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* BetterDiscord Message Struct
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { DiscordApi, DiscordApiModules as Modules } from 'modules';
import { List, InsufficientPermissions } from 'structs';
import { Channel } from './channel';
import { User } from './user';
const reactions = new WeakMap();
export class Reaction {
constructor(data, message_id, channel_id) {
if (reactions.has(data)) return reactions.get(data);
reactions.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
this.messageId = message_id;
this.channelId = channel_id;
get emoji() {
const id =;
if (!id || !this.guild) return this.discordObject.emoji;
return this.guild.emojis.find(e => === id);
get count() { return this.discordObject.count }
get me() { return }
get channel() {
return Channel.fromId(this.channel_id);
get message() {
if ( return => === this.messageId);
get guild() {
if ( return;
const embeds = new WeakMap();
export class Embed {
constructor(data, message_id, channel_id) {
if (embeds.has(data)) return embeds.get(data);
embeds.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
this.messageId = message_id;
this.channelId = channel_id;
get title() { return this.discordObject.title }
get type() { return this.discordObject.type }
get description() { return this.discordObject.description }
get url() { return this.discordObject.url }
get timestamp() { return this.discordObject.timestamp }
get colour() { return this.discordObject.color }
get footer() { return this.discordObject.footer }
get image() { return this.discordObject.image }
get thumbnail() { return this.discordObject.thumbnail }
get video() { return }
get provider() { return this.discordObject.provider }
get author() { return }
get fields() { return this.discordObject.fields }
get channel() {
return Channel.fromId(this.channelId);
get message() {
if ( return => === this.messageId);
get guild() {
if ( return;
const messages = new WeakMap();
export class Message {
constructor(data) {
if (messages.has(data)) return messages.get(data);
messages.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
static from(data) {
switch (data.type) {
default: return new Message(data);
case 0: return new DefaultMessage(data);
case 1: return new RecipientAddMessage(data);
case 2: return new RecipientRemoveMessage(data);
case 3: return new CallMessage(data);
case 4: return new GroupChannelNameChangeMessage(data);
case 5: return new GroupChannelIconChangeMessage(data);
case 6: return new MessagePinnedMessage(data);
case 7: return new GuildMemberJoinMessage(data);
static get DefaultMessage() { return DefaultMessage }
static get RecipientAddMessage() { return RecipientAddMessage }
static get RecipientRemoveMessage() { return RecipientRemoveMessage }
static get CallMessage() { return CallMessage }
static get GroupChannelNameChangeMessage() { return GroupChannelNameChangeMessage }
static get GroupChannelIconChangeMessage() { return GroupChannelIconChangeMessage }
static get MessagePinnedMessage() { return MessagePinnedMessage }
static get GuildMemberJoinMessage() { return GuildMemberJoinMessage }
static get Reaction() { return Reaction }
static get Embed() { return Embed }
get id() { return }
get channelId() { return this.discordObject.channel_id }
get nonce() { return this.discordObject.nonce }
get type() { return this.discordObject.type }
get timestamp() { return this.discordObject.timestamp }
get state() { return this.discordObject.state }
get nick() { return this.discordObject.nick }
get colourString() { return this.discordObject.colorString }
get author() {
if ( && !this.webhookId) return User.from(;
get channel() {
return Channel.fromId(this.channelId);
get guild() {
if ( return;
* Deletes the message.
