { $body.="\n-- \n".$CONFIG['postfooter']."\n".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } fputs($ns,'Message-ID: '.$msgid."\r\n"); $body=str_replace("\n.\r","\n..\r",$body); $body=str_replace("\r",'',$body); $body=stripSlashes($body); // Encrypt? if(isset($encryptthis)) { $encryptkey=get_user_config($encryptto, "encryptionkey"); $body=chunk_split(rslight_encrypt($body, $encryptkey)); $body="-- RSLIGHT DAT START\n".$body."-- RSLIGHT DAT END\n"; } $body=rtrim($body); fputs($ns,"\r\n".$body."\r\n.\r\n"); $message=line_read($ns); nntp_close($ns); } else { $message=$text_error["post_failed"]; } // let thread.php ignore the cache for this group, so this new // article will be visible instantly $groupsarr=explode(",",$newsgroups); foreach($groupsarr as $newsgroup) { $cachefile=$spooldir.'/'.$newsgroup.'-cache.txt'; @unlink($cachefile); } return $message; } function message_post_with_attachment($subject,$from,$newsgroups,$ref,$body,$encryptthis,$encryptto) { global $server,$port,$send_poster_host,$CONFIG,$text_error; global $file_footer,$www_charset,$spooldir; global $msgid_generate,$msgid_fqdn; global $CONFIG; flush(); $msgid=generate_msgid($subject.",".$from.",".$newsgroups.",".$ref.",".$body); /* * SPAM CHECK */ if (isset($CONFIG['spamassassin']) && ($CONFIG['spamassassin'] == true)) { $spam_result_array = check_spam($subject,$from,$newsgroups,$ref,$body,$msgid); $res = $spam_result_array['res']; $spamresult = $spam_result_array['spamresult']; $spamcheckerversion = $spam_result_array['spamcheckerversion']; $spamlevel = $spam_result_array['spamlevel']; } move_uploaded_file($_FILES["photo"]["tmp_name"], $spooldir."/upload/" . $_FILES["photo"]["name"]); $ns=nntp_open($server,$port); if ($ns != false) { fputs($ns,"POST\r\n"); $weg=line_read($ns); fputs($ns,'Subject: '.encode_subject($subject)."\r\n"); // X-Rslight headers if(isset($res)) { fputs($ns,$spamcheckerversion."\r\n"); if(strpos($spamlevel, '*') !== false) fputs($ns,$spamlevel."\r\n"); if($res === 1) { fputs($ns,"X-Rslight-Original-Group: ".$newsgroups."\r\n"); $newsgroups=$CONFIG['spamgroup']; } } $sitekey=password_hash($CONFIG['thissitekey'].$msgid, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); fputs($ns,'X-Rslight-Site: '.$sitekey."\r\n"); if(isset($encryptthis)) fputs($ns,'X-Rslight-To: '.$encryptto."\r\n"); fputs($ns,'From: '.$from."\r\n"); fputs($ns,'Newsgroups: '.$newsgroups."\r\n"); fputs($ns,"Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"); /* fputs($ns,"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=".$www_charset."; format=flowed\r\n"); */ if ($send_poster_host) @fputs($ns,'X-HTTP-Posting-Host: '.gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))."\r\n"); if (($ref!=false) && (count($ref)>0)) { // strip references if(strlen(implode(" ",$ref))>900) { $ref_first=array_shift($ref); do { $ref=array_slice($ref,1); } while(strlen(implode(" ",$ref))>800); array_unshift($ref,$ref_first); } fputs($ns,'References: '.implode(" ",$ref)."\r\n"); } if (isset($CONFIG['organization'])) fputs($ns,'Organization: '.quoted_printable_encode($CONFIG['organization'])."\r\n"); if ((isset($file_footer)) && ($file_footer!="")) { $footerfile=fopen($file_footer,"r"); $body.="\n".fread($footerfile,filesize($file_footer)); fclose($footerfile); } $boundary=uniqid('', true); $body.="\r\n--------------".$boundary."\r\n"; fputs($ns,'Message-ID: '.$msgid."\r\n"); fputs($ns,'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary="------------'.$boundary.'"'); fputs($ns,"\r\n"); $contenttype = shell_exec('file -b --mime-type '.$spooldir.'/upload/'.$_FILES[photo][name]); $contenttype = rtrim($contenttype); $b64file = shell_exec('uuencode -m '.$spooldir.'/upload/'.$_FILES['photo']['name'].' '.$_FILES['photo']['name'].' | grep -v \'begin-base64\|====\''); $body.='Content-Type: '.$contenttype.';'; $body.="\r\n name=".$_FILES['photo']['name']; $body.="\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64"; $body.="\r\nContent-Disposition: attachment;"; $body.="\r\n filename=".$_FILES['photo']['name']; $body.="\r\n"; $body.="\r\n".$b64file; $body.="\r\n--------------".$boundary."--\r\n"; // Headers end here $body=str_replace("\n.\r","\n..\r",$body); $body=str_replace("\r",'',$body); $body=stripSlashes($body); fputs($ns,"\r\nThis is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n"); fputs($ns,"--------------".$boundary."\r\n"); fputs($ns,"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n"); fputs($ns,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n"); // Encrypt? if(isset($encryptthis)) { $encryptkey=get_user_config($encryptto, "encryptionkey"); $body=chunk_split(rslight_encrypt($body, $encryptkey)); $body="-- RSLIGHT DAT START\n".$body."-- RSLIGHT DAT END\n"; } // Body sent here fputs($ns,"\r\n".$body."\r\n.\r\n"); $message=line_read($ns); nntp_close($ns); // clean up attachment file unlink($spooldir.'/upload/'.$_FILES["photo"]["name"]); } else { $message=$text_error["post_failed"]; } // let thread.php ignore the cache for this group, so this new // article will be visible instantly $groupsarr=explode(",",$newsgroups); foreach($groupsarr as $newsgroup) { $cachefile=$spooldir.'/'.$newsgroup.'-cache.txt'; @unlink($cachefile); } return $message; } ?>