#!/usr/bin/env python # # DocMaker is a very simple program used to generate HTML documentation # from the source files of the FreeType packages. # # I should really be using regular expressions to do this, but hey, # i'm too lazy right now, and the damn thing seems to work :-) # - David # import fileinput, sys, string html_header = """
FreeType 2 API Reference

FreeType 2 API Reference

""" html_footer = """ """ section_title_header = """

""" section_title_footer = """

""" code_header = """

code_footer = """
""" para_header = "

" para_footer = "

" block_header = """

""" block_footer = "
" source_header = """
source_footer = """

""" current_section = None # The FreeType 2 reference is extracted from the source files. These contain # various comment blocks that follow one of the following formats: # # /************************** # * # * FORMAT1 # * # * # * # * # *************************/ # # /**************************/ # /* */ # /* FORMAT2 */ # /* */ # /* */ # /* */ # /* */ # # /**************************/ # /* */ # /* FORMAT3 */ # /* */ # /* */ # /* */ # /* */ # /**************************/ # # Each block contains a list of markers; each one can be followed by # some arbitrary text or a list of fields. Here's an example: # # # MyStruct # # # this structure holds some data # # # x :: horizontal coordinate # y :: vertical coordinate # # # This example defines three markers: 'Struct', 'Description' & 'Fields'. # The first two markers contain arbitrary text, while the last one contains # a list of fields. # # Each field is simple of the format: WORD :: TEXT... # # Note that typically each comment block is followed by some source # code declaration that may need to be kept in the reference. # # Note that markers can alternatively be written as "@MARKER:" # instead of "". All marker identifiers are converted to # lower case during parsing in order to simply sorting. # # We associate with each block the following source lines that do not # begin with a comment. For example, the following: # # /********************************** # * # * blabla # * # */ # # bla_bla_bla # bilip_bilip # # /* - this comment acts as a separator - */ # # blo_blo_blo # # # will only keep the first two lines of sources with # the "blabla" block. # # However, the comment will be kept, with following source lines # if it contains a starting '#' or '@' as in: # # /*@.....*/ # /*#.....*/ # /* @.....*/ # /* #.....*/ # ############################################################################# # # The DocCode class is used to store source code lines # # 'self.lines' contains a set of source code lines that will # be dumped as HTML in a
#   The object is filled line by line by the parser; it strips the
#   leading "margin" space from each input line before storing it
#   in 'self.lines'.
class DocCode:

    def __init__( self, margin = 0 ):
        self.lines  = []
        self.margin = margin

    def add( self, line ):
        # remove margin whitespace
        if string.strip( line[: self.margin] ) == "":
            line = line[self.margin :]
        self.lines.append( line )

    def dump( self ):
        for line in self.lines:
            print "--" + line
        print ""

    def get_identifier( self ):
        # this function should never be called

    def dump_html( self ):
        # clean the last empty lines
        l = len( self.lines ) - 1
        while l > 0 and string.strip( self.lines[l - 1] ) == "":
            l = l - 1

        print code_header
        for line in self.lines[0 : l]:
            print line
        print code_footer

# The DocParagraph is used to store text paragraphs.
# 'self.words' is simply a list of words for the paragraph.
# The paragraph is filled line by line by the parser.
class DocParagraph:

    def __init__( self ):
        self.words = []

    def add( self, line ):
        # Get rid of unwanted spaces in the paragraph.
        # The following line is the same as
        #   self.words.extend( string.split( line ) )
        # but older Python versions don't have the `extend' attribute.
        last = len(self.words)
        self.words[last:last] = string.split( line )

    # This function is used to retrieve the first word of a given
    # paragraph.
    def get_identifier( self ):
        if self.words:
            return self.words[0]

        # should never happen

    def dump( self ):
        max_width = 50
        cursor    = 0
        line      = ""

        for word in self.words:
            if cursor + len( word ) + 1 > max_width:
                print line
                cursor = 0
                line = ""

            line   = line + word + " "
            cursor = cursor + len( word ) + 1

        if cursor > 0:
            print line

        # print "§" # for debugging only

    def dump_string( self ):
        s     = ""
        space = ""
        for word in self.words:
            s     = s + space + word
            space = " "

