from bitstring import Bits, BitArray from magic import Magic import mimetypes from PIL import Image import glob from operator import sub import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import ffmpeg import binascii import argparse DELIMITER = bin(int.from_bytes("HELLO MY NAME IS ALFREDO".encode(), "big")) FRAMES_DIR = "./fvid_frames/" def get_bits_from_file(filepath): bitarray = BitArray(filename=filepath) # adding a delimiter to know when the file ends to avoid corrupted files # when retrieving bitarray.append(DELIMITER) return bitarray.bin def less(val1, val2): return val1 < val2 def get_bits_from_image(image): width, height = image.size done = False px = image.load() bits = "" delimiter_str = DELIMITER.replace("0b", "") delimiter_length = len(delimiter_str) pbar = tqdm(range(height), desc="Getting bits from frame") white = (255, 255, 255) black = (0, 0, 0) for y in pbar: for x in range(width): # check if we have hit the delimiter if bits[-delimiter_length:] == delimiter_str: # remove delimiter from bit data to have an exact one to one # copy when decoding bits = bits[: len(bits) - delimiter_length] pbar.close() return (bits, True) pixel = px[x, y] pixel_bin_rep = "0" # for exact matches if pixel == white: pixel_bin_rep = "1" elif pixel == black: pixel_bin_rep = "0" else: white_diff = tuple(map(abs, map(sub, white, pixel))) # min_diff = white_diff black_diff = tuple(map(abs, map(sub, black, pixel))) # if the white difference is smaller, that means the pixel is closer # to white, otherwise, the pixel must be black if all(map(less, white_diff, black_diff)): pixel_bin_rep = "1" else: pixel_bin_rep = "0" # adding bits bits += pixel_bin_rep return (bits, done) def get_bits_from_video(video_filepath): # get image sequence from video image_sequence = [] ffmpeg.input(video_filepath).output( f"{FRAMES_DIR}decoded_frames%03d.png" ).run(quiet=True) for filename in glob.glob(f"{FRAMES_DIR}decoded_frames*.png"): image_sequence.append( bits = "" sequence_length = len(image_sequence) for index in range(sequence_length): b, done = get_bits_from_image(image_sequence[index]) bits += b if done: break return bits def save_bits_to_file(file_path, bits): # get file extension bitstring = Bits(bin=bits) mime = Magic(mime=True) mime_type = mime.from_buffer(bitstring.tobytes()) # If filepath not passed in use defualt # otherwise used passed in filepath if file_path == None: filepath = f"file{mimetypes.guess_extension(type=mime_type)}" else: filepath = file_path with open( filepath, "wb" ) as f: bitstring.tofile(f) def make_image(bit_set, resolution=(1920, 1080)): width, height = resolution image ="1", (width, height)) image.putdata(bit_set) return image def split_list_by_n(lst, n): for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i : i + n] def make_image_sequence(bitstring, resolution=(1920, 1080)): width, height = resolution # split bits into sets of width*height to make (1) image set_size = width * height # bit_sequence = [] bit_sequence = split_list_by_n(list(map(int, bitstring)), width * height) image_bits = [] # using bit_sequence to make image sequence image_sequence = [] for bit_set in bit_sequence: image_sequence.append(make_image(bit_set)) return image_sequence def make_video(output_filepath, image_sequence, framerate="1/5"): if output_filepath == None: outputfile = "file.mp4" else: outputfile = output_filepath frames = glob.glob(f"{FRAMES_DIR}encoded_frames*.png") # for one frame if len(frames) == 1: ffmpeg.input(frames[0], loop=1, t=1).output( outputfile, vcodec="libx264rgb" ).run(quiet=True) else: ffmpeg.input( f"{FRAMES_DIR}encoded_frames*.png", pattern_type="glob", framerate=framerate, ).output(outputfile, vcodec="libx264rgb").run(quiet=True) def cleanup(): # remove frames import shutil shutil.rmtree(FRAMES_DIR) def setup(): import os if not os.path.exists(FRAMES_DIR): os.makedirs(FRAMES_DIR) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="save files as videos") parser.add_argument( "-e", "--encode", help="encode file as video", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--decode", help="decode file from video", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="input file", required=True) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="output path") parser.add_argument("-f", "--framerate", help="set framerate for encoding (as a fraction)", default="1/5", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() setup() if args.decode: bits = get_bits_from_video(args.input) file_path = None if args.output: file_path = args.output save_bits_to_file(file_path, bits) elif args.encode: # isdigit has the benefit of being True and raising an error if the user passes a negative string # all() lets us check if both the negative sign and forward slash are in the string, to prevent negative fractions if (not args.framerate.isdigit() and "/" not in args.framerate) or all(x in args.framerate for x in ("-", "/")): raise NotImplementedError("The framerate must be a positive fraction or an integer for now, like 3, '1/3', or '1/5'!") # get bits from file bits = get_bits_from_file(args.input) # create image sequence image_sequence = make_image_sequence(bits) # save images for index in range(len(image_sequence)): image_sequence[index].save( f"{FRAMES_DIR}encoded_frames_{index}.png" ) video_file_path = None if args.output: video_file_path = args.output make_video(video_file_path, image_sequence, args.framerate) cleanup()