
92 lines
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* BetterDiscord Context Menus
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { Utils } from 'common';
import { ReactComponents, WebpackModules, MonkeyPatch } from 'modules';
import { VueInjector, Toasts } from 'ui';
import CMGroup from './components/contextmenu/Group.vue';
export class BdContextMenu {
* Show a context menu
* @param {MouseEvent|Object} e MouseEvent or Object { x: 0, y: 0 }
* @param {Object[]} groups Groups of items to show in context menu
static show(e, groups) {
const x = e.x || e.clientX;
const y = e.y || e.clientY; = { x, y, groups };
static get activeMenu() {
return this._activeMenu || (this._activeMenu = { menu: null });
export class DiscordContextMenu {
* add items to Discord context menu
* @param {any} items items to add
* @param {Function} [filter] filter function for target filtering
static add(items, filter) {
if (!this.patched) this.patch();
const menu = { items, filter };
return menu;
static remove(menu) {
Utils.removeFromArray(this.menus, menu);
static get menus() {
return this._menus || (this._menus = []);
static async patch() {
if (this.patched) return;
this.patched = true;
const self = this;
MonkeyPatch('BD:DiscordCMOCM', WebpackModules.getModuleByProps(['openContextMenu'])).instead('openContextMenu', (_, [e, fn], originalFn) => {
const overrideFn = function (...args) {
const res = fn(...args);
if (!res.hasOwnProperty('type')) return res;
if (!res.type.prototype || !res.type.prototype.render || res.type.prototype.render.__patched) return res;
MonkeyPatch('BD:DiscordCMRender', res.type.prototype).after('render', (c, a, r) => self.renderCm(c, a, r, res));
res.type.prototype.render.__patched = true;
return res;
return originalFn(e, overrideFn);
static renderCm(component, args, retVal, res) {
if (!retVal.props || !res.props) return;
const { target } = res.props;
const { top, left } =;
if (!target || !top || !left) return;
if (!retVal.props.children) return;
if (!(retVal.props.children instanceof Array)) retVal.props.children = [retVal.props.children];
for (const menu of this.menus.filter(menu => { if (!menu.filter) return true; return menu.filter(target)})) {
retVal.props.children.push(VueInjector.createReactElement(CMGroup, {
closeMenu: () => WebpackModules.getModuleByProps(['closeContextMenu']).closeContextMenu(),
items: menu.items