'use strict'; const electron = require('electron'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const process = require('process'); const common = require('./_common'); const remoteMenu = electron.remote.Menu; const webFrame = electron.webFrame; function flashFrame(flag) { const currentWindow = common.getWindow(); if (currentWindow == null || currentWindow.flashFrame == null) return; currentWindow.flashFrame(!currentWindow.isFocused() && flag); } function minimize(key) { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win == null) return; win.minimize(); } function restore(key) { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win == null) return; win.restore(); } function maximize(key) { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win == null) return; if (win.isMaximized()) { win.unmaximize(); } else { win.maximize(); } } function focus(hack, key) { const win = common.getWindow(key); // Windows does not respect the focus call always. // This uses a hack defined in https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/2867 // Should be used sparingly because it can effect window managers. if (hack && process.platform === 'win32') { win.setAlwaysOnTop(true); win.focus(); win.setAlwaysOnTop(false); } else { win.focus(); } } function setAlwaysOnTop(key, enabled) { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win == null) return; win.setAlwaysOnTop(enabled); } function isAlwaysOnTop(key) { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win == null) return false; return win.isAlwaysOnTop(); } function blur(key) { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win != null && !win.isDestroyed()) { win.blur(); } } function setProgressBar(progress, key) { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win == null) return; win.setProgressBar(progress); } function fullscreen(key) { const currentWindow = common.getWindow(key); currentWindow.setFullScreen(!currentWindow.isFullScreen()); } function close(key) { if (key == null && process.platform === 'darwin') { remoteMenu.sendActionToFirstResponder('hide:'); } else { const win = common.getWindow(key); if (win == null) return; win.close(); } } function setZoomFactor(factor) { if (!webFrame.setZoomFactor) return; webFrame.setZoomFactor(factor / 100); } const webContents = common.getCurrentWindow().webContents; class WebContents extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); webContents.removeAllListeners('devtools-opened'); webContents.on('devtools-opened', () => { this.emit('devtools-opened'); }); webContents.on("devtools-closed", () => { setTimeout(() => { common.getCurrentWindow().setBackgroundColor("#00000000") common.getCurrentWindow().center() }, 500); }) } setBackgroundThrottling(enabled) { if (webContents.setBackgroundThrottling != null) { webContents.setBackgroundThrottling(enabled); } } } module.exports = { flashFrame, minimize, restore, maximize, focus, blur, fullscreen, close, setAlwaysOnTop, isAlwaysOnTop, setZoomFactor, webContents: new WebContents(), setProgressBar };