
331 lines
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* BetterDiscord User Struct
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { DiscordApi, DiscordApiModules as Modules } from 'modules';
import { List, InsufficientPermissions } from 'structs';
import { Utils } from 'common';
import { Guild } from './guild';
import { Channel } from './channel';
const users = new WeakMap();
export class User {
constructor(data) {
if (users.has(data)) return users.get(data);
users.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
static from(data) {
return new User(data);
static fromId(id) {
const user = Modules.UserStore.getUser(id);
if (user) return User.from(user);
static get GuildMember() { return GuildMember }
get id() { return }
get username() { return this.discordObject.username }
get usernameLowerCase() { return this.discordObject.usernameLowerCase }
get discriminator() { return this.discordObject.discriminator }
get avatar() { return this.discordObject.avatar }
get email() { return undefined }
get phone() { return undefined }
get flags() { return this.discordObject.flags }
get isBot() { return }
get premium() { return this.discordObject.premium }
get verified() { return this.discordObject.verified }
get mfaEnabled() { return this.discordObject.mfaEnabled }
get mobile() { return }
get tag() { return this.discordObject.tag }
get avatarUrl() { return this.discordObject.avatarURL }
get createdAt() { return this.discordObject.createdAt }
get isClamied() { return this.discordObject.isClaimed() }
get isLocalBot() { return this.discordObject.isLocalBot() }
get isPhoneVerified() { return this.discordObject.isPhoneVerified() }
get guilds() {
return DiscordApi.guilds.filter(g => g.members.find(m => m.user === this));
get status() {
return Modules.UserStatusStore.getStatus(;
get activity() {
// type can be either 0 (normal/rich presence game), 1 (streaming) or 2 (listening to Spotify)
// (3 appears as watching but is undocumented)
return Modules.UserStatusStore.getActivity(;
get note() {
const note = Modules.UserNoteStore.getNote(;
if (note) return note;
* Updates the note for this user.
* @param {String} note The new note
* @return {Promise}
updateNote(note) {
return Modules.APIModule.put({
url: `${Modules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.NOTES}/${}`,
body: { note }
get privateChannel() {
return DiscordApi.channels.find(c => c.type === 'DM' && c.recipientId ===;
async ensurePrivateChannel() {
if (DiscordApi.currentUser === this)
throw new Error('Cannot create a direct message channel to the current user.');
return Channel.fromId(await Modules.PrivateChannelActions.ensurePrivateChannel(,;
async sendMessage(content, parse = true) {
const channel = await this.ensurePrivateChannel();
return channel.sendMessage(content, parse);
get isFriend() {
return Modules.RelationshipStore.isFriend(;
get isBlocked() {
return Modules.RelationshipStore.isBlocked(;
addFriend() {
Modules.RelationshipManager.addRelationship(, {location: 'Context Menu'});
removeFriend() {
Modules.RelationshipManager.removeRelationship(, {location: 'Context Menu'});
block() {
Modules.RelationshipManager.addRelationship(, {location: 'Context Menu'}, Modules.DiscordConstants.RelationshipTypes.BLOCKED);
unblock() {
Modules.RelationshipManager.removeRelationship(, {location: 'Context Menu'});
* Opens the profile modal for this user.
* @param {String} section The section to open (see DiscordConstants.UserProfileSections)
openUserProfileModal(section = 'USER_INFO') {;
const guild_members = new WeakMap();
export class GuildMember {
constructor(data, guild_id) {
if (guild_members.has(data)) return guild_members.get(data);
guild_members.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
this.guildId = guild_id;
get userId() { return this.discordObject.userId }
get nickname() { return this.discordObject.nick }
get colourString() { return this.discordObject.colorString }
get hoistRoleId() { return this.discordObject.hoistRoleId }
get roleIds() { return this.discordObject.roles }
get user() {
return User.fromId(this.userId);
get name() {
return this.nickname || this.user.username;
get guild() {
return Guild.fromId(this.guildId);
get roles() {
return List.from(this.roleIds, id => this.guild.roles.find(r => === id))
.sort((r1, r2) => r1.position === r2.position ? 0 : r1.position > r2.position ? 1 : -1);
get hoistRole() {
return this.guild.roles.find(r => === this.hoistRoleId);
checkPermissions(perms) {
return Modules.PermissionUtils.can(perms, DiscordApi.currentUser.discordObject, this.guild.discordObject);
assertPermissions(name, perms) {
if (!this.checkPermissions(perms)) throw new InsufficientPermissions(name);
* Opens the modal to change this user's nickname.
