import NOOP from "../../modules/noop" import WebpackLoader from "../../modules/WebpackLoader" import Tooltip from "../general/Tooltip" import Utils from "../../modules/Utils" const Constants = { defaultColor: 10070709, baseColors: [ 1752220, 3066993, 3447003, 10181046, 15277667, 15844367, 15105570, 15158332, 9807270, 6323595, 1146986, 2067276, 2123412, 7419530, 11342935, 12745742, 11027200, 10038562, 9936031, 5533306 ] } type ColorPickerProps = { defaultColor?: number, customColor?: number, baseColors?: number[], value?: string, disabled?: boolean, onChange?: (color:number) => void } let ColorPickerModules let isFetching = null /** * This componennt needs to be loaded. As a result, you may experience 100-300ms loading the first time. * Render will return `null` before loaded. */ export default class ColorPicker extends React.PureComponent { constructor(props:ColorPickerProps){ super(props) this.state = { value: props.value || null, lastColor: this.props.value } this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this) } /** Preload the component. */ static preload(){ if(ColorPicker.prototype.modules[0])return if(isFetching)return new ColorPicker({}).render() } onChange(val){ this.props.onChange(val) this.setState({ value: val }) this.forceUpdate() } static defaultProps:ColorPickerProps = { defaultColor: Constants.defaultColor, customColor: null, baseColors: Constants.baseColors, value: null, disabled: false, onChange: NOOP } get modules(){ return ColorPickerModules || (ColorPickerModules = [ WebpackLoader.find(e => e.default && e.default.displayName === "ColorPicker") ]) } renderColorPicker(){ let [ ColorPickerComponent ] = this.modules if(!ColorPickerComponent){ if(isFetching){ // support for multiple color picker isFetching.then(() => this.forceUpdate()) return null } ColorPickerModules = null let resolve isFetching = new Promise(res => (resolve = res)) const GuildSettingsRoles = new (WebpackLoader.find(e => e.default && e.default.displayName && e.default.displayName.includes("GuildSettingsRoles")).default)().render().type const settings ={ props: { guild: { roles: [], id: null, isOwner: () => false }, currentUser: { id: null } }, getSelectedRole(){ return { id: null } } }) const GuildRoleSettings = settings.props.children.type let children ={ props: { role: { id: null, color: 0 }, locked: false, everyone: false } }).props.children children.type(children.props).props.children.type._ctor().then(c => { this.forceUpdate() resolve() }) return null } return } render(){ if(this.state.lastColor !== this.props.value){ this.state = { value: this.props.value, lastColor: this.props.value } } return this.renderColorPicker() } static get AllPreviews(){ return AllPreviews || (() => { AllPreviews = [] AllPreviews.push([ { disabled: false }, { disabled: true } ], [ { value: Utils.HexColorToDecimal("#7289DA") }, { value: null } ], [ { onChange: (color) => {} } ]) return AllPreviews })() } static help = { info: "To convert hex colors to decimal, you can do `Lightcord.Api.Utils.HexColorToDecimal('#yourcolor')` and go back with `Lightcord.Api.Utils.DecimalColorToHex(7506394)`", warn: "The component may not appear instantly. The component need to be loaded, so you could experience 50-300ms loading time depending on your internet connection." } } let AllPreviews