Examples ******** **If you are on Windows, prefix all commands with** `py -m` Encoding ======== All of these examples assume you have a file named test.jpg inside your current directory. Basic: ``fvid -i ./test.jpg -e`` 3 FPS: ``fvid -i ./test.jpg -e -f 3`` 3 FPS + Password: ``fvid -i ./test.jpg -e -f 3 -p "testing testing 123"`` Advanced: ``fvid -i ./test.jpg -ez5 -f 3 -p "ez5 is short for encode, zfec, h265"`` Decoding ======== All of these examples assume you have an fvid-encoded video named file.mp4 inside your current directory. Basic: ``fvid -i ./file.mp4 -d`` Encoded at 3 FPS: ``fvid -i ./file.mp4 -d -f 3`` Encoded at 3 FPS + Password: ``fvid -i ./file.mp4 -d -f 3`` (It'll prompt you to enter the password) Advanced: ``fvid -i ./file.mp4 -dz5 -f 3``