        return s

    def dump_html( self ):
        print para_header
        print para_footer

# DocContent is used to store the content of a given marker.
# The "self.items" list contains (field,elements) records, where
# "field" corresponds to a given structure fields or function
# parameter (indicated by a "::"), or NULL for a normal section
# of text/code.
# Hence, the following example:
#      This is an example of what can be put in a content section,
#      A second line of example text.
#      x :: A simple test field, with some contents.
#      y :: Even before, this field has some code contents.
#           {
#             y = x+2;
#           }
# should be stored as
#     [ ( None, [ DocParagraph, DocParagraph] ),
#       ( "x",  [ DocParagraph ] ),
#       ( "y",  [ DocParagraph, DocCode ] ) ]
# in 'self.items'.
# The DocContent object is entirely built at creation time; you must
# pass a list of input text lines in the "lines_list" parameter.
class DocContent:

    def __init__( self, lines_list ):
        self.items  = []
        code_mode   = 0
        code_margin = 0
        text        = []
        paragraph   = None   # represents the current DocParagraph
        code        = None   # represents the current DocCode

        elements    = []     # the list of elements for the current field,
                             # contains DocParagraph or DocCode objects

        field       = None   # the current field

        for aline in lines_list:
            if code_mode == 0:
                line   = string.lstrip( aline )
                l      = len( line )
                margin = len( aline ) - l

                # if the line is empty, this is the end of the current
                # paragraph
                if l == 0 or line == '{':
                    if paragraph:
                        elements.append( paragraph )
                        paragraph = None

                    if line == "":

                    code_mode   = 1
                    code_margin = margin
                    code        = None

                words = string.split( line )

                # test for a field delimiter on the start of the line, i.e.
                # the token `::'
                if len( words ) >= 2 and words[1] == "::":
                    # start a new field - complete current paragraph if any
                    if paragraph:
                        elements.append( paragraph )
                        paragraph = None

                    # append previous "field" to self.items
                    self.items.append( ( field, elements ) )

                    # start new field and elements list
                    field    = words[0]
                    elements = []
                    words    = words[2 :]

                # append remaining words to current paragraph
                if len( words ) > 0:
                    line = string.join( words )
                    if not paragraph:
                        paragraph = DocParagraph()
                    paragraph.add( line )

                # we're in code mode...
                line = aline

                # the code block ends with a line that has a single '}' on
                # it that is located at the same column that the opening
                # accolade...
                if line == " " * code_margin + '}':
                    if code:
                        elements.append( code )
                        code = None

                    code_mode   = 0
                    code_margin = 0

                # otherwise, add the line to the current paragraph
                    if not code:
                        code = DocCode()
                    code.add( line )

        if paragraph:
            elements.append( paragraph )

        if code:
            elements.append( code )

        self.items.append( ( field, elements ) )

    def get_identifier( self ):
        if self.items:
            item = self.items[0]
            for element in item[1]:
                return element.get_identifier()

        # should never happen

    def get_title( self ):
        if self.items:
            item = self.items[0]
            for element in item[1]:
                return element.dump_string()

        # should never happen
        return "UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TITLE!"

    def dump( self ):
        for item in self.items:
            field = item[0]
            if field:
                print ""

            for element in item[1]:

            if field:
                print "        "

    def dump_html( self ):
        n        = len( self.items )
        in_table = 0

        for i in range( n ):
            item  = self.items[i]
            field = item[0]

            if not field:
                if in_table:
                    print ""
                    in_table = 0

                for element in item[1]:

