
242 lines
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* BetterDiscord Setting Struct
* Copyright (c) 2015-present Jiiks/JsSucks - /
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import { ThemeManager } from 'modules';
import { Utils, AsyncEventEmitter } from 'common';
import { SettingUpdatedEvent, SettingsUpdatedEvent } from 'structs';
export default class Setting {
constructor(args, ...merge) {
this.args = args.args || args;
if (!this.args.hasOwnProperty('value'))
this.args.value = this.defaultValue;
if (!this.args.hasOwnProperty('saved_value'))
this.args.saved_value = this.args.value;
for (let newSetting of merge) {
this.emitter = new AsyncEventEmitter();
this.changed = !, this.args.saved_value);
* Setting ID
get id() {
* Setting type
* This defines how this class will be extended.
get type() {
return this.args.type;
* The current value.
get value() {
return this.args.value;
set value(value) {
* The value to use when the setting doesn't have a value.
get defaultValue() {
return undefined;
* Setting name
get text() {
return this.args.text;
* Text to be displayed with the setting.
get hint() {
return this.args.hint;
* The path of the plugin/theme this setting is part of.
* Used by settings of type "array", "custom" and "file".
get path() {
return this.args.path;
* Whether the user should be able to change the value of the setting.
* This does not prevent the setting being changed by a plugin.
get disabled() {
return this.args.disabled || false;
* Whether the setting should take the full width of the settings panel.
* This is only customisable in some setting types.
get fullwidth() {
return this.args.fullwidth || false;
* Merges a setting into this setting without emitting events (and therefore synchronously).
* This only exists for use by the constructor and SettingsCategory.
_merge(newSetting, hook = true) {
const value = newSetting.args ? newSetting.args.value : newSetting.value;
return this._setValue(value, hook);
* Merges another setting into this setting.
* @param {SettingsSetting} newSetting The setting to merge into this setting
* @return {Promise}
async merge(newSetting, emit_multi = true, emit = true) {
const updatedSettings = this._merge(newSetting, false);
if (!updatedSettings.length) return [];
await this.setValueHook(updatedSettings[0]);
if (emit)
await this.emit('setting-updated', updatedSettings[0]);
if (emit_multi)
await this.emit('settings-updated', new SettingsUpdatedEvent({
return updatedSettings;
* Sets the value of this setting.
* This only exists for use by the constructor and SettingsCategory.
_setValue(value, hook = true) {
const old_value = this.args.value;
if (, old_value)) return [];
this.args.value = value;
this.changed = !, this.args.saved_value);
const updatedSetting = new SettingUpdatedEvent({
setting: this, setting_id:,
value, old_value
if (hook)
return [updatedSetting];
* Function to be called after the value changes.
* This can be overridden by other settings types.
* @param {SettingUpdatedEvent} updatedSetting
async setValueHook(updatedSetting) {}
setValueHookSync(updatedSetting) {}
* Sets the value of this setting.
* @param {Any} value The new value of this setting
* @return {Promise}
async setValue(value, emit_multi = true, emit = true) {
const updatedSettings = this._setValue(value, false);
if (!updatedSettings.length) return [];
await this.setValueHook(updatedSettings[0]);
if (emit)
await this.emit('setting-updated', updatedSettings[0]);
if (emit_multi)
await this.emit('settings-updated', new SettingsUpdatedEvent({
return updatedSettings;
* Marks this setting as saved (not changed).
setSaved() {
this.args.saved_value = this.args.value;
this.changed = false;
* Sets the path of the plugin/theme this setting is part of.
* Used by settings of type "array", "custom" and "file".
* @param {String} contentPath The plugin/theme's directory path
setContentPath(contentPath) {
this.args.path = contentPath;
* Returns an object that can be stored as JSON and later merged back into a setting with setting.merge.
* @return {Object}
strip() {
return {
value: this.args.value
* Returns a copy of this setting that can be changed and then merged back into a set with setting.merge.
* @param {Setting} ...merge A setting to merge into the new setting
* @return {Setting}
clone(...merge) {
return new this.constructor(Utils.deepclone(this.args), ...merge);
* Returns a representation of this setting's value in SCSS.
* @return {String|Promise}
toSCSS() {
if (typeof this.value === 'boolean' || typeof this.value === 'number') {
return this.value;
if (typeof this.value === 'string') {
return ThemeManager.toSCSSString(this.value);
on(...args) { return this.emitter.on(...args); }
off(...args) { return this.emitter.removeListener(...args); }
emit(...args) { return this.emitter.emit(...args); }