Cyberman was designed to serve .cyb, however it can easily be configured to work with other TLDs. In addition to the default 'cyberpunk' stylesheet, there is a more generic 'light' stylesheet available.
You need a recent Perl 5 version (5.14 or later should do) and some Perl modules. The best way to get these is to install cpanminus (`cpan App::cpanminus`, `curl | perl - app::cpanminus`, or better still, use your package manager) and then run `cpanm --installdeps .` in the repo directory.
Once you've got all that, just run `plackup` to start a development server. You should probably inspect and alter `config.yml` first.
## Production!
You can deploy cyberman however you want, using Plack. Just make sure you pass `-E production` - this disables detailed error pages which could be a security risk, and tones down the logging.
The WHOIS server is written in Perl 6 (what do you think I am, a luddite?!) so you need to install that first, along with Panda, a package manager. Then, install the dependencies for the WHOIS server: `cat whoissrv/DEPENDENCIES | xargs -n 1 panda install`. Edit the values in the `whoissrv` section of `config.yml` and then start the server as root.
The WHOIS server is not supported on Windows at this time.