import glob, subprocess, os try: import shutil shutil.rmtree("out") except: pass files = glob.glob("*") del files[files.index("")] del files[files.index("")] if not os.path.isdir("out"): os.mkdir("out") def run(f,bits, percolor, dither, nonrandom): if not percolor: percolor = [] pc = "" else: percolor = ["--per-color"] pc = "per-color-" if not dither: dither = [] dc = "" else: dc = "dither-" + dither + "%-" dither = ["--dither", dither] if not nonrandom: nonrandom = [] nc = "" else: nc = "nonrandom-dither-" + nonrandom + "pixels-" nonrandom = ["--non-random-dither", nonrandom] bits_formatted = str(bits + 1) outfilename = "out/" + ".".join(f.split(".")[:-1]) + "-output-" + pc + dc + nc + bits_formatted + "bits.png" print("On " + outfilename)["python3", "../", f, outfilename, bits_formatted, *percolor, *dither, *nonrandom]) torun = [] for f in files: if (os.path.isdir(f)): continue if (f[-3:]) == '.py': continue for bits in range(8): for dither in [False, "15", "50", "auto"]: for nonrandom in [False, "7", "10", "auto"]: for percolor in [False, True]: if nonrandom and not dither: continue torun.append([f,bits, percolor, dither, nonrandom]) print(str(len(torun)) + " images will be generated") i = 0 for args in torun: i += 1 print(str(int(i * 1000 / len(torun))/10.0) + "% done") run(*args) print("Done")