                if not in_table:
                    print "
" in_table = 1 else: print "
" print "" + field + "" for element in item[1]: element.dump_html() if in_table: print "
" ###################################################################################### # # # The DocBlock class is used to store a given comment block. It contains # a list of markers, as well as a list of contents for each marker. # # "self.items" is a list of (marker, contents) elements, where # 'marker' is a lowercase marker string, and 'contents' is a DocContent # object. # # "self.source" is simply a list of text lines taken from the # uncommented source itself. # # Finally, "self.identifier" is a simple identifier used to # uniquely identify the block. # class DocBlock: def __init__( self, block_line_list = [], source_line_list = [] ): self.items = [] # current ( marker, contents ) list self.identifier = None marker = None # current marker content = [] # current content lines list alphanum = string.letters + string.digits + "_" self.name = None for line in block_line_list: line2 = string.lstrip( line ) l = len( line2 ) margin = len( line ) - l if l > 3: ender = None if line2[0] == '<': ender = '>' elif line2[0] == '@': ender = ':' if ender: i = 1 while i < l and line2[i] in alphanum: i = i + 1 if i < l and line2[i] == ender: if marker and content: self.add( marker, content ) marker = line2[1 : i] content = [] line2 = string.lstrip( line2[i + 1 :] ) l = len( line2 ) line = " " * margin + line2 content.append( line ) if marker and content: self.add( marker, content ) self.source = [] if self.items: self.source = source_line_list # now retrieve block name when possible # if self.items: first = self.items[0] self.name = first[1].get_identifier() # This function adds a new element to 'self.items'. # 'marker' is a marker string, or None. # 'lines' is a list of text lines used to compute a list of # DocContent objects. # def add( self, marker, lines ): # remove the first and last empty lines from the content list # l = len( lines ) if l > 0: i = 0 while l > 0 and string.strip( lines[l - 1] ) == "": l = l - 1 while i < l and string.strip( lines[i] ) == "": i = i + 1 lines = lines[i : l] l = len( lines ) # add a new marker only if its marker and its content list # aren't empty # if l > 0 and marker: content = DocContent( lines ) self.items.append( ( string.lower( marker ), content ) ) if not self.identifier: self.identifier = content.get_identifier() def find_content( self, marker ): for item in self.items: if ( item[0] == marker ): return item[1] return None def dump( self ): for i in range( len( self.items ) ): print "[" + self.items[i][0] + "]" content = self.items[i][1] content.dump() def dump_html( self ): types = [ 'type', 'struct', 'functype', 'function', 'constant', 'enum', 'macro' ] if not self.items: return # start of a block # print block_header print "

" + self.identifier + "

" # print source code # if not self.source: return lines = self.source l = len( lines ) - 1 while l >= 0 and string.strip( lines[l] ) == "": l = l - 1 print source_header for line in lines[0 : l + 1]: print line print source_footer # dump each (marker,content) element # for element in self.items: marker = element[0] content = element[1] if marker == "description": print "
    " content.dump_html() print "
" elif not ( marker in types ): print "

" + marker + "

" print "
    " content.dump_html() print "
" print "" print block_footer ###################################################################################### # # The DocSection class is used to store a given documentation section. # # Each section is made of an identifier, an abstract and a description. # # For example, look at: # #
Basic_Data_Types # # # Definitions of basic FreeType data types # # # FreeType defines several basic data types for all its # operations... # class DocSection: def __init__( self, block ): self.block = block self.name = string.lower( block.name ) self.abstract = block.find_content( "abstract" ) self.description = block.find_content( "description" ) title_content = block.find_content( "title" ) if title_content: self.title = title_content.get_title() else: self.titles = "UNKNOWN_SECTION_TITLE!" self.elements = {} self.list = [] self.filename = self.name + ".html" # sys.stderr.write( "new section '" + self.name + "'" ) def add_element( self, block ): # check that we don't have a duplicate element in this # section # if self.elements.has_key( block.name ): sys.stderr.write( "ERROR - duplicate element definition for " + "'" + block.name + "' in section '" + section.name + "'" ) sys.quit() self.elements[ block.name ] = block self.list.append( block ) def dump_html( self ): """make an HTML page from a given DocSection""" # print HTML header # print html_header # print title # print section_title_header print self.title print section_title_footer # print description # print block_header self.description.dump_html() print block_footer # print elements # for element in self.list: element.dump_html() print html_footer class DocSectionList: def __init__( self ): self.sections = {} self.list = [] self.current_section = None def append_section( self, block ): name = block.name abstract = block.find_content( "abstract" ) if self.sections.has_key( name ): # There is already a section with this name in our # list. We'll try to complete it. # section = self.sections[name] if section.abstract: # This section already has an abstract defined; # simply check that the new section doesn't # provide a new one. # if abstract: stderr.write( "ERROR - duplicate section definition" + " for '" + name + "'" ) sys.quit() else: # The old section didn't contain an abstract; we're # now going to replace it. # section.abstract = abstract section.description = block.find_content( "description" ) else: # a new section # section = DocSection( block ) self.sections[name] = section self.list.append( section ) self.current_section = section def append_block( self, block ): if block.name: section = block.find_content( "section" ) if section: self.append_section( block ) elif self.current_section: # sys.stderr.write( " new block" ) self.current_section.add_element( block ) def dump_html_toc( self ): # dump an html table of contents # print html_header print "

