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* BetterDiscord Discord API
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - https://github.com/Jiiks / https://github.com/JsSucks
* All rights reserved.
* https://betterdiscord.net
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { List } from 'structs';
import { User, Channel, Guild, Message } from 'discordstructs';
import { WebpackModules } from './webpackmodules';
export const Modules = {
_getModule(name) {
const foundModule = WebpackModules.getModuleByName(name);
if (!foundModule) return null;
delete this[name];
return this[name] = foundModule;
get ChannelSelector() { return this._getModule('ChannelSelector'); },
get MessageActions() { return this._getModule('MessageActions'); },
get MessageParser() { return this._getModule('MessageParser'); },
get MessageStore() { return this._getModule('MessageStore'); },
get EmojiUtils() { return this._getModule('EmojiUtils'); },
get PermissionUtils() { return this._getModule('Permissions'); },
get SortedGuildStore() { return this._getModule('SortedGuildStore'); },
get PrivateChannelActions() { return this._getModule('PrivateChannelActions'); },
get GuildMemberStore() { return this._getModule('GuildMemberStore'); },
get GuildChannelsStore() { return this._getModule('GuildChannelsStore'); },
get MemberCountStore() { return this._getModule('MemberCountStore'); },
get GuildActions() { return this._getModule('GuildActions'); },
get NavigationUtils() { return this._getModule('NavigationUtils'); },
get GuildPermissions() { return this._getModule('GuildPermissions'); },
get DiscordConstants() { return this._getModule('DiscordConstants'); },
get ChannelStore() { return this._getModule('ChannelStore'); },
get GuildStore() { return this._getModule('GuildStore'); },
get SelectedGuildStore() { return this._getModule('SelectedGuildStore'); },
get SelectedChannelStore() { return this._getModule('SelectedChannelStore'); },
get UserStore() { return this._getModule('UserStore'); },
get RelationshipStore() { return this._getModule('RelationshipStore'); },
get RelationshipManager() { return this._getModule('RelationshipManager'); },
get ChangeNicknameModal() { return this._getModule('ChangeNicknameModal'); },
get UserSettingsStore() { return this._getModule('UserSettingsStore'); },
get UserSettingsWindow() { return this._getModule('UserSettingsWindow'); },
get UserStatusStore() { return this._getModule('UserStatusStore'); },
get ChannelSettingsWindow() { return this._getModule('ChannelSettingsWindow'); },
get GuildSettingsWindow() { return this._getModule('GuildSettingsWindow'); },
get CreateChannelModal() { return this._getModule('CreateChannelModal'); },
get PruneMembersModal() { return this._getModule('PruneMembersModal'); },
get NotificationSettingsModal() { return this._getModule('NotificationSettingsModal'); },
get PrivacySettingsModal() { return this._getModule('PrivacySettingsModal'); },
get UserProfileModal() { return this._getModule('UserProfileModal'); },
get APIModule() { return this._getModule('APIModule'); },
get UserNoteStore() { return this._getModule('UserNoteStore'); },
get DiscordPermissions() { return this.DiscordConstants.Permissions; }
export default class DiscordApi {
static get modules() { return Modules }
static get User() { return User }
static get Channel() { return Channel }
static get Guild() { return Guild }
static get Message() { return Message }
* A list of loaded guilds.
* @type {List<Guild>}
static get guilds() {
const guilds = Modules.GuildStore.getGuilds();
return List.from(Object.entries(guilds), ([i, g]) => Guild.from(g));
* A list of loaded channels.
* @type {List<Channel>}
static get channels() {
const channels = Modules.ChannelStore.getChannels();
return List.from(Object.entries(channels), ([i, c]) => Channel.from(c));
* A list of loaded users.
* @type {List<User>}
static get users() {
const users = Modules.UserStore.getUsers();
return List.from(Object.entries(users), ([i, u]) => User.from(u));
* An object mapping guild IDs to their member counts.
* @type {Object}
static get memberCounts() {
return Modules.MemberCountStore.getMemberCounts();
* A list of guilds in the order they appear in the server list.
* @type {List<Guild>}
static get sortedGuilds() {
const guilds = Modules.SortedGuildStore.getSortedGuilds();
return List.from(guilds, g => Guild.from(g));
* An array of guild IDs in the order they appear in the server list.
* @type {Number[]}
static get guildPositions() {
return Modules.SortedGuildStore.guildPositions;
* The currently selected guild.
* @type {Guild}
static get currentGuild() {
const guild = Modules.GuildStore.getGuild(Modules.SelectedGuildStore.getGuildId());
if (guild) return Guild.from(guild);
* The currently selected channel.
