
617 lines
20 KiB

* BetterDiscord Guild Struct
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { DiscordApi, DiscordApiModules as Modules } from 'modules';
import { List, InsufficientPermissions } from 'structs';
import { FileUtils } from 'common';
import { Channel } from './channel';
import { GuildMember } from './user';
const roles = new WeakMap();
* Class representing a Discord Role
export class Role {
constructor(data, guild_id) {
if (roles.has(data)) return roles.get(data);
roles.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
this.guildId = guild_id;
get id() { return }
get name() { return }
get position() { return this.discordObject.position }
get originalPosition() { return this.discordObject.originalPosition }
get permissions() { return this.discordObject.permissions }
get managed() { return this.discordObject.managed }
get mentionable() { return this.discordObject.mentionable }
get hoist() { return this.discordObject.hoist }
get colour() { return this.discordObject.color }
get colourString() { return this.discordObject.colorString }
* @type {Guild}
get guild() {
return Guild.fromId(this.guildId);
get members() {
return this.guild.members.filter(m => m.roles.includes(this));
const emojis = new WeakMap();
* Class representing a Discord Emoji
export class Emoji {
constructor(data) {
if (emojis.has(data)) return emojis.get(data);
emojis.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
get id() { return }
get guildId() { return this.discordObject.guild_id }
get name() { return }
get managed() { return this.discordObject.managed }
get animated() { return this.discordObject.animated }
get allNamesString() { return this.discordObject.allNamesString }
get requireColons() { return this.discordObject.require_colons }
get url() { return this.discordObject.url }
get roles() { return this.discordObject.roles }
* @type {Guild}
get guild() {
return Guild.fromId(this.guildId);
const guilds = new WeakMap();
* Class representing a Discord Guild
export class Guild {
constructor(data) {
if (guilds.has(data)) return guilds.get(data);
guilds.set(data, this);
this.discordObject = data;
static from(data) {
return new Guild(data);
static fromId(id) {
const guild = Modules.GuildStore.getGuild(id);
if (guild) return Guild.from(guild);
static get Role() { return Role }
static get Emoji() { return Emoji }
get id() { return }
get ownerId() { return this.discordObject.ownerId }
get applicationId() { return this.discordObject.application_id }
get systemChannelId() { return this.discordObject.systemChannelId }
get name() { return }
get acronym() { return this.discordObject.acronym }
get icon() { return this.discordObject.icon }
get joinedAt() { return this.discordObject.joinedAt }
get verificationLevel() { return this.discordObject.verificationLevel }
get mfaLevel() { return this.discordObject.mfaLevel }
get large() { return this.discordObject.large }
get lazy() { return this.discordObject.lazy }
get voiceRegion() { return this.discordObject.region }
get afkChannelId() { return this.discordObject.afkChannelId }
get afkTimeout() { return this.discordObject.afkTimeout }
get explicitContentFilter() { return this.discordObject.explicitContentFilter }
get defaultMessageNotifications() { return this.discordObject.defaultMessageNotifications }
get splash() { return this.discordObject.splash }
get features() { return this.discordObject.features }
* @type {GuildMember}
get owner() {
return this.members.find(m => m.userId === this.ownerId);
* @type {List<Role>}
get roles() {
return List.from(Object.values(this.discordObject.roles), r => new Role(r,
.sort((r1, r2) => r1.position === r2.position ? 0 : r1.position > r2.position ? 1 : -1);
* @type {List<GuildChannel>}
get channels() {
const channels = Modules.GuildChannelsStore.getChannels(;
const returnChannels = new List();
for (const category in channels) {
if (channels.hasOwnProperty(category)) {
if (!Array.isArray(channels[category])) continue;
const channelList = channels[category];
for (const channel of channelList) {
// For some reason Discord adds a new category with the ID "null" and name "Uncategorized"
if ( === 'null') continue;
return returnChannels;
* Channels that don't have a parent. (Channel categories and any text/voice channel not in one.)
* @type {List<GuildChannel>}
get mainChannels() {
return this.channels.filter(c => !c.parentId);
* The guild's default channel. (Usually the first in the list.)
* @type {?GuildTextChannel}
get defaultChannel() {
return Channel.from(Modules.GuildChannelsStore.getDefaultChannel(;
* The guild's AFK channel.
* @type {?GuildVoiceChannel}
get afkChannel() {
return this.afkChannelId ? Channel.fromId(this.afkChannelId) : null;
* The channel system messages are sent to.
* @type {?GuildTextChannel}
get systemChannel() {
return this.systemChannelId ? Channel.fromId(this.systemChannelId) : null;
* A list of GuildMember objects.
* @type {List<GuildMember>}
get members() {
const members = Modules.GuildMemberStore.getMembers(;
return List.from(members, m => new GuildMember(m,;
* The current user as a GuildMember of this guild.
