bits = 2 outfile = "out.png" print_debug = False # End of the configuration section import PIL.Image, sys def debug(*args): if print_debug: print(*args) def binprecision(start, bits, length): end = bin(int(start))[2:] while len(end) < bits: end = '0' + end return end[:length] image =[1]) mode = "L" if bits == 1: mode = "1" out =,image.size) colors = [int(i*255.0/(2**bits-1)) for i in range(2**bits)] debug(image.width, image.height) for x in range(image.width): for y in range(image.height): pos = (x,y) color = image.getpixel(pos) debug(color) if len(color) == 4: color = color[:3] # Exclude alpha layer color = float(sum(color))/len(color) debug(color) debug(bin(int(color))) index = int(binprecision(color, 8, bits), 2) debug(index) out.putpixel(pos, colors[index]) debug() debug("------------") debug()