#!/usr/bin/env bash import time, datetime, gtts, yweather, yahoo_finance, subprocess, os, json, urllib.request day_of_week = time.localtime().tm_wday now = time.time() #now = time.time() + 60*28 + 60*60*13 tmp = "/tmp/" voice = False ### A fucton of helpers def time_period(): return "Morning" if time.localtime(now).tm_hour < 12 else "Afternoon" # hours = 3 # str(hours) + " hours" + sp(hours) -> "3 hours" # hours = 1 # str(hours) + " hours" + sp(hours) -> "1 hour" def sp(a): if a == 1: return "" return "s" # "90" -> "90" # "90.00" -> "90" # "90.1" -> "90 point 1" def format_float(s): s = str(s) if not "." in s: return s while True: if s[-1] == "0": s = s[:-1] elif s[-1] == ".": s = s[:-1] break else: break if voice: return s.replace(".", " point ") return s # "12" -> "12th" # etc.. def ordinal(s): if s[-1] == "1": return s + "st" if s[-1] == "2": return s + "nd" if s[-1] == "3": return s + "rd" return s + "th" # 1493353783.0026777 -> "Friday, April 28th" # will replace leading zeroes in the day with a space, like April 01 becomes April 1st def get_pretty_date(when = now): l = time.localtime(when) return ordinal(time.strftime("%A, %B %_d", l)) # 1493353783.0026777 -> "0:30" # 1493352043.3361661 -> "0 hundred hours" # 1493402438.1561348 -> "14 hundred # Will replace leading zeroes in the hour with spaces, like 02:30 becomes 2 30 def get_pretty_time(when = now): l = time.localtime(when) start = time.strftime("%_H:%M", l) if l.tm_min == 0: if l.tm_hour < 10: start = start.replace(":00", " hundred hours") else: start = start.replace(":00", " hundred") return start # *(0, 60*65) -> "1 hour 5 minutes" # could use work, seems to floor any difference you give it instead of round, # leads to "the time is 7 15 and your first class is in 44 minutes" def get_pretty_interval(start, end): diff = end - start l = time.gmtime(diff) hours = int(time.strftime("%H", l), 10) minutes = int(time.strftime("%M", l), 10) result = "" if hours > 0: result += str(hours) + " hour" + sp(hours) + " " # + ", " return result + str(minutes) + " minute" + sp(minutes) # todo: document def today(hour, minute): l = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now) l = l.replace(hour = hour) l = l.replace(minute = minute) l = l.replace(second = 0) return l.timestamp() def get_name(c): return c[0] def get_time(c): return c[1] ### Actual commands classes = [ [["C++", today(9, 5)], ["Linear Algebra", today(16, 00)]] # monday is zero , [["Engineering", today(8, 00)], ["English", today(12, 30)]] , [["C++", today(9, 5)], ["Linear Algebra", today(16, 00)]] , [["Engineering", today(8, 00)], ["English", today(12, 30)]] , [["Linear Algebra", today(16, 00)]] # friday , [] , [] # sunday ] alarms = [ [today(8, 15), today(15, 30)] # monday , [today(7, 15), today(12, 00)] , [today(8, 15), today(15, 30)] , [today(7, 15), today(12, 00)] , [today(15,30)] # friday , [] , [] # sunday ] for k in range(len(alarms)): alarms[k].append(today(22, 0)) #alarms[k].append(today(23, 0)) # pass -1 for today # 0 for tomorrow's forecast, 1 for the day after that, etc.. def weather(day = -1): filename = tmp + "weather_" + str(day) if os.path.exists(filename) and now - os.stat(filename).st_mtime < 60*60: # cache for a maximum of one hour return open(filename, "r").read() wid = "2365044" # BLACKSBURG wid = "12798962" # SEATTLE #url = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20in%20(select%20woeid%20from%20geo.places(1)%20where%20text%20%3D%20%22blacksburg%2C%20va%22)&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys" url = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20weather.forecast%20where%20woeid%20%3D%20"+wid+"&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys" data = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode("utf-8")) if day == -1: data = data["query"]["results"]["channel"]["item"]["condition"] retval = data["text"] + ", " + data["temp"] + " degrees" else: forecast = data["query"]["results"]["channel"]["item"]["forecast"][day] retval = forecast["text"] + ", " + format_float((float(forecast["low"])+float(forecast["high"]))/2) + " degrees" open(filename, "w").write(retval) return retval def stock(stk): filename = tmp + "stock_" + stk if os.path.exists(filename) and now - os.stat(filename).st_mtime < 60*60: # cache for a maximum of one hour return open(filename, "r").read() yesterday = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(now - 24*60*60)) s = yahoo_finance.Share(stk) #val = float(s.get_percent_change().replace("%", "")) # unstable as fuck val = round(100 * (float(s.get_price())/float(s.get_prev_close()) - 1), 1) #s_y = s.get_historical(yesterday, yesterday) #price_now = float(s.data_set["Ask"]) #price_yesterday = float(s_y[0]["Close"]) #val = round(100 * ((price_now/price_yesterday) - 1), 1) word = "up" if val < 0: word = "down" retval = word + " " + format_float(abs(val)) + " percent" open(filename, "w").write(retval) return retval todays_classes = classes[day_of_week] todays_classes = [k for k in todays_classes if get_time(k) > now] todays_alarms = alarms[day_of_week] todays_alarms = [k for k in todays_alarms if k > now] ### Actual printed stuff messages = [ ["say", "Good " + time_period() + " Niles"] , ["say", "Today is " + get_pretty_date()] , ["say", "The time is " + get_pretty_time()] , ["say", ("Your next class is " + get_name(todays_classes[0]) + " in " + get_pretty_interval(now, get_time(todays_classes[0])) if len(todays_classes) > 0 else "You have no classes today")] , ["say", ("You have an alarm set for " + get_pretty_time(todays_alarms[0])) if len(todays_alarms) > 0 else "You have no alarms set for today"] , ["say", "The SNP 500 is " + stock("^GSPC") + " and AMD is " + stock("AMD")] , ["say", "The weather for Seattle is " + weather()] , ["say", "Tommorow's weather is " + weather(0)] #, ["exec", "npr"] # todo, skip 20 secs ] ### Does the actual printing m = "\n".join([k[1] for k in messages]) # tts = gtts.gTTS(m) # tts.save("/tmp/temp.mp3") # subprocess.call(["mpv", "/tmp/temp.mp3"]) print(m)