
262 lines
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* BetterDiscord Reflection Modules
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { Utils, Filters } from 'common';
import Events from '../events';
import KnownModules from './knownmodules';
class Module {
* Finds a module using a filter function.
* @param {Function} filter A function to use to filter modules
* @param {Boolean} first Whether to return only the first matching module
* @param {Array} modules An array of modules to search in
* @return {Any}
static getModule(filter, first = true, _modules) {
const modules = _modules || this.getAllModules();
const rm = [];
for (const index in modules) {
if (!modules.hasOwnProperty(index)) continue;
const module = modules[index];
const { exports } = module;
let foundModule = null;
if (!exports) continue;
if (exports.__esModule && exports.default && filter(exports.default)) foundModule = exports.default;
if (filter(exports)) foundModule = exports;
if (!foundModule) continue;
if (first) return foundModule;
return first ? undefined : rm;
* Finds a module by it's name.
* @param {String} name The name of the module
* @param {Function} fallback A function to use to filter modules if not finding a known module
* @return {Any}
static byName(name, fallback) {
if (Cache.hasOwnProperty(name)) return Cache[name];
if (KnownModules.hasOwnProperty(name)) fallback = KnownModules[name];
if (!fallback) return undefined;
const module = this.getModule(fallback, true);
return module ? Cache[name] = module : undefined;
* Finds a module by it's display name.
* @param {String} name The display name of the module
* @return {Any}
static byDisplayName(name) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byDisplayName(name), true);
* Finds a module using it's code.
* @param {RegEx} regex A regular expression to use to filter modules
* @param {Boolean} first Whether to return the only the first matching module
* @return {Any}
static byRegex(regex, first = true) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byCode(regex), first);
* Finds the first module using properties on it's prototype.
* @param {any} props Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any}
static byPrototypes(...prototypes) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes), true);
* Finds all modules using properties on it's prototype.
* @param {any} props Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any}
static allByPrototypes(...prototypes) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(prototypes), false);
* Finds the first module using it's own properties.
* @param {any} props Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any}
static byProps(...props) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byProperties(props), true);
* Finds all modules using it's own properties.
* @param {any} props Properties to use to filter modules
* @return {Any}
static allByProps(...props) {
return this.getModule(Filters.byProperties(props), false);
* Discord's __webpack_require__ function.
static get require() {
if (this._require) return this._require;
const __webpack_require__ = this.getWebpackRequire();
if (!__webpack_require__) return null;
return this._require = __webpack_require__;
static getWebpackRequire() {
const id = 'bd-webpackmodules';
if (typeof window.webpackJsonp === 'function') {
const __webpack_require__ = window['webpackJsonp']([], {
[id]: (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => exports.default = __webpack_require__
}, [id]).default;
delete __webpack_require__.m[id];
delete __webpack_require__.c[id];
return __webpack_require__;
} else if (window.webpackJsonp && window.webpackJsonp.push) {
const __webpack_require__ = window['webpackJsonp'].push([[], {
[id]: (module, exports, req) => exports.default = req
}, [[id]]]).default;
delete __webpack_require__.m[id];
delete __webpack_require__.c[id];
return __webpack_require__;
static hookWebpackRequireCache(__webpack_require__) {
__webpack_require__.c = new Proxy(__webpack_require__.c, {
set(module_cache, module_id, module) {
// Add it to our emitter cache and emit a module-loading event
this.moduleLoading(module_id, module);
Events.emit('module-loading', module);
// Add the module to the cache as normal
module_cache[module_id] = module;
static moduleLoading(module_id, module) {
if (this.require.c[module_id]) return;
if (!this.moduleLoadedEventTimeout) {
this.moduleLoadedEventTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.moduleLoadedEventTimeout = undefined;
// Emit a module-loaded event for every module
for (const module of this.modulesLoadingCache) {
Events.emit('module-loaded', module);
// Emit a modules-loaded event
Events.emit('modules-loaded', this.modulesLoadingCache);
this.modulesLoadedCache = [];
}, 0);
// Add this to our own cache
if (!this.modulesLoadingCache) this.modulesLoadingCache = [];
static waitForWebpackRequire() {
return Utils.until(() => this.require, 10);
* Waits for a module to load.
* This only returns a single module, as it can't guarentee there are no more modules that could
* match the filter, which is pretty much what that would be asking for.
* @param {Function} filter The name of a known module or a filter function
* @return {Any}
static async waitForModule(filter) {
const module = this.getModule(filter);
if (module) return module;
while (this.require.m.length > this.require.c.length) {
const additionalModules = await Events.once('modules-loaded');
const module = this.getModule(filter, true, additionalModules);
if (module) return module;
throw new Error('All modules have now been loaded. None match the passed filter.');
* Finds a module by it's name.
* @param {String} name The name of the module
* @param {Function} fallback A function to use to filter modules if not finding a known module
* @return {Any}
static async waitForModuleByName(name, fallback) {
if (Cache.hasOwnProperty(name)) return Cache[name];
if (KnownModules.hasOwnProperty(name)) fallback = KnownModules[name];
if (!fallback) return undefined;
const module = await this.waitForModule(fallback, true);
return module ? Cache[name] = module : undefined;
static waitForModuleByDisplayName(props) {
return this.waitForModule(Filters.byDisplayName(props));
static waitForModuleByRegex(props) {
return this.waitForModule(Filters.byCode(props));
static waitForModuleByProps(props) {
return this.waitForModule(Filters.byProperties(props));
static waitForModuleByPrototypes(props) {
return this.waitForModule(Filters.byPrototypeFields(props));
* Returns all loaded modules.
* @return {Array}
static getAllModules() {
return this.require.c;
* Returns an array of known modules.
* @return {Array}
static listKnownModules() {
return Object.keys(KnownModules);
static get KnownModules() { return KnownModules }
const Modules = new Proxy(Module, {
get(Module, name) {
return Module.byName(name);
export { Module, Modules }