* @type {GuildMember}
get currentUser() {
return this.members.find(m => m.user === DiscordApi.currentUser);
* The total number of members in the guild.
* @type {number}
get memberCount() {
return Modules.MemberCountStore.getMemberCount(;
* An array of the guild's custom emojis.
* @type {List<Emoji>}
get emojis() {
return List.from(Modules.EmojiUtils.getGuildEmoji(, e => new Emoji(e,;
checkPermissions(perms) {
return Modules.PermissionUtils.can(perms, DiscordApi.currentUser, this.discordObject);
assertPermissions(name, perms) {
if (!this.checkPermissions(perms)) throw new InsufficientPermissions(name);
* The current user's permissions on this guild.
* @type {number}
get permissions() {
return Modules.GuildPermissions.getGuildPermissions(;
* Returns the GuildMember object for a user.
* @param {(User|GuildMember|number)} user A User or GuildMember object or a user ID
* @return {?GuildMember}
getMember(user) {
const member = Modules.GuildMemberStore.getMember(, user.userId || || user);
if (member) return new GuildMember(member,;
* Checks if a user is a member of this guild.
* @param {(User|GuildMember|number)} user A User or GuildMember object or a user ID
* @return {boolean}
isMember(user) {
return Modules.GuildMemberStore.isMember(, user.userId || || user);
* Whether the user has not restricted direct messages from members of this guild.
* @type {boolean}
get allowPrivateMessages() {
return !DiscordApi.UserSettings.restrictedGuildIds.includes(;
* Marks all messages in the guild as read.
markAsRead() {
* Selects the guild in the UI.
select() {
* Whether this guild is currently selected.
* @type {boolean}
get isSelected() {
return DiscordApi.currentGuild === this;
* Opens this guild's settings window.
* @param {string} section The section to open (see DiscordConstants.GuildSettingsSections)
openSettings(section = 'OVERVIEW') {;
* Kicks members who don't have any roles and haven't been seen in the number of days passed.
* @param {number} days
pruneMembers(days) {
this.assertPermissions('KICK_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.KICK_MEMBERS);
Modules.PruneMembersModal.prune(, days);
openPruneMumbersModal() {
this.assertPermissions('KICK_MEMBERS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.KICK_MEMBERS);;
* Opens the create channel modal for this guild.
* @param {Number} type The type of channel to create - either 0 (text), 2 (voice) or 4 (category)
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
openCreateChannelModal(type, category, clone) {
this.assertPermissions('MANAGE_CHANNELS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MANAGE_CHANNELS);,, category ? : undefined, clone ? : undefined);
* Opens the create channel modal for this guild.
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
openCreateTextChannelModal(category, clone) {
return this.openCreateChannelModal(Channel.GUILD_TEXT, category, clone);
* Opens the create channel modal for this guild.
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
openCreateVoiceChannelModal(category, clone) {
return this.openCreateChannelModal(Channel.GUILD_VOICE, category, clone);
* Opens the create channel modal for this guild.
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
openCreateChannelCategoryModal(clone) {
return this.openCreateChannelModal(Channel.GUILD_CATEGORY, undefined, clone);
* Opens the create channel modal for this guild.
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
openCreateNewsChannelModal(category, clone) {
return this.openCreateChannelModal(Channel.GUILD_NEWS, category, clone);
* Opens the create channel modal for this guild.
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
openCreateStoreChannelModal(category, clone) {
return this.openCreateChannelModal(Channel.GUILD_STORE, category, clone);
* Creates a channel in this guild.
* @param {number} type The type of channel to create - either 0 (text), 2 (voice), 4 (category), 5 (news) or 6 (store)
* @param {string} name A name for the new channel
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {Object[]} permission_overwrites An array of PermissionOverwrite-like objects - leave to use the permissions of the category
* @return {Promise<GuildChannel>}
async createChannel(type, name, category, permission_overwrites) {
this.assertPermissions('MANAGE_CHANNELS', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MANAGE_CHANNELS);
const response = await{
url: Modules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.GUILD_CHANNELS(,
body: {
type, name,
parent_id: category ? : undefined,
permission_overwrites: permission_overwrites ? => ({
type: p.type,
id: (p.type === 'user' ? p.userId : p.roleId) ||,
allow: p.allow,
deny: p.deny
})) : undefined
return Channel.fromId(;
* Creates a channel in this guild.
* @param {string} name A name for the new channel
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
* @return {Promise<GuildTextChannel>}
createTextChannel(name, category, clone) {
return this.createChannel(Channel.GUILD_TEXT, name, category, clone);
* Creates a channel in this guild.
