import Utils from "./Utils" import Notices, { notices } from "../components/private/Notices" import { isNative } from "./environnement"; import WebpackLoader from "./WebpackLoader"; export function patch(){ /** START NOTICE */ getModule(e => e.default && e.default.displayName === "ConnectedAppView") .then(async (mod) => { const appClasses = await getModule(e => e.hasNotice); const buildRender = original => { return function render(){ const returnValue =, ...arguments) const newchildren = [] let children = returnValue.props.children[1].props.children if(!Array.isArray(children))children = [children] newchildren.push(children[0]) newchildren.push(React.createElement(Notices, {container: this})) newchildren.push(children[1]) returnValue.props.children[1].props.children = newchildren returnValue.props.children[1].props.children[2].props.children[0].props.render = buildRenderChannelSidebar(returnValue.props.children[1].props.children[2].props.children[0].props.render) return returnValue } } const buildRenderChannelSidebar = original => { return function renderChannelSidebar(){ const returnValue =, ...arguments) const hasNotice = notices.length > 0 if(!hasNotice)return returnValue if(!Utils.hasClass(returnValue.props.className, appClasses.hasNotice)){ returnValue.props.className += " "+Utils.removeDa(appClasses.hasNotice) } return returnValue } } mod.default.prototype.render = buildRender(mod.default.prototype.render); (async function(){ const base = document.querySelector("."+Utils.removeDa(appClasses.base)) if(!base)throw new Error(`Could not find base here`) const elem = Utils.FindReact(base) as any elem.render = buildRender(elem.render) elem.forceUpdate() })() }) /** END NOTICE */ if(isNative){ /** START USERPOPOUT PATCH */ awaitLogin() .then(async () => { let UserPopout = await getModule(e => e.default && e.default.displayName === "FluxContainer(ForwardRef(SubscribeGuildMembersContainer(UserPopout)))") const userModule = await getModule(e => e.default && e.default.getCurrentUser) const render1 = new UserPopout.default({userId: userModule.default.getCurrentUser().id, guildId: null, channelId: null, disableUserProfileLink: true}).render() const PopoutProps = render1.props const render2 = render1.type.render(PopoutProps, null) const render3 = new render2.type(render2.props).render() const UserPopoutComponent = render3.type if(!UserPopoutComponent)throw new Error(`Couldn't find the UserPopoutComponent component.`) const render = UserPopoutComponent.prototype.render UserPopoutComponent.prototype.render = function(){ const returnValue =, ...arguments) try{ returnValue.props.children.props["data-user-id"] = }catch(e){ console.error(e) } return returnValue } }) /** END USERPOPOUT PATCH*/ /** START USERPROFILE PATCH */ awaitLogin() .then(async () => { let UserProfile = await getModule(e => e.default && e.default.displayName === "UserProfile") const userModule = await getModule(e => e.default && e.default.getCurrentUser) const render1 = new UserProfile.default({ user: userModule.default.getCurrentUser() }).render() const render2 = new render1.type(render1.props).render() const render3 = render2.type.render(render2.props, null) const render4 = new render3.type(render3.props).render() const UserProfileComponent = render4.type if(!UserProfileComponent)throw new Error(`Couldn't find the UserProfileComponent component.`) const render = UserProfileComponent.prototype.render UserProfileComponent.prototype.render = function(){ const returnValue =, ...arguments) console.log(returnValue) try{ returnValue.props.children.props["data-user-id"] = }catch(e){ console.error(e) } return returnValue } }) /** END USERPROFILE PATCH */ /** START WEBHOOK PATCH */ /* let usedWebhooks = {} getModule(e => e && e.Request && e.Request.prototype && e.Request.prototype.end) .then(RequestModule => { const end = RequestModule.Request.prototype.end RequestModule.Request.prototype.end = function(){ if(this.url.endsWith("/messages") && /\/channels\/\d+\/messages/g.test(this.url) && this.method === "POST"){ // sending message let channelId = this.url.split("/channels/")[1].split("/messages")[0] if(usedWebhooks[channelId]){ // webhook is availlable let webhook = usedWebhooks[channelId] let url = `/webhooks/${}/${webhook.token}?wait=true` this.url = url } } return, ...arguments) } }) getModule(e => e.default && e.default.displayName === "Webhook") .then(webhookComponent => { const renderEdit = webhookComponent.default.prototype.renderEdit webhookComponent.default.prototype.renderEdit = function(){ const webhook = this.props.webhook let returnValue =, ...arguments) returnValue.props.children = [returnValue.props.children] let message = usedWebhooks[webhook.channel_id] && usedWebhooks[webhook.channel_id].id === ? "Stop talking with this webhook" : "Talk with this webhook" returnValue.props.children.push(React.createElement(window.Lightcord.Api.Components.inputs.Button, {color: "green", wrapper: false, onClick(){ if(usedWebhooks[webhook.channel_id] && usedWebhooks[webhook.channel_id].id ==={ delete usedWebhooks[webhook.channel_id] }else{ usedWebhooks[webhook.channel_id] = { id:, token: webhook.token } } webhookPanels.forEach(e => e()) }}, message)) return returnValue } }) let webhookPanels = [] let getComp = (comp) => { class SettingsWebhooks extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props){ super(props) } componentWillMount(){ = uuid() this.component = new comp(this.props) let func = () => { this.component.forceUpdate() } = webhookPanels.push(func) } componentWillUnmount(){ this.component = null webhookPanels = webhookPanels.filter(e => !== } render(){ return this.component.render() } static displayName = "SettingsWebhooks" } return SettingsWebhooks } getModule(e => e.default && e.default.displayName === "FluxContainer(SettingsWebhooks)") .then(webhooksComponents => { let comp = webhooksComponents.default webhooksComponents.default = getComp(comp) WebpackLoader.find(e => e.default && e.default.displayName === "FluxContainer(FluxContainer(SettingsWebhooks))") .forEach(mod => { mod.default = getComp(mod.default) }) })*/ /** END WEBHOOK PATCH */ } // TODO: Add in app-notifications / confirmations. /** START IN-APP NOTIFICATIONS */ //getModule(e => true) /** END IN-APP NOTIFICATIONS */ } function getModule(filter: (mod:any) => boolean):Promise{ return new Promise((resolve) => { window.Lightcord.Api.ensureExported(filter) .then(resolve) .catch(err => { console.error("[LIGHTCORD]", err, filter) }) }) } let hasCompletedLogin = false let loginPromise:Promise function awaitLogin():Promise{ if(hasCompletedLogin)return Promise.resolve() if(loginPromise)return loginPromise return loginPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { let isResolved = false window.Lightcord.DiscordModules.dispatcher.subscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", (ev) => { if(isResolved)return hasCompletedLogin = true resolve() isResolved = true }) }) } window.Lightcord.DiscordModules.dispatcher.subscribe("LOGOUT", (ev) => { hasCompletedLogin = false loginPromise = undefined })