"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; // copied from discord_app/lib because including from there is broken. class Backoff { /** * Create a backoff instance can automatically backoff retries. */ constructor(min = 500, max = null, jitter = true) { this.min = min; this.max = max != null ? max : min * 10; this.jitter = jitter; this._current = min; this._timeoutId = null; this._fails = 0; } /** * Return the number of failures. */ get fails() { return this._fails; } /** * Current backoff value in milliseconds. */ get current() { return this._current; } /** * A callback is going to fire. */ get pending() { return this._timeoutId != null; } /** * Clear any pending callbacks and reset the backoff. */ succeed() { this.cancel(); this._fails = 0; this._current = this.min; } /** * Increment the backoff and schedule a callback if provided. */ fail(callback) { this._fails += 1; let delay = this._current * 2; if (this.jitter) { delay *= Math.random(); } this._current = Math.min(this._current + delay, this.max); if (callback != null) { if (this._timeoutId != null) { throw new Error('callback already pending'); } this._timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { try { if (callback != null) { callback(); } } finally { this._timeoutId = null; } }, this._current); } return this._current; } /** * Clear any pending callbacks. */ cancel() { if (this._timeoutId != null) { clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); this._timeoutId = null; } } } exports.default = Backoff; module.exports = exports.default;