'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.hasInit = undefined; exports.init = init; exports.show = show; exports.displayHowToCloseHint = displayHowToCloseHint; var _electron = require('electron'); var _utils = require('./utils'); var _appSettings = require('./appSettings'); var _ipcMain = require('./ipcMain'); var _ipcMain2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ipcMain); var _Constants = require('./Constants'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const settings = _appSettings(); // These are lazy loaded into temp files const TrayIconNames = { DEFAULT: 'tray', UNREAD: 'tray-unread', CONNECTED: 'tray-connected', SPEAKING: 'tray-speaking', MUTED: 'tray-muted', DEAFENED: 'tray-deafened' }; const MenuItems = { SECRET: 'SECRET', MUTE: 'MUTE', DEAFEN: 'DEAFEN', OPEN: 'OPEN', VOICE_SETTINGS: 'VOICE_SETTINGS', CHECK_UPDATE: 'CHECK_UPDATE', QUIT: 'QUIT', ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' }; let hasInit = exports.hasInit = false; let currentIcon; let options; let menuItems; let contextMenu; let atomTray; let trayIcons; let applications; function init(_options) { if (hasInit) { console.warn('systemTray: Has already init! Cancelling init.'); return; } trayIcons = {}; generateTrayIconPaths(); exports.hasInit = hasInit = true; options = _options; currentIcon = trayIcons.DEFAULT; menuItems = {}; applications = []; contextMenu = []; initializeMenuItems(); buildContextMenu(); _ipcMain2.default.on('SYSTEM_TRAY_SET_ICON', (evt, icon) => setTrayIcon(icon)); _ipcMain2.default.on('SYSTEM_TRAY_SET_APPLICATIONS', (evt, newApplications) => setApplications(newApplications)); } function generateTrayIconPaths() { // Load in the icons for current platform const resourcePath = `app/images/systemtray/${process.platform}`; const suffix = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Template' : ''; for (const key of Object.keys(TrayIconNames)) { trayIcons[key] = _utils.exposeModuleResource(resourcePath, `${TrayIconNames[key]}${suffix}.png`); } } function initializeMenuItems() { const { onToggleMute, onToggleDeafen, onTrayClicked, onOpenVoiceSettings, onCheckForUpdates } = options; const voiceConnected = currentIcon !== trayIcons.DEFAULT && currentIcon !== trayIcons.UNREAD; menuItems[MenuItems.SECRET] = { label: `Lightcord`, icon: trayIcons.DEFAULT, enabled: false }; menuItems[MenuItems.MUTE] = { label: `Mute`, type: 'checkbox', checked: currentIcon === trayIcons.MUTED || currentIcon === trayIcons.DEAFENED, visible: voiceConnected, click: onToggleMute }; menuItems[MenuItems.DEAFEN] = { label: `Deafen`, type: 'checkbox', checked: currentIcon === trayIcons.DEAFENED, visible: voiceConnected, click: onToggleDeafen }; menuItems[MenuItems.OPEN] = { label: `Open ${_Constants.APP_NAME}`, type: 'normal', visible: process.platform === 'linux', click: onTrayClicked }; menuItems[MenuItems.VOICE_SETTINGS] = { label: 'Voice / Video Settings', type: 'normal', visible: voiceConnected, click: onOpenVoiceSettings }; /* menuItems[MenuItems.CHECK_UPDATE] = { label: 'Check for Updates...', type: 'normal', visible: process.platform !== 'darwin', click: onCheckForUpdates }; */ menuItems[MenuItems.QUIT] = { label: `Quit ${_Constants.APP_NAME}`, role: 'quit' }; menuItems[MenuItems.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS] = { label: 'Acknowledgements', type: 'normal', visible: process.platform !== 'darwin', click: () => _electron.shell.openExternal('https://discord.com/acknowledgements') }; } function buildContextMenu() { const separator = { type: 'separator' }; const hasApplications = applications != null && applications.length > 0; contextMenu = [ menuItems[MenuItems.SECRET], separator, ...(hasApplications ? [...applications, separator] : []), menuItems[MenuItems.OPEN], menuItems[MenuItems.MUTE], menuItems[MenuItems.DEAFEN], menuItems[MenuItems.VOICE_SETTINGS], /*menuItems[MenuItems.CHECK_UPDATE], */ menuItems[MenuItems.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS], separator, menuItems[MenuItems.QUIT] ]; } function setTrayIcon(icon) { // Keep track of last set icon currentIcon = trayIcons[icon]; // If icon is null, hide the tray icon. Otherwise show // These calls also check for tray existence, so minimal cost. if (icon == null) { hide(); return; } else { show(); } // Keep mute/deafen menu items in sync with client, based on icon states const muteIndex = contextMenu.indexOf(menuItems[MenuItems.MUTE]); const deafenIndex = contextMenu.indexOf(menuItems[MenuItems.DEAFEN]); const voiceConnected = contextMenu[muteIndex].visible; let shouldSetContextMenu = false; if (currentIcon !== trayIcons.DEFAULT && currentIcon !== trayIcons.UNREAD) { // Show mute/deaf controls if (!voiceConnected) { contextMenu[muteIndex].visible = true; contextMenu[deafenIndex].visible = true; shouldSetContextMenu = true; } if (currentIcon === trayIcons.DEAFENED) { contextMenu[muteIndex].checked = true; contextMenu[deafenIndex].checked = true; shouldSetContextMenu = true; } else if (currentIcon === trayIcons.MUTED) { contextMenu[muteIndex].checked = true; contextMenu[deafenIndex].checked = false; shouldSetContextMenu = true; } else if (contextMenu[muteIndex].checked || contextMenu[deafenIndex].checked) { contextMenu[muteIndex].checked = false; contextMenu[deafenIndex].checked = false; shouldSetContextMenu = true; } } else if (voiceConnected) { contextMenu[muteIndex].visible = false; contextMenu[deafenIndex].visible = false; shouldSetContextMenu = true; } shouldSetContextMenu && setContextMenu(); atomTray != null && atomTray.setImage(_electron.nativeImage.createFromPath(currentIcon)); } function launchApplication(applicationId) { options.onLaunchApplication(applicationId); } function setApplications(newApplications) { applications = newApplications.map(application => ({ type: 'normal', label: application.name, click: () => launchApplication(application.id) })); buildContextMenu(); setContextMenu(); } function setContextMenu() { atomTray != null && atomTray.setContextMenu(_electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(contextMenu)); } function show() { if (atomTray != null) return; atomTray = new _electron.Tray(_electron.nativeImage.createFromPath(currentIcon)); // Initialize with last set icon atomTray.setToolTip(_Constants.APP_NAME); // Set tray context menu setContextMenu(); // Set Tray click behavior atomTray.on('click', options.onTrayClicked); } function hide() { if (atomTray == null) { return; } atomTray.destroy(); atomTray = null; } function displayHowToCloseHint() { if (settings.get('trayBalloonShown') != null || atomTray == null) { return; } // TODO: localize const balloonMessage = 'Hi! Lightcord will run in the background to keep you in touch with your friends.' + ' You can right-click here to quit.'; settings.set('trayBalloonShown', true); settings.save(); atomTray.displayBalloon({ title: 'Lightcord', content: balloonMessage }); }