openChangeNicknameModal() {
if (DiscordApi.currentUser === this.user)
this.assertPermissions('CHANGE_NICKNAME', Modules.DiscordPermissions.CHANGE_NICKNAME);
else this.assertPermissions('MANAGE_NICKNAMES', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MANAGE_NICKNAMES);, this.userId);
* Changes the user's nickname on this guild.
* @param {String} nickname The user's new nickname
* @return {Promise}
changeNickname(nick) {
if (DiscordApi.currentUser === this.user)
this.assertPermissions('CHANGE_NICKNAME', Modules.DiscordPermissions.CHANGE_NICKNAME);
else this.assertPermissions('MANAGE_NICKNAMES', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MANAGE_NICKNAMES);
return Modules.APIModule.patch({
url: `${Modules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBERS(this.guild_id)}/${DiscordApi.currentUser === this.user ? '@me/nick' : this.userId}`,
body: { nick }
* Kicks this user from the guild.
* @param {String} reason A reason to attach to the audit log entry
* @return {Promise}
kick(reason = '') {
this.assertPermissions('KICK_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.KICK_MEMBERS);
return Modules.GuildActions.kickUser(this.guildId, this.userId, reason);
* Bans this user from the guild.
* @param {Number} daysToDelete The number of days of the user's recent message history to delete
* @param {String} reason A reason to attach to the audit log entry
* @return {Promise}
ban(daysToDelete = 1, reason = '') {
this.assertPermissions('BAN_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.BAN_MEMBERS);
return Modules.GuildActions.banUser(this.guildId, this.userId, daysToDelete, reason);
* Removes the ban for this user.
* @return {Promise}
unban() {
this.assertPermissions('BAN_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.BAN_MEMBERS);
return Modules.GuildActions.unbanUser(this.guildId, this.userId);
* Moves this user to another voice channel.
* @param {GuildVoiceChannel} channel The channel to move this user to
move(channel) {
this.assertPermissions('MOVE_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MOVE_MEMBERS);
Modules.GuildActions.setChannel(this.guildId, this.userId,;
* Mutes this user for everyone in the guild.
mute(active = true) {
this.assertPermissions('MUTE_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MUTE_MEMBERS);
Modules.GuildActions.setServerMute(this.guildId, this.userId, active);
* Unmutes this user.
unmute() {
* Deafens this user.
deafen(active = true) {
this.assertPermissions('DEAFEN_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.DEAFEN_MEMBERS);
Modules.GuildActions.setServerDeaf(this.guildId, this.userId, active);
* Undeafens this user.
undeafen() {
* Gives this user a role.
* @param {Role} role The role to add
* @return {Promise}
addRole(...roles) {
const newRoles = this.roleIds.concat([]);
let changed = false;
for (const role of roles) {
if (newRoles.includes( || role)) continue;
newRoles.push( || role);
changed = true;
if (!changed) return;
return this.updateRoles(newRoles);
* Removes a role from this user.
* @param {Role} role The role to remove
* @return {Promise}
removeRole(...roles) {
const newRoles = this.roleIds.concat([]);
let changed = false;
for (const role of roles) {
if (!newRoles.includes( || role)) continue;
Utils.removeFromArray(newRoles, || role);
changed = true;
if (!changed) return;
return this.updateRoles(newRoles);
* Updates this user's roles.
* @param {Array} roles An array of Role objects or role IDs
* @return {Promise}
updateRoles(roles) {
roles = => || r);
return Modules.APIModule.patch({
url: `${Modules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.GUILD_MEMBERS(this.guildId)}/${this.userId}`,
body: { roles }