import { Snowflake, Channel } from ".." import { DiscordGuild, channelsModule, guildModule, UserSettingsModule, ConstantsModule, CdnModule, AckModule } from "../util/DiscordToModules" import BaseStructure from "./BaseStructure" import { createChannel, createGuildMember, createRole, UserResolvable, resolveUserID } from "../util/util" import Collection from "@discordjs/collection" import SnowflakeUtil from "../util/Snowflake" import GuildMember from "./GuildMember" import { MessageNotificationType } from "../util/Constants" import Role from "./Role" import DiscordJSError from "../util/DiscordJSError" export default class Guild extends BaseStructure { DiscordGuild:DiscordGuild constructor(data:DiscordGuild){ super() this.DiscordGuild = data } get id(): Snowflake{ return } get afkChannel():Channel{ if(!this.afkChannelID)return null return createChannel(channelsModule.getChannel(this.afkChannelID)) } get afkChannelID():Snowflake{ return this.DiscordGuild.afkChannelId } get afkTimeout():number{ return this.DiscordGuild.afkTimeout } get applicationID():Snowflake{ return this.DiscordGuild.application_id } get available():boolean{ return true } get channels():Collection{{ return this.client.channels.filter(channel => channel.guild_id === }} get createdAt():Date{ return SnowflakeUtil.deconstruct( } get createdTimestamp():number{ return this.createdAt.getTime() } get defaultChannel(){ return this.channels.get( } get defaultMessageNotifications():number{ return this.DiscordGuild.defaultMessageNotifications } deleted:boolean = false get embedEnabled(){ return true } get emojis(){ return this.client.emojis.filter(e => e.guild_id === } get explicitContentFilter(){ return this.DiscordGuild.explicitContentFilter } get features(){ return Array.from(this.DiscordGuild.features) } get icon(){ return this.DiscordGuild.icon } get iconURL(){ return this.DiscordGuild.getIconURL().replace(".webp", ".jpg") } get joinedAt(){ return new Date(this.DiscordGuild.joinedAt) } get joinedTimestamp(){ return this.DiscordGuild.joinedAt.getTime() } get large(){ return false } get me(){ return this.members.find(member => === } get memberCount(){ return guildModule.getMemberCount( } get members(){ return new Collection(guildModule.getMembers( => [member.userId, createGuildMember(member)])) } get messageNotifications():MessageNotificationType{ return MessageNotificationType[guildModule.getMessageNotifications(] as unknown as MessageNotificationType } get mfaLevel(){ return this.DiscordGuild.mfaLevel } get mobilePush():boolean{ return guildModule.getNotificationsState().userGuildSettings[].mobile_push } get muted(){ return guildModule.getNotificationsState().userGuildSettings[].muted } get name(){ return } get nameAcronym(){ return this.DiscordGuild.acronym } get owner(){ return this.members.get(this.ownerID) } get ownerID(){ return this.DiscordGuild.ownerId } get position(){ let guildPositions = UserSettingsModule.getAllSettings().guildPositions if(!guildPositions)return 0 return guildPositions.indexOf( } get presences(){ // TODO: Add activities. return new Collection() } get region(){ return this.DiscordGuild.region } get roles(){ return new Collection(Object.values(this.DiscordGuild.roles).map(role => [, createRole(role)])) } get splash(){ return this.DiscordGuild.splash } get splashURL(){ return CdnModule.getGuildSplashURL({ id:, splash: this.splash, size: ConstantsModule.SPLASH_SIZE }) } get suppressEveryone(){ return guildModule.getNotificationsState().userGuildSettings[].suppress_everyone } get systemChannel(){ return this.client.channels.get(this.systemChannelID) } get systemChannelID(){ return this.DiscordGuild.systemChannelId } get verificationLevel(){ return this.DiscordGuild.verificationLevel } get verified(){ return this.features.includes("VERIFIED") } get voiceConnection(){// TODO: Implement if possible VoiceConnection. Maybe not fully like discord.js, but at least can see if you're connected. return null } get banner(){ return this.DiscordGuild.banner } get bannerURL(){ return CdnModule.getGuildBannerURL({ id:, banner: this.banner }) } get description(){ return this.DiscordGuild.description } get embedChannel(){ // TODO: Implement embedChannel return null } get embedChannelID(){ // TODO: Implement embedChannelID return null } get maximumMembers(){ // TODO: Correctly Implement maximumMembers if possible return 250000 } get maximumPresences(){ // TODO: Correctly Implement maximumPresences if possible return 5000 } get widgetEnabled(){ // TODO: Correctly Implement widgetEnabled if possible return false } get widgetChannelID(){ // TODO: Correctly Implement widgetChannelID if possible return null } get widgetChannel(){ // TODO: Correctly Implement widgetChannel if possible return null } get vanityURLCode(){ return this.DiscordGuild.vanityURLCode } /** FUNCTIONS */ async acknowledge(){ AckModule.bulkAck(this.channels.filter(e => e.type === "text").map(e => { return { channelId:, messageId: channelsModule.lastMessageId( } })) } addMember(...args:any):Promise{ return Promise.reject(new DiscordJSError("This method is not available on Lightcord.")) } allowDMs(allow:boolean){ let restricted = UserSettingsModule.getAllSettings().restrictedGuilds if(allow){ if(!restricted.includes( Promise.resolve(this) restricted = restricted.filter(e => e !== }else{ if(restricted.includes( Promise.resolve(this) restricted.push( } return UserSettingsModule.updateRemoteSettings({ restrictedGuilds: restricted }).then(() => this) } ban(user:UserResolvable, { days = 0, reason = null }: { days?: number, reason?: string }){ let id = resolveUserID(user) if(!id)return Promise.reject(new DiscordJSError("Given user could not be resolved to an user ID.")) } fetch():Promise{ // Guild is synced by Discord. Only refreshing from cache. let guild = guildModule.getGuild( if(!guild){ this.deleted = true return Promise.resolve(this) } this.DiscordGuild = guild return Promise.resolve(this) } }