const spawn = require("cross-spawn") const path = require("path") const { existsSync, promises: fsPromises, createWriteStream } = require("fs") const yazl = require("yazl") const supportedPlatforms = [] const Platforms = { linux: { name: "linux", run: () => { return awaitExec("npm", ["run", "build:electron_linux"]) } }, win: { name: "win", run: () => { return awaitExec("npm", ["run", "build:electron_win"]) } }, mac: { name: "mac", run: () => { return awaitExec("npm", ["run", "build:electron_mac"]) } }, mac_experimental: { name: "mac", experimental: true, run: async () => { const basePath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "lightcord-darwin-x64") const nextPath = path.join(__dirname, "builds", "lightcord-darwin-x64") if(existsSync(nextPath)){ console.log(`Cleaning ${nextPath}.`) await fsPromises.rmdir(nextPath, {recursive: true}) } console.log(`Copying files from ${basePath}.`) let nextDir = async (pth) => { const newPath = pth.replace(basePath, nextPath) await fsPromises.mkdir(newPath) for(let file of await fsPromises.readdir(pth, {withFileTypes: true})){ const filePath = path.join(pth, const newFilePath = path.join(newPath, if(file.isFile()){ await fsPromises.copyFile(filePath, newFilePath) }else if(file.isDirectory()){ await nextDir(filePath) } } } await nextDir(basePath) console.log(`Files are copied. Erasing current bundle if existing.`) const asarPath = path.join(nextPath, "", "Contents", "Resources", "app.asar") if(existsSync(asarPath))await fsPromises.unlink(asarPath) const asarUnpackPath = path.join(nextPath, "", "Contents", "Resources", "app.asar.unpacked") if(existsSync(asarUnpackPath))await fsPromises.rmdir(asarUnpackPath, {recursive: true}) const asar = require("asar") await asar.createPackageWithOptions(path.join(__dirname, "distApp"), asarPath, { unpack: "*.{node,dylib,so.4,dll}", unpackDir: asarUnpackPath }) const iconPath = path.join(__dirname, "discord.icns") if(existsSync(iconPath)){ console.log(`Setting icon.`) const newIconPath = path.join(nextPath, "", "Contents", "Resources", "electron.icns") await fsPromises.copyFile(iconPath, newIconPath) } console.log("zipping") const zip = new yazl.ZipFile(); zip.outputStream.pipe(createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, "builds", ""))) .on("close", function() { console.log("Finished zipping."); }); const startDir = path.join(__dirname, "builds", "lightcord-darwin-x64") async function nextDir2(dir){ for(let file of await fsPromises.readdir(dir, {withFileTypes: true})){ if(file.isDirectory()){ await nextDir2(path.join(dir, }else if(file.isFile()){ zip.addFile(path.join(dir,, path.relative(startDir, path.join(dir, } } } await nextDir2(startDir) zip.end(); } } } switch(process.platform){ case "win32": /*supportedPlatforms.push( supportedPlatforms.push(Platforms.linux)*/ if(existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "lightcord-darwin-x64"))){ supportedPlatforms.push(Platforms.mac_experimental) } break case "linux": supportedPlatforms.push(Platforms.linux) if(existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "lightcord-darwin-x64"))){ supportedPlatforms.push(Platforms.mac_experimental) } break case "darwin": supportedPlatforms.push(Platforms.mac) supportedPlatforms.push(Platforms.linux) break } (async function(){ console.log(`[\x1b[33mINFO\x1b[0m] Will build platforms \x1b[34m${ =>"\x1b[0m, \x1b[34m")}\x1b[0m`) for(let platform of supportedPlatforms){ console.log(`[\x1b[33mINFO\x1b[0m] Building platform ${}`) if(platform.experimental)console.warn(`[\x1b[33mWARN\x1b[0m] This platform is experimental`) await } })().catch(err => { console.error(`Couldn't package app for electrons. Error:`, err) }) function awaitExec(command, args = []){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const child = spawn.spawn(command, args, { env: process.env, cwd: process.cwd(), stdio: "inherit" }) child.on("close", (code) => { console.log() console.log() console.log(`Command ${command}${args.length > 0 ? " " + args.join(" ") : ""} ended with code ${code}.`) if(code !== 0){ console.error("\x1b[31mFAILURE\x1b[0m Command failed. See logs above.") return reject(code) } resolve() }) }) }