FreeType 2 compilation how-to ============================= Introduction: Welcome to this version of the FreeType 2 library. You'll find in this document instructions on how to compile the library on your favorite platform. I. QUICK COMMAND-LINE GUIDE --------------------------- Install GNU Make, then try the following on Unix or any system with gcc: make // this will setup the build make // this will build the library On Win32 + Visual C++: make setup visualc // setup the build for VisualC++ on Win32 make // build the library Then, go to the "demos" directory and type make Note that on Unix, the first "make" invocation will run a configure script (which is located in "freetype2/builds/unix/". You can also pass parameters to this script with the CFG variable, as in: make CFG="--prefix=/usr/local" make If this doesn't work, read the following. II. COMMAND-LINE COMPILATION ---------------------------- Note that if you do not want to compile FreeType 2 from a command line shell, please skip to section III below (DETAILED COMPILATION) FreeType 2 includes a powerful and flexible build system that allows you to easily compile it on a great variety of platforms from the command line. To do so, just follow these simple instructions: a/ Install GNU Make: Because GNU Make is the only Make tool supported to compile FreeType 2, you should install it on your machine. Because the FT2 build system relies on many important features of GNU Make, trying to build the library with any other Make tool will *fail*. Make sure that you're invoking GNU Make from the command line, by typing something like: make -V to display its version number.. b/ Invoke "make": Go to the root FT2 directory, then simply invoke GNU Make from the command line, this will launch the FreeType 2 Host Platform detection routines. A summary will be displayed, for example, on Win32: ======================================================================== FreeType build system -- automatic system detection The following settings are used: platform win32 compiler gcc configuration directory ./builds/win32 configuration rules ./builds/win32/ If this does not correspond to your system or settings please remove the file '' from this directory then read the INSTALL file for help. Otherwise, simply type 'make' again to build the library. ========================================================================= If the detected settings correspond to your platform and compiler, skip to step e/. Note that if your platform is completely alien to the build system, the detected platform will be "ansi". c/ Configure the build system for a different compiler: If the build system correctly detected your platform, but you want to use a different compiler than the one specified in the summary (for most platforms, gcc is the defaut compiler), simply invoke GNU Make like : make setup For example: to use Visual C++ on Win32, type: "make setup visualc" to use LCC-Win32 on Win32, type: "make setup lcc" The name to use is platform-dependent. The list of available compilers for your system is available in the file "builds//" (note that we hope to make the list displayed at user demand in the final release).. If you're satisfed by the new configuration summary, skip to step e/ d/ Configure the build system for an unknown platform/compiler: What the auto-detection/setup phase of the build system does is simply copy a file to the current directory under the name "". For example, on OS/2+gcc, it would simply copy "builds/os2/" to "./" If for some reason your platform isn't correctly detected, simply copy manually the configuration sub-makefile to "./" and go to step e/. Note that this file is a sub-Makefile used to specify Make variables used to invoke the compiler and linker during the build, you can easily create your own version from one of the existing configuration files, then copy it to the current directory under the name "./". e/ Build the library: The auto-detection/setup phase should have copied a file in the current directory, called "./". This file contains definitions of various Make variables used to invoke the compiler and linker during the build. To launch the build, simply invoke GNU Make again: the top Makefile will detect the configuration file and run the build with it.. f/ Build the demonstration programs: Once the library is compiled, go to "demos", then invoke GNU Make. Note that the demonstration programs include a tiny graphics sub-system that includes "drivers" to display Windows on Win32, X11 and OS/2. The build system should automatically detect which driver to use based on the current platform. UNIX USERS TAKE NOTE: XXXXXX When building the demos, the build system tries to detect your X11 path by looking for the patterns "X11R5/bin", "X11R6/bin" or "X11/bin" in your current path. If no X11 path is found, the demo programs will not be able to display graphics and will fail. Change your current path if you encounter this problem. Note that the release version will use Autoconf to detect everything on Unix, so this will not be necessary !! II. DETAILED COMPILATION PROCEDURE: ----------------------------------- If you don't want to compile FreeType 2 from the command-line (for example from a graphical IDE on a Mac or Windows), you'll need to understand how the FreeType files are organized. FreeType 2 has a very modular design, and it is made of several components. Each component must be compiled as a stand-alone object file, even when it is really made of several C source files. For example, the "base layer" component is made of the following C files: src/ base/ ftcalc.c - computations ftobjs.c - object management ftstream.c - stream input ftlist.c - simple list management ftoutln.c - simple outline processing ftextend.c - extensions support However, you can create a single object file by compiling the file "src/base/ftbase.c", whose content is basically: #include #include #include #include #include #include Similarly, each component has a single "englobing" C file to compile it as a stand-alone object, i.e. : src/base/ftbase.c - the base layer, high-level interface src/sfnt/sfnt.c - the "sfnt" module src/psnames/psnames.c - the Postscript Names module src/truetype/truetype.c - the TrueType font driver src/type1/type1.c - the Type 1 font driver To compile one component, do the following: - add the top-level "include" directory to your compilation include path - add the "src" directory to your compilation include path. - compile the component "source" file (see list below), you don't need to be in the component's directory.. For example, the following line can be used to compile the truetype driver on Unix: cd freetype2/ cc -c -Iinclude -Isrc src/truetype/truetype.c Alternatively: cd freetype2/src/truetype cc -c -I../../include -I.. truetype.c The complete list of files to compile for a feature-complete build of FreeType 2 is: src/base/ftsystem.c - system-specific memory and i/o support src/base/ftinit.c - initialisation layer src/base/ftdebug.c - debugging component (empty in release build) src/base/ftbase.c - the "base layer" component src/base/ftglyph.c - optional convenience functions src/raster1/raster1.c - the monochrome bitmap renderer src/smooth/smooth.c - the anti-aliased bitmap renderer src/sfnt/sfnt.c - the "sfnt" module src/psnames/psnames.c - the "psnames" module src/truetype/truetype.c - the TrueType font driver src/type1/type1.c - the Type 1 font driver (incl. Multiple Masters) src/cid/type1cid.c - the Type 1 CID-keyed font driver src/cff/cff.c - the OpenType/CFF/CEF font driver src/winfonts/winfnt.c - the Windows FNT/FON font driver All font drivers are optional. the "sfnt" and "psnames" modules are mandatory for certain drivers. However, you may need to update the list of drivers that are statically linked to the library, which is located in the file "include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h" III. Support for flat-directory compilation: ---------------------------------------- It is now possible to put all FreeType 2 source files into a single directory, with the exception of the "include" hierarchy. Note that you'll still need to only compile the 'wrapper' sources described above. Define the "FT_FLAT_COMPILE" macro when compiling. Here's an example: 1/ Copy all files in current directory: cp freetype2/src/base/*.[hc] . cp freetype2/src/raster1/*.[hc] . cp freetype2/src/smooth/*.[hc] . etc... 2/ Compile sources: cc -c -DFT_FLAT_COMPILE -Ifreetype2/include ftsystem.c cc -c -DFT_FLAT_COMPILE -Ifreetype2/include ftinit.c cc -c -DFT_FLAT_COMPILE -Ifreetype2/include ftdebug.c cc -c -DFT_FLAT_COMPILE -Ifreetype2/include ftbase.c etc...