import sys sys.path.append(".") import nfa, string digit = '+'.join("0123456789") letter = '+'.join(string.ascii_letters) + "+_" upper = '+'.join(string.ascii_uppercase) lower = '+'.join(string.ascii_lowercase) whitespace_no_newline = " +\f+\r+\t+\v" whitespace = "(" + whitespace_no_newline + "+\n)*" any_char = digit + "+" + letter + "+" + whitespace any_string = "("+any_char+")*" integer = nfa.compile("-?(" + digit + ")(" + digit + ")*") integer.type = "integer" identifier = nfa.compile("(" + letter + ")(" + letter + "+" + digit + ")*") # letter followed by any number of letters or digits identifier.type = "identifier" string = nfa.compile("(\"(" + any_string + ")\")+('("+any_string+")')") string.type = "string" comment = nfa.compile("--(" + digit + "+" + letter + "+" + whitespace_no_newline + ")*\n") # Untested comment.type = "comment" keyword = nfa.compile("+".join(["class", "else", "false", "fi", "if", "in", "inherits", "isvoid", "let", "loop", "pool", "then", "while", "case", "esac", "new", "of", "not", "true"])) keyword.type = "keyword" assign = nfa.compile("<-") assign.type = "assign" relop = nfa.compile("+".join(["<", "<=", ">", ">=", "=", "<>", "!="])) relop.type = "relop" semicolon = nfa.compile(";") semicolon.type = "semicolon" whitespace_nfa = nfa.compile(whitespace) whitespace_nfa.type = "whitespace_nfa" parens = nfa.either(nfa.build_from_char("("), nfa.build_from_char(")")) parens.type = "parens" mathbinop = nfa.either(nfa.either(nfa.compile("-+/+%+^+|+&"), nfa.build_from_char("+")), nfa.build_from_char("*")) mathbinop.type = "mathbinop" mathunop = nfa.compile("~") mathunop.type = "mathunop" brace = nfa.compile("{+}") brace.type = "brace" bracket = nfa.compile("[+]") bracket.type = "bracket" unop = nfa.compile("!") unop.type = "unop" test_data = """ if x = y then x <- 10; else x <- x - (y * -1); -- comment test print("string literal test"); fi """ #print(nfa.match(keyword, "if")) #print(nfa.match(nfa.compile("if+and"), "if")) #print(nfa.match(integer, "10")) #nfa.pmap(nfa.compile("if+and")) #sys.exit(0) class token(): def __init__(self): self.matched_string = "" self.type = False # returns a list of tokens in the order they appeared in the input string def lex(data): # import subprocess # process = subprocess.Popen(["gpp", "+c", "--", "\\n"], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) # data = process.communicate(input=data.encode("utf-8"))[0].decode("utf-8") # whichever of these is the first to match a substring of the text is used to create the token priority_order = [whitespace_nfa, comment, integer, parens, bracket, brace, mathbinop, mathunop, unop, semicolon, keyword, assign, relop, string, identifier] done = [] data_ptr = 0 while data_ptr < len(data): # loop until we've read the whole input string one_matched = False # start by trying to match the whole rest of the input string, and chop one character off the end until there are no characters left. If none of those substrings matched, move on to the next regex in the priority order for regex in priority_order: # starting with the highest priority regex data_end = len(data) # MAXIMUM MUNCH - literally the largest lookahead possible this_regex_matched = False while data_end - data_ptr > 0: considering = data[data_ptr:data_end] if nfa.match(regex, considering): # If this regex matched the substring data_ptr += len(considering) # add the length of what it matched to where we'll start reading the next token from t = token() # construct a token and add it to the result list t.matched_string = considering t.type = regex.type done.append(t) one_matched = True # don't die this_regex_matched = True break data_end -= 1 if this_regex_matched: break if not one_matched: print("Nothing matched '" + considering + "', bailing out") # if we encounter something that we can't parse, just die return [] return done # debug for tkn in lex(test_data): if tkn.type != "whitespace_nfa": print("token was '" + tkn.matched_string.replace("\n", "\\n") + "' of type " + tkn.type)