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welcome personal zeberdee for Windows

Freetype (for Windows)


To learn all about Freetype, visit here.

Freetype for Windows

One of the problems with The Freetype Project is that it doesn’t come with any nice workspace and project files for use with MS Visual C++.

So, as I’ve been using Freetype within some of my own software, I’ve had to create these file for myself, and I herewith provide them back to the open source community.

The usual rules apply:


You can download:

How to use the Workspace and Project Files

These are some quick note that I’ve put together to help you get started. I hope they make sense ;-)

The project files have been set up in such a manner than no changes are necessary to either the Freetype2 source code, or any environment or VC settings for things like include folders, etc... in other words, this is a very clean implementation.

Note the following:

When you open up the workspace, and perhaps also the project files within, you might get some error message to do with Visual Source Safe... do not panic, and simply ignore these warnings, choose not to use VSS in future, save the workspace/project files, and all should be well.

The ‘freetype’ project build a static library. There are four build options, which will result in the following being generated into the ‘lib’ directory in your ‘freetype’ directory):

The ‘ftdump’, ‘ftstring’, and ‘ftview’ projects build the respective sample applications. The binaries are placed into the ‘bin’ directory in the ‘demos’ directory. Note that if you build the debug versions, the filenames have a ‘_D’ suffix.