
33 lines
983 B

// SCProcessingModule.h
// Snapchat
// Created by Yu-Kuan (Anthony) Lai on 5/30/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Snapchat, Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import <CoreMedia/CoreMedia.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
typedef struct RenderData {
CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer;
CVPixelBufferRef depthDataMap; // Optional - for depth blur rendering
CGPoint *depthBlurPointOfInterest; // Optional - for depth blur rendering
} RenderData;
@protocol SCProcessingModule
A single module that is responsible for the actual image processing work. Multiple modules can be chained
together by the SCProcessingPipelineBuilder and the frame can be passed through the entire
@protocol SCProcessingModule <NSObject>
- (CMSampleBufferRef)render:(RenderData)renderData;
// Needed to protect against depth data potentially being nil during the render pass
- (BOOL)requiresDepthData;