/* This script removes ignored directories By default it only removes all the "node_modules" directories. Using it with "all" removes the "dist", "distApp", and "builds" dirs too. To run this script, use `npm run clean` or `npm run clean:all`. */ let test; try { test = require("fs-extra") } catch (err) { console.error("This script won't work unless you've installed node_modules.") process.exit(1) } const fs = test; const glob = require("fast-glob") const {resolve,join} = require("path"); const projectDir = resolve(__dirname, "..") var args = process.argv.slice(2); let dirsToRemove; const node_modules = glob.sync("+(**/node_modules|node_modules)", {absolute:true, onlyDirectories:true, cwd:projectDir}) const dist = join(projectDir, "dist"); const distApp = join(projectDir, "distApp"); const builds = join(projectDir, "builds"); // regular clean means removing only node_modules dirsToRemove = node_modules; // clean all means removing all dirs. if (args[0] === "--all"){ dirsToRemove = node_modules.concat([dist, distApp, builds]) } dirsToRemove.forEach((dir)=>{ fs.remove(dir); })