* @type {Channel}
static get currentChannel() {
const channel = Modules.ChannelStore.getChannel(Modules.SelectedChannelStore.getChannelId());
if (channel) return Channel.from(channel);
* The current user.
* @type {User}
static get currentUser() {
const user = Modules.UserStore.getCurrentUser();
if (user) return User.from(user);
* A list of the current user's friends.
* @type {List<User>}
static get friends() {
const friends = Modules.RelationshipStore.getFriendIDs();
return List.from(friends, id => User.fromId(id));
* User settings
static get UserSettings() {
return UserSettings;
export class UserSettings {
* Opens Discord's settings UI.
static open(section = 'ACCOUNT') {
* The user's current status. Either "online", "idle", "dnd" or "invisible".
* @type {String}
static get status() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.status }
* The user's selected explicit content filter level.
* 0 == off, 1 == everyone except friends, 2 == everyone
* Configurable in the privacy and safety panel.
* @type {Number}
static get explicitContentFilter() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.explicitContentFilter }
* Whether to disallow direct messages from server members by default.
* @type {Boolean}
static get defaultGuildsRestricted() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.defaultGuildsRestricted }
* An array of guilds to disallow direct messages from their members.
* This is bypassed if the member is has another mutual guild with this disabled, or the member is friends with the current user.
* Configurable in each server's privacy settings.
* @type {Guild[]}
static get restrictedGuildIds() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.restrictedGuilds }
static get restrictedGuilds() {
return List.from(this.restrictedGuildIds, id => Guild.fromId(id) || id);
* An array of flags specifying who should be allowed to add the current user as a friend.
* If everyone is checked, this will only have one item, "all". Otherwise it has either "mutual_friends", "mutual_guilds", both or neither.
* Configurable in the privacy and safety panel.
* @type {Array}
static get friendSourceFlags() { return Object.keys(Modules.UserSettingsStore.friendSourceFlags) }
static get friendSourceEveryone() { return this.friendSourceFlags.include('all') }
static get friendSourceMutual_friends() { return this.friendSourceFlags.include('all') || this.friendSourceFlags.include('mutual_friends') }
static get friendSourceMutual_guilds() { return this.friendSourceFlags.include('all') || this.friendSourceFlags.include('mutual_guilds') }
static get friendSourceAnyone() { return this.friendSourceFlags.length > 0 }
* Whether to automatically add accounts from other platforms running on the user's computer.
* Configurable in the connections panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get detectPlatformAccounts() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.detectPlatformAccounts }
* The number of seconds Discord will wait for activity before sending mobile push notifications.
* Configurable in the notifications panel.
* @type {Number}
static get afkTimeout() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.afkTimeout }
* Whether to display the currently running game as a status message.
* Configurable in the games panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get showCurrentGame() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.showCurrentGame }
* Whether to show images uploaded directly to Discord.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get inlineAttachmentMedia() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.inlineAttachmentMedia }
* Whether to show images linked in Discord.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get inlineEmbedMedia() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.inlineEmbedMedia }
* Whether to automatically play GIFs when the Discord window is active without having to hover the mouse over the image.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get autoplayGifs() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.gifAutoPlay }
* Whether to show content from HTTP[s] links as embeds.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get showEmbeds() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.renderEmbeds }
* Whether to show a message's reactions.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get showReactions() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.renderReactions }
* Whether to play animated emoji.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get animateEmoji() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.animateEmoji }
* Whether to convert ASCII emoticons to emoji.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get convertEmoticons() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.convertEmoticons }
* Whether to allow playing text-to-speech messages.
* Configurable in the text and images panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get allowTts() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.enableTTSCommand }
* The user's selected theme. Either "dark" or "light".
* Configurable in the appearance panel.
* @type {String}
static get theme() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.theme }
* Whether the user has enabled compact mode.
* `true` if compact mode is enabled, `false` if cozy mode is enabled.
* Configurable in the appearance panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get displayCompact() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.messageDisplayCompact }
* Whether the user has enabled developer mode.
* Currently only adds a "Copy ID" option to the context menu on users, guilds and channels.
* Configurable in the appearance panel.
* @type {Boolean}
static get developerMode() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.developerMode }
* The user's selected language code.
* Configurable in the language panel.
* @type {String}
static get locale() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.locale }
* The user's timezone offset in hours.
* This is not configurable.
* @type {Number}
static get timezoneOffset() { return Modules.UserSettingsStore.timezoneOffset }