import WebpackLoader from "../../modules/WebpackLoader" import { ReactNode, CSSProperties } from "react" import NOOP from "../../modules/noop" let ButtonModules type ButtonProps = { children?: ReactNode, onClick?: () => void, color?: ButtonColor, wrapper?: boolean, look?: ButtonLook, size?: ButtonSize, hoverColor?: ButtonHovers, disabled?: boolean, style?: CSSProperties, onRightClick?: () => void } export default class Button extends React.Component { constructor(props:ButtonProps){ super(props) this.state = { hover: false } } static Colors:ButtonColor[] = ["brand", "grey", "red", "green", "yellow", "primary", "link", "white", "black", "transparent"] static Looks:ButtonLook[] = ["filled", "inverted", "outlined", "ghost", "link", "blank"] static Sizes:ButtonSize[] = ["small", "medium", "large", "xlarge", "min", "max", "icon", "none"] static HoverColors: ButtonHovers[] = ["default", ...Button.Colors] get modules(){ // caching modules return ButtonModules || (ButtonModules = [ WebpackLoader.findByUniqueProperties(["_horizontal"]), WebpackLoader.findByUniqueProperties(["colorTransparent"]), WebpackLoader.findByUniqueProperties(["buttonWrapper"]), WebpackLoader.findByUniqueProperties(["ButtonColors"]), ]) } render(){ let [ flexModule, euhModule1, buttonModule, colorsModule, ] = this.modules let props:ButtonProps = {} if(this.props){ if("color" in this.props){ props.color = this.props.color } if("children" in this.props){ props.children = this.props.children } if("onClick" in this.props){ props.onClick = this.props.onClick } if("wrapper" in this.props){ props.wrapper = !!this.props.wrapper } if("look" in this.props){ props.look = this.props.look } if("size" in this.props){ props.size = this.props.size } if("hoverColor" in this.props){ props.hoverColor = this.props.hoverColor } if("disabled" in this.props){ props.disabled = this.props.disabled }else{ props.disabled = false } if("style" in this.props){ = }else{ = {} } if("onRightClick" in this.props){ props.onRightClick = this.props.onRightClick }else{ props.onRightClick = NOOP } } if(props.color){ props.color = props.color.toLowerCase() as ButtonColor if(!Button.Colors.includes(props.color)){ props.color = Button.Colors[0] } }else{ props.color = Button.Colors[0] } if(props.look){ props.look = props.look.toLowerCase() as ButtonLook if(!Button.Looks.includes(props.look)){ props.look = Button.Looks[0] } }else{ props.look = Button.Looks[0] } if(props.size){ props.size = props.size.toLowerCase() as ButtonSize if(!Button.Sizes.includes(props.size)){ props.size = Button.Sizes[0] } }else{ props.size = Button.Sizes[0] } if(props.hoverColor){ props.hoverColor = props.hoverColor.toLowerCase() as ButtonHovers if(!Button.HoverColors.includes(props.hoverColor)){ props.hoverColor = Button.HoverColors[0] } }else{ props.hoverColor = Button.HoverColors[0] } let buttonSize = props.size ? colorsModule.ButtonSizes[props.size.toUpperCase()] || "" : "" if(buttonSize)buttonSize = " " + buttonSize let hoverColor = props.hoverColor ? colorsModule.ButtonHovers[props.hoverColor.toUpperCase()] || "" : "" if(hoverColor)hoverColor = " " + hoverColor props.onClick = typeof props.onClick === "function" ? props.onClick : () => {} if(typeof props.wrapper !== "boolean")props.wrapper = true let hover = this.state.hover ? euhModule1.hasHover : "" if(hover)hover = " " + hover let button = if(props.wrapper){ return
} return button } static get AllPreviews(){ return AllPreviews || (() => { AllPreviews = [] let colors = [] for(let color of Button.Colors){ colors.push({ color: color }) } AllPreviews.push(colors) let looks = [] for(let look of Button.Looks){ looks.push({ look: look }) } AllPreviews.push(looks) let sizes = [] for(let size of Button.Sizes){ sizes.push({ size: size }) } AllPreviews.push(sizes) let hovers = [] for(let hover of Button.HoverColors){ hovers.push({ hoverColor: hover }) } AllPreviews.push(hovers) AllPreviews.push([{children: "Test Button"}]) AllPreviews.push([{onClick: () => {}}]) AllPreviews.push([{wrapper: false}]) AllPreviews.push([{disabled: false}, {disabled: true}]) return AllPreviews })() } } let AllPreviews export type ButtonColor = "brand" | "grey" | "red" | "green" | "yellow" | "primary" | "link" | "white" | "black" | "transparent" export type ButtonLook = "filled" | "inverted" | "outlined" | "ghost" | "link" | "blank" export type ButtonSize = "none" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | "xlarge" | "min" | "max" | "icon" export type ButtonHovers = "default" | ButtonColor