* @return {Promise}
delete() {
if (!this.isDeletable) throw new Error(`Message type ${this.type} is not deletable.`);
if ( === DiscordApi.currentUser) {}
else if ('MANAGE_MESSAGES', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MANAGE_MESSAGES);
else if (! === DiscordApi.currentUser) throw new InsufficientPermissions('MANAGE_MESSAGES');
return Modules.APIModule.delete(`${Modules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.MESSAGES(this.channelId)}/${}`);
get isDeletable() {
return this.type === 'DEFAULT' || this.type === 'CHANNEL_PINNED_MESSAGE' || this.type === 'GUILD_MEMBER_JOIN';
* Jumps to the message.
jumpTo(flash = true) {
Modules.MessageActions.jumpToMessage(this.channelId,, flash);
export class DefaultMessage extends Message {
get webhookId() { return this.discordObject.webhookId }
get type() { return 'DEFAULT' }
get content() { return this.discordObject.content }
get contentParsed() { return this.discordObject.contentParsed }
get inviteCodes() { return this.discordObject.invites }
get attachments() { return this.discordObject.attachments }
get mentionIds() { return this.discordObject.mentions }
get mentionRoleIds() { return this.discordObject.mentionRoles }
get mentionEveryone() { return this.discordObject.mentionEveryone }
get editedTimestamp() { return this.discordObject.editedTimestamp }
get tts() { return this.discordObject.tts }
get mentioned() { return this.discordObject.mentioned }
get bot() { return }
get blocked() { return this.discordObject.blocked }
get pinned() { return this.discordObject.pinned }
get activity() { return this.discordObject.activity }
get application() { return this.discordObject.application }
get webhook() {
if (this.webhookId) return;
get mentions() {
return List.from(this.mentionIds, id => User.fromId(id));
get mention_roles() {
return List.from(this.mentionRoleIds, id => this.guild.roles.find(r => === id));
get embeds() {
return List.from(this.discordObject.embeds, r => new Embed(r,, this.channelId));
get reactions() {
return List.from(this.discordObject.reactions, r => new Reaction(r,, this.channelId));
get edited() {
return !!this.editedTimestamp;
* Programmatically update the message's content.
* @param {String} content The message's new content
* @param {Boolean} parse Whether to parse the message or update it as it is
* @return {Promise}
async edit(content, parse = false) {
if ( !== DiscordApi.currentUser) throw new Error('Cannot edit messages sent by other users.');
if (parse) content = Modules.MessageParser.parse(this.discordObject, content);
else content = {content};
const response = await Modules.APIModule.patch({
url: `${Modules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.MESSAGES(this.channelId)}/${}`,
body: content
this.discordObject = Modules.MessageStore.getMessage(,;
messages.set(this.discordObject, this);
* Start the edit mode of the UI.
* @param {String} content A string to show in the message text area - if empty the message's current content will be used
startEdit(content) {
if ( !== DiscordApi.currentUser) throw new Error('Cannot edit messages sent by other users.');
Modules.MessageActions.startEditMessage(this.channelId,, content || this.content);
* Exit the edit mode of the UI.
endEdit() {
export class RecipientAddMessage extends Message {
get type() { return 'RECIPIENT_ADD' }
get addedUserId() { return this.discordObject.mentions[0] }
get addedUser() {
return User.fromId(this.addedUserId);
export class RecipientRemoveMessage extends Message {
get type() { return 'RECIPIENT_REMOVE' }
get removedUserId() { return this.discordObject.mentions[0] }
get removedUser() {
return User.fromId(this.removedUserId);
get userLeft() {
return === this.removedUser;
export class CallMessage extends Message {
get type() { return 'CALL' }
get mentionIds() { return this.discordObject.mentions }
get call() { return }
get endedTimestamp() { return }
get mentions() {
return List.from(this.mentionIds, id => User.fromId(id));
get participants() {
return List.from(, id => User.fromId(id));
export class GroupChannelNameChangeMessage extends Message {
get type() { return 'CHANNEL_NAME_CHANGE' }
get newName() { return this.discordObject.content }
export class GroupChannelIconChangeMessage extends Message {
get type() { return 'CHANNEL_ICON_CHANGE' }
export class MessagePinnedMessage extends Message {
get type() { return 'CHANNEL_PINNED_MESSAGE' }
export class GuildMemberJoinMessage extends Message {
get type() { return 'GUILD_MEMBER_JOIN' }