const VoiceEngine = require('./discord_voice_'+process.platform+'.node'); const ChildProcess = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); const yargs = require('yargs'); const isElectronRenderer = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window != null && window.DiscordNative && window.DiscordNative.isRenderer; const appSettings = isElectronRenderer ? window.DiscordNative.settings : global.appSettings; const features = isElectronRenderer ? window.DiscordNative.features : global.features; const mainArgv = isElectronRenderer ? window.DiscordNative.processUtils.getMainArgvSync() : []; const releaseChannel = isElectronRenderer ? : ''; const useLegacyAudioDevice = appSettings ? appSettings.getSync('useLegacyAudioDevice') : false; const audioSubsystemSelected = appSettings ? appSettings.getSync('audioSubsystem') === 'legacy' ? 'legacy' : 'standard' : 'standard'; const audioSubsystem = useLegacyAudioDevice || audioSubsystemSelected; const debugLogging = appSettings ? appSettings.getSync('debugLogging') : false; const argv = yargs(mainArgv.slice(1)) .describe('log-level', 'Logging level.') .default('log-level', -1) .help('h') .alias('h', 'help') .exitProcess(false).argv; const logLevel = argv['log-level'] == -1 ? (debugLogging ? 2 : -1) : argv['log-level']; if (debugLogging && console.discordVoiceHooked == null) { console.discordVoiceHooked = true; for (const logFn of ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'log']) { const originalLogFn = console[logFn]; if (originalLogFn != null) { console[logFn] = function () { originalLogFn.apply(this, arguments); try { VoiceEngine.consoleLog( logFn, JSON.stringify(Array.from(arguments).map((v) => (v != null ? v.toString() : v))) ); } catch (e) { // Drop errors from toString()/stringify. } }; } } } features.declareSupported('voice_panning'); features.declareSupported('voice_multiple_connections'); features.declareSupported('media_devices'); features.declareSupported('media_video'); features.declareSupported('debug_logging'); features.declareSupported('set_audio_device_by_id'); features.declareSupported('set_video_device_by_id'); features.declareSupported('loopback'); features.declareSupported('experiment_config'); features.declareSupported('remote_locus_network_control'); features.declareSupported('connection_replay'); features.declareSupported('simulcast'); if (process.platform === 'win32') { features.declareSupported('voice_legacy_subsystem'); features.declareSupported('soundshare'); features.declareSupported('wumpus_video'); features.declareSupported('hybrid_video'); features.declareSupported('elevated_hook'); features.declareSupported('soundshare_loopback'); features.declareSupported('screen_previews'); features.declareSupported('window_previews'); features.declareSupported('audio_debug_state'); features.declareSupported('video_effects'); // NOTE(jvass): currently there's no experimental encoders! Add this back if you // add one and want to re-enable the UI for them. // features.declareSupported('experimental_encoders'); } function bindConnectionInstance(instance) { return { destroy: () => instance.destroy(), setTransportOptions: (options) => instance.setTransportOptions(options), setSelfMute: (mute) => instance.setSelfMute(mute), setSelfDeafen: (deaf) => instance.setSelfDeafen(deaf), mergeUsers: (users) => instance.mergeUsers(users), destroyUser: (userId) => instance.destroyUser(userId), setLocalVolume: (userId, volume) => instance.setLocalVolume(userId, volume), setLocalMute: (userId, mute) => instance.setLocalMute(userId, mute), setLocalPan: (userId, left, right) => instance.setLocalPan(userId, left, right), setDisableLocalVideo: (userId, disabled) => instance.setDisableLocalVideo(userId, disabled), setMinimumOutputDelay: (delay) => instance.setMinimumOutputDelay(delay), getEncryptionModes: (callback) => instance.getEncryptionModes(callback), configureConnectionRetries: (baseDelay, maxDelay, maxAttempts) => instance.configureConnectionRetries(baseDelay, maxDelay, maxAttempts), setOnSpeakingCallback: (callback) => instance.setOnSpeakingCallback(callback), setPingInterval: (interval) => instance.setPingInterval(interval), setPingCallback: (callback) => instance.setPingCallback(callback), setPingTimeoutCallback: (callback) => instance.setPingTimeoutCallback(callback), setRemoteUserSpeakingStatus: (userId, speaking) => instance.setRemoteUserSpeakingStatus(userId, speaking), setRemoteUserCanHavePriority: (userId, canHavePriority) => instance.setRemoteUserCanHavePriority(userId, canHavePriority), setOnVideoCallback: (callback) => instance.setOnVideoCallback(callback), setVideoBroadcast: (broadcasting) => instance.setVideoBroadcast(broadcasting), setDesktopSource: (id, videoHook, type) => instance.setDesktopSource(id, videoHook, type), setDesktopSourceStatusCallback: (callback) => instance.setDesktopSourceStatusCallback(callback), setOnDesktopSourceEnded: (callback) => instance.setOnDesktopSourceEnded(callback), setOnSoundshare: (callback) => instance.setOnSoundshare(callback), setOnSoundshareEnded: (callback) => instance.setOnSoundshareEnded(callback), setOnSoundshareFailed: (callback) => instance.setOnSoundshareFailed(callback), setPTTActive: (active, priority) => instance.setPTTActive(active, priority), getStats: (callback) => instance.getStats(callback), getFilteredStats: (filter, callback) => instance.getFilteredStats(filter, callback), startReplay: () => instance.startReplay(), }; } const VoiceConnection = VoiceEngine.VoiceConnection; const