// // SCManagedCaptureDeviceFaceDetectionAutoFocusHandler.h // Snapchat // // Created by Jiyang Zhu on 3/7/18. // Copyright © 2018 Snapchat, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This class is used to // 1. adjust focus related parameters of camera, including focus mode and focus point. // 2. receive detected face bounds, and focus to a preferred face if needed. #import "SCManagedCaptureDeviceFocusHandler.h" #import #import @protocol SCCapturer; @interface SCManagedCaptureDeviceFaceDetectionAutoFocusHandler : NSObject SC_INIT_AND_NEW_UNAVAILABLE - (instancetype)initWithDevice:(AVCaptureDevice *)device pointOfInterest:(CGPoint)pointOfInterest managedCapturer:(id)managedCapturer; @end