#!/usr/local/bin/bash webroot="/usr/local/www/html" spoolpath="/var/spool/rslight" configpath="/etc/rslight" username="www" site_key=$(/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 48 | cut -c1-16) anonymous_password=$(/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 48 | cut -c1-16) local_password=$(/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 48 | cut -c1-16) admin_password=$(/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 48 | cut -c1-16) admin_key=$(/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 48 | cut -c1-16) echo echo "This is the main installation script for Rocksolid Light" echo "and must be run as root from the root directory of the extracted files" echo echo "Select installation directories" echo echo "Choose a path for your web root for rslight" read -p "Use default web root $webroot (y/n)? " default; echo if [ "${default^^}" != "Y" ] then read -p "Enter web root for rslight: " webroot; echo fi echo "Choose a path for your spool files for rslight" read -p "Use default spool path $spoolpath (y/n)? " default; echo if [ "${default^^}" != "Y" ] then read -p "Enter spool path for rslight: " spoolpath; echo fi echo "Choose a path for rslight configuration files" read -p "Use default config path $configpath (y/n)? " default; echo if [ "${default^^}" != "Y" ] then read -p "Enter config path for rslight: " configpath; echo fi echo "Choose username used by your web server" read -p "Use default username $username (y/n)? " default; echo if [ "${default^^}" != "Y" ] then read -p "Enter username used by your web server: " username; echo fi echo echo "You have selected the following options:" echo echo "Web root: $webroot" echo "Spool dir: $spoolpath" echo "Config dir: $configpath" echo "Web user: $username" echo echo "Are you sure you wish to install to these directories now" echo "and change permissions as necessary to $username? " echo read -p "Type 'YES' to create the directories and move files into place: " default; echo if [ "$default" != "YES" ] then echo exiting... exit fi echo "Creating directories" echo -n "$webroot..." mkdir -p $webroot echo "done" echo -n "$spoolpath..." mkdir -p $spoolpath echo "done" echo -n "$configpath..." mkdir -p $configpath mkdir -p $configpath/users mkdir -p $configpath/userconfig echo "done" echo echo -n "Moving files into place..." cp index.php $webroot cp -a common $webroot cp -a rocksolid $webroot cp -a spoolnews $webroot cp -a rslight/* $configpath echo "done" echo echo -n "Setting permissions..." chown $username $spoolpath chgrp $username $spoolpath chown $username "$configpath/users" chgrp $username "$configpath/users" chmod 700 "$configpath/users" chown $username "$configpath/userconfig" chgrp $username "$configpath/userconfig" chmod 700 "$configpath/userconfig" chown $username "$configpath/rslight.inc.php" chgrp $username "$configpath/rslight.inc.php" echo "done" echo echo -n "Applying configuration..." sed -i '' -e "s||$spoolpath/|" $webroot/common/config.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||$configpath/|" $webroot/common/config.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||$username|" $configpath/rslight.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||$site_key|" $configpath/rslight.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||$anonymous_password|" $configpath/rslight.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||$local_password|" $configpath/rslight.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||$admin_password|" $configpath/admin.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||$admin_key|" $configpath/admin.inc.php sed -i '' -e "s||/tmp|" $configpath/rslight.inc.php echo "done" echo echo "***************************************************" echo "******** YOUR ADMIN PASSWORD IS: '$admin_password'" echo "***************************************************" echo echo "Admin password can be changed in $configpath/admin.inc.php" echo echo "Next step is to visit your site in your browser: /common/setup.php" echo "to complete configuration" echo echo Add this to crontab for root to link with your remote server, start local echo server and manage other tasks: echo "*/5 * * * * cd $webroot/spoolnews ; bash -lc \"php $configpath/scripts/cron.php\"" echo echo "Once your web server is configured to point to $webroot and serve .php files" echo "give it a try. If you have trouble, feel free to ask for help in rocksolid.nodes.help" echo echo "Note that it may take 10-20 minutes before groups appear on your main page" echo "If you see files starting to appear in $spoolpath, it should be working" echo echo "Installation complete"