VoiceReplayConnection = VoiceEngine.VoiceReplayConnection; delete VoiceEngine.VoiceConnection; delete VoiceEngine.VoiceReplayConnection; VoiceEngine.createTransport = VoiceEngine._createTransport; if (isElectronRenderer) { VoiceEngine.setImageDataAllocator((width, height) => new window.ImageData(width, height)); } VoiceEngine.VoiceConnection = function (audioSSRC, userId, address, port, onConnectCallback, experiments, rids) { let instance = null; if (rids != null) { instance = new VoiceConnection(audioSSRC, userId, address, port, onConnectCallback, experiments, rids); } else if (experiments != null) { instance = new VoiceConnection(audioSSRC, userId, address, port, onConnectCallback, experiments); } else { instance = new VoiceConnection(audioSSRC, userId, address, port, onConnectCallback); } return bindConnectionInstance(instance); }; VoiceEngine.createReplayConnection = function (audioEngineId, callback, replayLog) { if (replayLog == null) { return null; } return new VoiceReplayConnection(replayLog, audioEngineId, callback); }; VoiceEngine.setAudioSubsystem = function (subsystem) { if (appSettings == null) { console.warn('Unable to access app settings.'); return; } // TODO: With experiment controlling ADM selection, this may be incorrect since // audioSubsystem is read from settings (or default if does not exists) // and not the actual ADM used. if (subsystem === audioSubsystem) { return; } appSettings.set('audioSubsystem', subsystem); appSettings.set('useLegacyAudioDevice', false); if (isElectronRenderer) {; } }; VoiceEngine.setDebugLogging = function (enable) { if (appSettings == null) { console.warn('Unable to access app settings.'); return; } if (debugLogging === enable) { return; } appSettings.set('debugLogging', enable); if (isElectronRenderer) {; } }; VoiceEngine.getDebugLogging = function () { return debugLogging; }; const videoStreams = {}; const ensureCanvasContext = function (sinkId) { let canvas = document.getElementById(sinkId); if (canvas == null) { for (const popout of window.popouts.values()) { const element = popout.document != null && popout.document.getElementById(sinkId); if (element != null) { canvas = element; break; } } if (canvas == null) { return null; } } const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (context == null) { console.log(`Failed to initialize context for sinkId ${sinkId}`); return null; } return context; }; // [adill] NB: with context isolation it has become extremely costly (both memory & performance) to provide the image // data directly to clients at any reasonably fast interval so we've replaced setVideoOutputSink with a direct canvas // renderer via addVideoOutputSink const setVideoOutputSink = VoiceEngine.setVideoOutputSink; const clearVideoOutputSink = (streamId) => { // [adill] NB: if you don't pass a frame callback setVideoOutputSink clears the sink setVideoOutputSink(streamId); }; const signalVideoOutputSinkReady = VoiceEngine.signalVideoOutputSinkReady; delete VoiceEngine.setVideoOutputSink; delete VoiceEngine.signalVideoOutputSinkReady; function addVideoOutputSinkInternal(sinkId, streamId, frameCallback) { let sinks = videoStreams[streamId]; if (sinks == null) { sinks = videoStreams[streamId] = new Map(); } if (sinks.size === 0) { console.log(`Subscribing to frames for streamId ${streamId}`); const onFrame = (imageData) => { const sinks = videoStreams[streamId]; if (sinks != null) { for (const callback of sinks.values()) { if (callback != null) { callback(imageData); } } } signalVideoOutputSinkReady(streamId); }; setVideoOutputSink(streamId, onFrame, true); } sinks.set(sinkId, frameCallback); } VoiceEngine.addVideoOutputSink = function (sinkId, streamId, frameCallback) { let canvasContext = null; addVideoOutputSinkInternal(sinkId, streamId, (imageData) => { if (canvasContext == null) { canvasContext = ensureCanvasContext(sinkId); if (canvasContext == null) { return; } } if (frameCallback != null) { frameCallback(imageData.width, imageData.height); } // [adill] NB: Electron 9+ on macOS would show massive leaks in the the GPU helper process when a non-Discord // window completely occludes the Discord window. Adding this tiny readback ameliorates the issue. We tried WebGL // rendering which did not exhibit the issue, however, the context limit of 16 was too small to be a real // alternative. const leak = canvasContext.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1); canvasContext.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); }); }; VoiceEngine.removeVideoOutputSink = function (sinkId, streamId) { const sinks = videoStreams[streamId]; if (sinks != null) { sinks.delete(sinkId); if (sinks.size === 0) { delete videoStreams[streamId]; console.log(`Unsubscribing from frames for streamId ${streamId}`); clearVideoOutputSink(streamId); } } }; let sinkId = 0; VoiceEngine.getNextVideoOutputFrame = function (streamId) { const nextVideoFrameSinkId = `getNextVideoFrame_${++sinkId}`; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { VoiceEngine.removeVideoOutputSink(nextVideoFrameSinkId, streamId); reject(new Error('getNextVideoOutputFrame timeout')); }, 5000); addVideoOutputSinkInternal(nextVideoFrameSinkId, streamId, (imageData) => { VoiceEngine.removeVideoOutputSink(nextVideoFrameSinkId, streamId); resolve({ width: imageData.width, height: imageData.height, data: new Uint8ClampedArray(, }); }); }); }; console.log(`Initializing voice engine with audio subsystem: ${audioSubsystem}`); VoiceEngine.initialize({audioSubsystem, logLevel}); module.exports = VoiceEngine;