from twisted.words.protocols import irc import sys import threading import time import json from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, ssl import twisted.protocols.basic messages = json.load(open("/dev/shm/stream", "r")) #messages = ["TEST!!"] channel = "#nntpchan" class ircproto(irc.IRCClient): nickname = "ctlbot" password = "ctlbot/freenode:CHANGEME" def sleepAndDie(self): # We need the thread because for some reason calling quit right after we send the message results in the message not getting sent print("Sleeping thread started") time.sleep(4) # self.quit() # reactor.stop() reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop) def signedOn(self): self.join(channel) def joined(self, channel_p): if channel == channel_p: # forgetting this check got me in a lot of trouble on freenode for m in messages: print("PRIVMSG " + m) self.msg(channel, "New message to ctl: " + m) t = threading.Thread(target=self.sleepAndDie) t.start() class ircfac(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory): protocol = ircproto reactor.connectSSL("", 9030, ircfac(), ssl.ClientContextFactory())