import { requireModule } from "../DiscordToModules"; export = requireModule(m=>m.Dispatcher&&m.default&&m.default.dispatch) as { _subscriptions: any, _waitQueue: (() => void)[], _processingWaitQueue: boolean, _currentDispatchActionType: string | null, _orderedActionHandlers: any, _orderedCallbackTokens: any, _lastID: number, _dependencyGraph: any isDispatching():boolean, /** * If the dispatcher isn't dispatching, then dispatch */ maybeDispatch(event: {type: string, [k: string]:any}):void, /** * Wait until the dispatcher finished dispatching, then dispatch */ dirtyDispatch(event: {type: string, [k: string]:any}):void, /** * dispatch */ dispatch(event: {type: string, [k: string]:any}):void, /** Same as dispatcher.dispatch */ _dispatch(event: {type: string, [k: string]:any}):void, /** * Intercept events before they happens, if returning true, then the event will be blocked from dispatching. */ setInterceptor(interceptor: (event) => boolean):void, /** * Wait until the dispatcher has finished dispatching */ wait(waiting: () => void):void, /** Subscribe to an event */ subscribe(event: string, listener: (event: {type: string, [k: string]:any}) => void):void, /** * Unsubscribe from the event. */ unsubscribe(event: string, listener: (event: {type: string, [k: string]:any}) => void):void, register(name: string, actionHandler: any, storeDidChange: any):void addDependencies, _invalidateCaches, _processWaitQueue, _computeOrderedActionHandlers, _computeOrderedCallbackTokens }