* @param {string} name A name for the new channel
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
* @return {Promise<GuildVoiceChannel>}
createVoiceChannel(name, category, clone) {
return this.createChannel(Channel.GUILD_VOICE, name, category, clone);
* Creates a channel in this guild.
* @param {string} name A name for the new channel
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
* @return {Promise<GuildTextChannel>}
createChannelCategory(name, clone) {
return this.createChannel(Channel.GUILD_CATEGORY, name, clone);
* Creates a channel in this guild.
* @param {string} name A name for the new channel
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
* @return {Promise<GuildNewsChannel>}
createNewsChannel(name, category, clone) {
return this.createChannel(Channel.GUILD_NEWS, name, category, clone);
* Creates a channel in this guild.
* @param {string} name A name for the new channel
* @param {ChannelCategory} category The category to create the channel in
* @param {GuildChannel} clone A channel to clone permissions, topic, bitrate and user limit of
* @return {Promise<GuildStoreChannel>}
createStoreChannel(name, category, clone) {
return this.createChannel(Channel.GUILD_STORE, name, category, clone);
openNotificationSettingsModal() {;
openPrivacySettingsModal() {;
nsfwAgree() {
nsfwDisagree() {
* Changes the guild's position in the list.
* @param {Number} index The new position
changeSortLocation(index) {
Modules.GuildActions.move(DiscordApi.guildPositions.indexOf(, index);
* Updates this guild.
* @return {Promise}
async updateGuild(body) {
this.assertPermissions('MANAGE_GUILD', Modules.DiscordPermissions.MANAGE_GUILD);
const response = await Modules.APIModule.patch({
url: Modules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.GUILD(,
this.discordObject = Modules.GuildStore.getGuild(;
guilds.set(this.discordObject, this);
* Updates this guild's name.
* @param {String} name The new name
* @return {Promise}
updateName(name) {
return this.updateGuild({ name });
* Updates this guild's voice region.
* @param {String} region The ID of the new voice region (obtainable via the API - see
* @return {Promise}
updateVoiceRegion(region) {
return this.updateGuild({ region });
* Updates this guild's verification level.
* @param {Number} verificationLevel The new verification level (see
* @return {Promise}
updateVerificationLevel(verification_level) {
return this.updateGuild({ verification_level });
* Updates this guild's default message notification level.
* @param {Number} defaultMessageNotifications The new default notification level (0: all messages, 1: only mentions)
* @return {Promise}
updateDefaultMessageNotifications(default_message_notifications) {
return this.updateGuild({ default_message_notifications });
* Updates this guild's explicit content filter level.
* @param {Number} explicitContentFilter The new explicit content filter level (0: disabled, 1: members without roles, 2: everyone)
* @return {Promise}
updateExplicitContentFilter(explicit_content_filter) {
return this.updateGuild({ explicit_content_filter });
* Updates this guild's AFK channel.
* @param {GuildVoiceChannel} afkChannel The new AFK channel
* @return {Promise}
updateAfkChannel(afk_channel) {
return this.updateGuild({ afk_channel_id: || afk_channel });
* Updates this guild's AFK timeout.
* @param {Number} afkTimeout The new AFK timeout
* @return {Promise}
updateAfkTimeout(afk_timeout) {
return this.updateGuild({ afk_timeout });
* Updates this guild's icon.
* @param {Buffer|String} icon A buffer/base 64 encoded 128x128 JPEG image
* @return {Promise}
updateIcon(icon) {
return this.updateGuild({ icon: typeof icon === 'string' ? icon : icon.toString('base64') });
* Updates this guild's icon using a local file.
* @param {String} icon_path The path to the new icon
* @return {Promise}
async updateIconFromFile(icon_path) {
const buffer = await FileUtils.readFileBuffer(icon_path);
return this.updateIcon(buffer);
* Updates this guild's owner. (Should plugins really ever need to do this?)
* @param {User|GuildMember} owner The user/guild member to transfer ownership to
* @return {Promise}
updateOwner(owner) {
return this.updateGuild({ owner_id: owner.user ? : || owner });
* Updates this guild's splash image.
* (I don't know what this is actually used for. The API documentation says it's VIP-only.)
* @param {Buffer|String} icon A buffer/base 64 encoded 128x128 JPEG image
* @return {Promise}
updateSplash(splash) {
return this.updateGuild({ splash: typeof splash === 'string' ? splash : splash.toString('base64') });
* Updates this guild's splash image using a local file.
* @param {String} splash_path The path to the new splash
* @return {Promise}
async updateSplashFromFile(splash_path) {
const buffer = await FileUtils.readFileBuffer(splash_path);
return this.updateSplash(buffer);
* Updates this guild's system channel.
* @param {GuildTextChannel} systemChannel The new system channel
* @return {Promise}
updateSystemChannel(system_channel) {
return this.updateGuild({ system_channel_id: || system_channel });