Table of Contents

" print "
" for section in self.list: print "" print "
" print '' print section.title print "" section.abstract.dump_html() print "
" print html_footer def dump_html_sections( self ): old_stdout = sys.stdout for section in self.sections.values(): new_file = open( section.filename, "w" ) sys.stdout = new_file section.dump_html() new_file.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout # Filter a given list of DocBlocks. Returns a new list # of DocBlock objects that only contains element whose # "type" (i.e. first marker) is in the "types" parameter. # def filter_blocks( block_list, types ): new_list = [] for block in block_list: if block.items: element = block.items[0] marker = element[0] if marker in types: new_list.append( block ) return new_list # Perform a lexicographical comparison of two DocBlock # objects. Returns -1, 0 or 1. # def block_lexicographical_compare( b1, b2 ): if not b1.identifier: return -1 if not b2.identifier: return 1 id1 = string.lower( b1.identifier ) id2 = string.lower( b2.identifier ) if id1 < id2: return -1 elif id1 == id2: return 0 else: return 1 def block_make_list( source_block_list ): list = [] for block in source_block_list: docblock = DocBlock( block[0], block[1] ) list.append( docblock ) return list # dump a list block as a single HTML page # def dump_html_1( block_list ): print html_header for block in block_list: block.dump_html() print html_footer def make_block_list(): """parse a file and extract comments blocks from it""" list = [] block = [] format = 0 # We use "format" to store the state of our parser: # # 0 - wait for beginning of comment # 1 - parse comment format 1 # 2 - parse comment format 2 # # 4 - wait for beginning of source (or comment ??) # 5 - process source # comment = [] source = [] state = 0 for line in fileinput.input(): l = len( line ) if l > 0 and line[l - 1] == '\012': line = line[0 : l - 1] # stripped version of the line # line2 = string.strip( line ) l = len( line2 ) # if this line begins with a comment and we are processing some # source, exit to state 0 # # unless we encounter something like: # # /*@..... # /*#..... # # /* @..... # /* #..... # if format >= 4 and l > 2 and line2[0 : 2] == '/*': if l < 4 or ( line2[3] != '@' and line2[3:4] != ' @' and line2[3] != '#' and line2[3:4] != ' #'): list.append( ( block, source ) ) format = 0 if format == 0: #### wait for beginning of comment #### if l > 3 and line2[0 : 3] == '/**': i = 3 while i < l and line2[i] == '*': i = i + 1 if i == l: # this is '/**' followed by any number of '*', the # beginning of a Format 1 block # block = [] source = [] format = 1 elif i == l - 1 and line2[i] == '/': # this is '/**' followed by any number of '*', followed # by a '/', i.e. the beginning of a Format 2 or 3 block # block = [] source = [] format = 2 ############################################################## # # FORMAT 1 # elif format == 1: # If the line doesn't begin with a "*", something went # wrong, and we must exit, and forget the current block. # if l == 0 or line2[0] != '*': block = [] format = 0 # Otherwise, we test for an end of block, which is an # arbitrary number of '*', followed by '/'. # else: i = 1 while i < l and line2[i] == '*': i = i + 1 # test for the end of the block # if i < l and line2[i] == '/': if block != []: format = 4 else: format = 0 else: # otherwise simply append line to current block # block.append( line2[i:] ) continue ############################################################## # # FORMAT 2 # elif format == 2: # If the line doesn't begin with '/*' and end with '*/', # this is the end of the format 2 format. # if l < 4 or line2[: 2] != '/*' or line2[-2 :] != '*/': if block != []: format = 4 else: format = 0 else: # remove the start and end comment delimiters, then # right-strip the line # line2 = string.rstrip( line2[2 : -2] ) # check for end of a format2 block, i.e. a run of '*' # if string.count( line2, '*' ) == l - 4: if block != []: format = 4 else: format = 0 else: # otherwise, add the line to the current block # block.append( line2 ) continue if format >= 4: #### source processing #### if l > 0: format = 5 if format == 5: source.append( line ) if format >= 4: list.append( [block, source] ) return list # This function is only used for debugging # def dump_block_list( list ): """dump a comment block list""" for block in list: print "----------------------------------------" for line in block[0]: print line for line in block[1]: print line print "---------the end-----------------------" def main( argv ): """main program loop""" sys.stderr.write( "extracting comment blocks from sources...\n" ) list = make_block_list() list = block_make_list(list) section_list = DocSectionList() for block in list: section_list.append_block( block ) section_list.dump_html_toc() section_list.dump_html_sections() # list2 = filter_blocks( list, ['type','macro','enum','constant', 'functype'] ) # list2 = list # list2.sort( block_lexicographical_compare ) # dump_html_1( list2 ) # dump_doc_blocks( list ) # dump_block_lists( list ) # dump_html_1( list ) # If called from the command line if __name__ == '__main__': main( sys.argv ) # eof