114 lines
3.3 KiB
114 lines
3.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import libpme, math, random, sys
import pip._vendor.progress.bar as libbar
bitmask = 1
greyscale = False
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1].lower() == "high":
bitmask = 128
elif sys.argv[1].lower() == "greyscale":
greyscale = True
bitmask = 255
operations = {
"^": lambda x, y: x ^ y,
"**": lambda x, y: x ** y,
"*": lambda x, y: x * y,
"+": lambda x, y: x + y,
"-": lambda x, y: x - y,
"÷?": lambda x, y: x if y == 0 else x / y, # don't want division by zero errors, and filenames can't have / in them.
#"log": lambda x, y: math.log(x, y), # giving math domain errors
#"~": lambda x, y: ~(getop()(x, y)), # todo
">>": lambda x, y: x >> y,
"<<": lambda x, y: x << y,
"&": lambda x, y: x & y,
"|": lambda x, y: x | y
def gensym():
r = random.randint(0, 2)
if r == 0:
return lambda x, y: y
elif r == 1:
return lambda x, y: x
r = random.randint(1, 16)
# we can't just write "return lambda x, y: random.randint(1, 16)" or it would generate a different random number for each pixel. That bug took forever to find
return lambda x, y: r
# ops = [">>", "*", "-", "^"]
# ops.reverse()
# x = lambda x, y: x
# y = lambda x, y: y
# syms = [x, y, y, x, lambda x, y: 11]
# syms.reverse()
ops = [random.choice([x for x, y in operations.items()]) for k in range(random.randint(2, 6))]
syms = [gensym() for i in range(len(ops) + 1)]
def around(x):
return abs(round(x))
def builder(k, i = 0):
if len(k) == 0:
return lambda x, y: syms[i](x, y)
return lambda x, y: operations[k[0]](round(builder(k[1:], i + 1)(x, y)), syms[i](x, y))
def sbuilder(k, i = 0, recurse = False):
if len(k) == 0:
return str(syms[i]("x", "y"))
if recurse:
return "(" + sbuilder(k[1:], i + 1, True) + ") " + k[0] + " " + str(syms[i]("x", "y"))
return "(" + sbuilder(k, i, True) + ") & " + str(bitmask)
def mask(val):
if greyscale:
return min(255, max(0, val))
if bitmask == 1:
return val & bitmask
return 0 if val & bitmask == 0 else 1
#the_function = lambda x, y: (((x^y)-y)*x >> 11) & 1
the_function = lambda x, y: mask(round(builder(ops)(x, y)))
#print(the_function(2, 2))
# i = int(sys.argv[1])
# badfiles = open("badfiles", "r").read().split("\n")[:-1]
# the_function = eval("lambda x, y: " + badfiles[i].split("/")[-1].replace(" BAD FILENAME.png", ""))
img = libpme.PME()
img.height = img.width = 1024
img.color_type = libpme.color_types.GREYSCALE
img.bit_depth = 1
data = b''
bar = libbar.IncrementalBar(max = img.height)
if greyscale:
img.bit_depth = 8
for y in range(1024):
data += b'\x00'
if not greyscale:
for x in range(0, 1024, 8):
this_pixel = 0;
for subx in range(8):
this_x = x + subx
val = the_function(this_x, y)
this_pixel += val
this_pixel <<= 1
this_pixel >>= 1
data += bytes([this_pixel])
for x in range(1024):
data += bytes([the_function(x, y)])
bar.index = y
if y % 13 == 0: bar.update()
img.save(sbuilder(ops) + ".png")