'use strict'; /* This is a hack to get around the issues with electron-builder not including nested node_modules. We do this by simply making the asar ourselves using the parameters from the build. This takes the asar file that we have created, unpacks it, then copies in the nested node_modules directories from the app directory. This also preserves any asar unpacked files that you may have had in the build, and unpacks any nested node_modules files that might have been unpacked as well. This also assumes that you have some sort of beforeBuild hook that already trims and massages the nested node_modules files to be what you want; if not, you may have some bloat (and some potential breakage) */ // Make sure you have these in your devDependencies in your root project. const glob = require('fast-glob'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const { promisify } = require('util') const rimraf = promisify(require('rimraf')) const asar = require('asar'); const micromatch = require("micromatch") const commonExclude = [ "!**/{test,__tests__,tests,powered-test,example,examples,CHANGELOG.md,README.md,README,readme.md,readme}", "!**/*.d.ts", "!**/.bin", "!**/*.{iml,o,hprof,orig,pyc,pyo,rbc,swp,csproj,sln,xproj}", "!**/{.DS_Store,.git,.hg,.svn,CVS,RCS,SCCS,.gitignore,.gitattributes}", "!**/{__pycache__,thumbs.db,.flowconfig,.idea,.vs,.nyc_output}", "!**/{appveyor.yml,.travis.yml,circle.yml}", "!**/{npm-debug.log,yarn.lock,.yarn-integrity,.yarn-metadata.json}" ] function concatUnique(a,b) { if (!Array.isArray(a) || !Array.isArray(b)){ throw Error("both parameters must be arrays") } let arr = a.concat(b) let seen = {}; return arr.filter(function(item) { return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true); }); } // we're using the platform-specific parameters over the global parameters. function globalOrPlatformParam(local,global){ if (typeof local != 'undefined' && local.length != 0){ return local; } else if (typeof global != 'undefined' && global.length != 0){ return global; } return undefined; } function globalOrPlatformArrayParam(local, global){ let param = globalOrPlatformParam(local, global) || [] if (typeof param == "string"){ param = [param] } return param; } exports.default = async function afterPackHook(context){ // Get build parameters from the context. const appDir = context.packager.info._appDir + "/" const platform = context.packager.platform.nodeName const globalFilesParam = context.packager.info._configuration.files; const platformFilesParam = context.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.files const globalUnpackAsarParam = context.packager.info._configuration.asarUnpack; const platformUnpackAsarParam = context.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.asarUnpack; let resourcesDir = context.appOutDir + "/resources/" // exception for resources dir for mac; win and linux use the same directory. if (platform == "darwin"){ resourcesDir = context.appOutDir + "/" + context.packager.appInfo.productFilename + ".app/Contents/Resources/" } const asarAppUnpackedDir = resourcesDir + "app.asar.unpacked/" // The Platform-specific build options override the common config, so attempt to use those first. let globPatterns = globalOrPlatformArrayParam(platformFilesParam, globalFilesParam) // electron-builder automatically adds this to the files parameter, so we have to too if (!globPatterns.includes("**/*")){ globPatterns.push("**/*") } // Add the common exclusions to the patterns globPatterns = concatUnique(globPatterns,commonExclude); // Find all the nested node_modules files in the app directory let nestedNMFiles = glob.sync("+(**/node_modules/**/*|!node_modules/**/*)", {cwd: appDir, dot:true}) // filter out the ones not matched by the file globs in the builder config let filteredNestedFiles = micromatch(nestedNMFiles, globPatterns, {matchBase:true}) // This is the directory we're copying everything to, to create the asar let asarAppDir = resourcesDir + "app/" // Get a listing of all the files in the app.asar.unpacked dir, so we can create a franken-glob // to pass to asar when packing. let unpackedFileList = glob.sync("**/*", {cwd:asarAppUnpackedDir, dot:true}) let unpackPattern = "{" unpackedFileList.forEach((file,idx,arr)=>{ unpackPattern += asarAppDir + file + ',' }) // Get any user-defined asarUnpack patterns in case we need to unpack some hoisted node_modules, // and add any to the pattern. let userUnpackGlob = globalOrPlatformArrayParam(platformUnpackAsarParam, globalUnpackAsarParam) let nestedFilesToUnpack = micromatch(nestedNMFiles, userUnpackGlob, {matchBase:true}) nestedFilesToUnpack.forEach((file)=>{ unpackPattern += asarAppDir + file + ',' }) // trailing commas don't matter in this pattern. unpackPattern += '}' // Combine the nested files to unpack with the filtered nested files, as electron-builder // sometimes does weird things when file globs and the asarUnpack globs are used together; // Files that don't match the file globs but do match the asarUnpack glob are included in the build. let nestedFilesToCopy = concatUnique(filteredNestedFiles, nestedFilesToUnpack); // Now we have the necessary file lists, create the asar. // Unpack everything in app.asar to the resources/app dir. // This also copies all the files in 'app.asar.unpacked' to here as well. asar.extractAll(resourcesDir + "app.asar", asarAppDir) await rimraf(resourcesDir + "app.asar") await rimraf(asarAppUnpackedDir) // Copy the nested node_modules files to the extracted directory. nestedFilesToCopy.forEach((file)=>{ fs.copySync(appDir + file, asarAppDir + file) }) // build the asar await asar.createPackageWithOptions(asarAppDir, resourcesDir + "app.asar", {unpack: unpackPattern}) await rimraf(asarAppDir) return true };