
155 lines
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* BetterDiscord Content Manager Module
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import Globals from './globals';
import { FileUtils, ClientLogger as Logger } from 'common';
import path from 'path';
export default class {
static get localContent() {
return this._localContent ? this._localContent : (this._localContent = []);
static get contentPath() {
return this._contentPath ? this._contentPath : (this._contentPath = Globals.getObject('paths').find(path => === this.pathId).path);
static async loadAllContent() {
try {
await FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.contentPath);
const directories = await FileUtils.listDirectory(this.contentPath);
for (let dir of directories) {
try {
await this.preloadContent(dir);
} catch (err) {
//We don't want every plugin/theme to fail loading when one does
Logger.err(this.moduleName, err);
return this.localContent;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
static async refreshContent() {
if (!this.localContent.length) return this.loadAllContent();
try {
await FileUtils.ensureDirectory(this.contentPath);
const directories = await FileUtils.listDirectory(this.contentPath);
for (let dir of directories) {
// If content is already loaded this should resolve.
if (this.getContentByDirName(dir)) continue;
try {
// Load if not
await this.preloadContent(dir);
} catch (err) {
//We don't want every plugin/theme to fail loading when one does
Logger.err(this.moduleName, err);
for (let content of this.localContent) {
if (directories.includes(content.dirName)) continue;
//Plugin/theme was deleted manually, stop it and remove any reference
return this.localContent;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
static async preloadContent(dirName, reload = false, index) {
try {
const contentPath = path.join(this.contentPath, dirName);
await FileUtils.directoryExists(contentPath);
if (!reload) {
const loaded = this.localContent.find(content => content.contentPath === contentPath);
if (loaded) {
throw { 'message': `Attempted to load already loaded user content: ${path}` };
const readConfig = await this.readConfig(contentPath);
const mainPath = path.join(contentPath, readConfig.main);
const userConfig = {
enabled: false,
config: readConfig.defaultConfig
try {
const readUserConfig = await this.readUserConfig(contentPath);
userConfig.config = => {
const userSet = readUserConfig.config.find(c => ===;
return userSet || config;
} catch (err) {/*We don't care if this fails it either means that user config doesn't exist or there's something wrong with it so we revert to default config*/ }
const configs = {
defaultConfig: readConfig.defaultConfig,
const paths = {
const content = await this.loadContent(paths, configs,, readConfig.main);
if (reload) this.localContent[index] = content;
else this.localContent.push(content);
return content;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
static async readConfig(configPath) {
configPath = path.resolve(configPath, 'config.json');
return FileUtils.readJsonFromFile(configPath);
static async readUserConfig(configPath) {
configPath = path.resolve(configPath, 'user.config.json');
return FileUtils.readJsonFromFile(configPath);
//TODO make this nicer
static findContent(wild) {
let content = this.getContentByName(wild);
if (content) return content;
content = this.getContentById(wild);
if (content) return content;
content = this.getContentByPath(wild);
if (content) return content;
return this.getContentByDirName(wild);
static getContentIndex(content) { return this.localContent.findIndex(c => c === content) }
static getContentByName(name) { return this.localContent.find(c => === name) }
static getContentById(id) { return this.localContent.find(c => === id) }
static getContentByPath(path) { return this.localContent.find(c => c.contentPath === path) }
static getContentByDirName(dirName) { return this.localContent.find(c => c.dirName === dirName) }